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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I love Mika in hats, so, as for me, he can wear them everywhere and anywhere
  2. My husband so happy to see Brian with Mika Me too, they look so nice together, like from the one family (soul family I mean)
  3. Good boy Of course you was talking only about weapon :naughty: Anyway it is healthy thing to stay in NC and think a bit about prudence, innocense and modesty
  4. From Wonka again It's been a bit of a bad hair day today... Mostly because of mom... In the morning she yelled at me: Get that mop washed! But i was feeling so weird because she was peeking through the bathroom door hole, to be certain i'd wash it, i just gave up...
  5. hahaha I'll take him unwashed with pleasure! and than wash myself
  6. After putting up with my hubby, I became so strong that Mika will be like a child for me
  7. Such a pleasure to hear it, because usually people say: you don't know him! In fact, I know much less about people around me ( I'm not talking about my family). I never scrutinized every move and every word of my university friends, for example. I'm egoistic, but it is some kind of pleasure to read that I'm not that retarded I've seen him 2 times this summer! (it can be count as a 1 time because it was 2 days one by one). Have to tell, that meeting him live brought me to another level - I realized that he is real, not only picture in YT!!! And it made me to love him even more. I always liked how he behaves (it was his behaviour in interviews and vlogs that made me to fall in love, because I loved his songs and vids much earlier), but seeing him backstage before the show - it was fantastic. The band and Mika were ready to go on stage and waited near, Mika was very joyful, laughed with guys and didn't pay attention to us LGs, and it was REAL Mika. I understand that he can be grumpy and strict, and he is not a lamb (otherwise he wouldn't be so successful), but every human can be in a bad mood, and even I (:pinkbow:) can behave as a Fury sometimes. So I don't look at him as at ideal smiling star. What I forgot to tell about forgiveness - I never considered myself as a customer, and I must agree and admit that sometimes I act towards Mika the same way as I do to my son. I can be angry, punish him (my son, not Mika ), dislike something, but I love him anyway. I never chose to fall in love, it happened as a flash in one night in YT. And I really find a pleasure to love him unconditionally - I fully realize that it is one-sided situation and will be. And of course I don't expect other fans to feel this way. But maybe one shy fan feels the same and suffers, so I hope she/he will read my words and see that he is not the only one. I really needed it when I came here for the 1 time. And about his dramatic changing - I'm awfully curious what happened? Anyway, I like how he looks and behaves and does his shows more and more with each year. As for me (I can judge only from YT vids, sorry) this 2010 tour was the best!
  8. Beautiful pics, girls! Love his naughty look on this
  9. I am those who enjoy those sort of things really, many of you who is for a long time in this forum are tired of fangurling, becoming more thoughtful and kinda mature. Moreover, you've seen him live much more than, for example, me. Of course you feel like in another level. As for us, who had seen him only 2 or 3 times, fangurling threads are the only way to cope with sadness and distance. I post a pic, girls share my feelings, and I don't feel lonely, if helps to alleviate the things. One more thing- you know for sure (I tell about Sara and girls who call themselves core fans) that you will see him anyway - in the next tour, maybe in some performances. I seriously doubt that I will have such possibility. That is why it is hard for us to understand each other completely, we are in totally different situations and it make us to have severe discussions in the past (I suppose we never got to agree with each other). So, about Mika. I'm on that level now, when it is never enough of Mika love. Of course I can critisize him and disagree, I was almost the only one who didn't like kilt pic (kilt I liked but not da Boss himself) and I laughed at his birdie t-shirt. I see his mistakes and flaws, I'm not blind. But in total I'm always on his side. In all the situations I try to look at things from his point of view, from his side (as much as it is possible. Especially with little information). It is not like serville (or what was ghat word of Sariflor?) attitude. I just love him (again, don't tell me how can I love a man via Internet yes I can!)
  10. and tummy... chest... (oops wrong thread)
  11. I always confuse these 2 words. Can't find a way to remember which is what
  12. Heeeeeey girl, I know we have too different opinion about Mika So I better say nothing
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