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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Hi! How are you?

    You know, Ceyda has a Mad Tea thread, I usually chat only there. Come to us to talk!

    Do you like Mika with Brian pics?

  2. Yay, what a bright idea!!!! I'm first! Yesterday my 2.5 year old son had a festive occasion in the kindergarten. He was in black waist, braces and a bow tie Little gentleman All the other boys wore jeans (while girls were in ball gowns!), so my son looked so different and stylish! I thought about little Mika and his collection of bow ties (and of braces ) And my son is curly, btw Oh, God, what I will do from him edit: no, I'm not first anymore
  3. Oh dear, don't be bothered of what some people say, it is not your problem! I love what you do!
  4. Thank you for the translation, Nezza. The situation was, and is, worse that I thought (( we get to know such details that are really painful... poor Paloma, Mika and poor family But I'm thankful to Mika that he let us to know the truth. See, news said that it was Mika who called the ambulance, and Mika says that when he came the ambulance already was there. Now I will wait for the English version.
  5. So, why some people say that they are fed up with this hat??? It is so Mikaish! I lurve it Alba, you posted birdie t-shirt in purpose But hehehe, soon I will start liking it
  6. was he only in Klaipeda in this cap, or in some other gig too? not totally!
  7. Can't find it! They were sitting in a crowded hall, maybe on some performance? Looked like 2009, if I'm not mistaken
  8. I don't remember in which photo, but Mika and his mum sat together, and I saw how amazingly alike they are! Maybe it was a peculiar angle. They looked so beautifully that way!
  9. He looks more like his mother. And his eyes ar not father's
  10. And yours as well. You're an official curls checker so it is up to you to look after his curls
  11. :wub2: When I see pics of such type I think about changing avatar. but then I would have to change it every day! I'd better be blind
  12. Of course not bad! They are awesome! And Meeks is brilliant! :wub2:
  13. You like him in Westwood but don't like with Brian? We again on different sides ...
  14. All these pics with Bri - are the feast for my soul he is like kid here, so happy and cute! I'm so happy too!!
  15. I prefer him more geeky, but if it is good for him - why not? Hope he won't become arrogant
  16. He's not getting bald!!!!! :sneaky2::sneaky2::sneaky2::sneaky2::sneaky2:
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