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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Mika has made me to think about one thing that i hadn't realized. All these social sites are teaching me to communicate with people and behave in a way that will be handy in RL. In RL i am too polite and hate conflicts. When i started to use social sites (e.g. we have Vkontakte, smth like fb) i accepted any friendship request even if i didn't know these people, just in order to be polite. Now i prefer to click Ignore and choose for myself with whom to communicate. I'm more mature now, and i can see that in my RL i use many skills that I acquired in Internet. Life would be much more boring without Internet. When some people say that i would communicate with people face to face, i say no - I would spend the time just reading books, sitting at home anyway. So Internet really connects people, and not only due to meeting many new friends. My RL friend are busy if I am free, and I am busy when they are free. So instead of loosing contact we can chat at night in Internet!!!
  2. Soon two weeks, and still not better. But well, i won't upset you :-\ I miss mfc so much, because i used to love here!

  3. My son got bronchitis and i am so tired. I want Sping to come!

  4. No, it's so sweet that you wrote to me now! Now I need good luck more than at X-mas.

  5. Tonight i tend to agree with posts here. Really, my best friends are Internet freaks. And my husband as well. We met in Real only because at that time had no Internet
  6. the same here!!! I agree. And even if i post there something about myself (which is rarely) it cant do any harm - it is nothing really personal. All my fb account is dedicated mostly to Mika.
  7. I live online more than a year, so i can't say that i dont believe in it. I found many new friends. I don't communicate much in RL.

  8. Hi! Wish you good luck in your fights. Our winter is not that good too, we get ill one after one, it's a vicious circle. No snow all the winter, dull and dirty weather. Hope we will be better in Spring. The only place to have fun is MFC.

  9. hahaha he was the 1 person to befriend me in myspace, and i was so "thankful" that deleted him soon. Strange guy...
  10. В Looking for something про релакс Kumazz ответила на 314 странице, я только что увидела линки но не смотрела что там. Я с айпода и не буду включать сегодня большой комп.

  11. Привет. Сегодня тихо тут, так что я ненадолго. Ты как, обживаешься?

  12. Is there anywhere a video of Rain from NRJ 2010 award in high quality? I can see only 480 in You Tube, but it looks awful.
  13. Because Mika is Mad Hatter there, and I'm his assistant Nice place to train your English just to chat about nothing
  14. And then he said that this hat is annoying! Well well, Mad Hatter
  15. Thank you for such a detailed version! I wasnt at mfc in Luke times, previously i only listened to Mika and didnt know his band. But when i watch old vids i can surely say i like David much more (no offence if someone disagree, it is only my feeling). And Sunshine associates for me only with something light and warm.
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