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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. And my boy is curly, btw I have a daughter, too, being 10 years old she attended 2 gigs with us, she is a Mika fan too! I'm afraid the same is waiting for me
  2. Awww so sorry for you.... My 2,5 year old son asks to turn on the music - and only Mika! His name was among the first words that my son learned
  3. I'm so agree with you, girls! Opening the thread, I was ready to congratulate some of my friends with winning, but the winner is not one of us at all I see why Mika had chosen this picture, the style and so on... But I feel that Mika is so distant... don't know how to explain.
  4. Yes, 5 people came through several countries just in order that I could see Mika good guys It was the happiest day of my life!
  5. Mika really makes people go crazy [YOUTUBE]dFvZpKeJWmg[/YOUTUBE]
  6. OHHHH Wonka you rock today! LMFAO at every one, but these two need a special quoting
  7. I must confess... I never know that is Glee. So after I saw this thread I decided to watch it at YouTube. Now I did it - and WOW!!! It's what I like! Due to MFC one will never stop learning!
  8. Cool! Thank you girls! I totally forgot about these watches (though this pic is my ava in a Russian site, ), I remembered only Cloth watch and Green ones.
  9. Saw in google alerts - about watches http://www.khaleejtimes.com/Displayarticle09.asp?section=diversions&xfile=data/diversions/2011/May/diversions_May48.xml Do any celebs own this watch? Darren Arenofsky (the director of Black Swan), Mika (British singer- songwriter), Michel Dalberto (pianist) and Sienna Miller, amongst others. I wonder what watches they mean.
  10. or a devil Once there were such a thread: Mika - angel or devil? We didn't came to any conclusion
  11. Great! Tell me when you're back, because i have not much time to visit your thread without you.

  12. Sooooo nice!!! 2, 5, 6 and 8- the best!
  13. Was you from the beginning there when I started the queueing? Or right before the gig itself?
  14. I bought very similar clothing for my husband several days before I saw it on Mika! Now I fangurl every time hubbie wears it
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