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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. The jacket is great, but those glasses I disliked from the first time I saw them. He'd better wear KickAss glasses in this pic. It would be so gasmic
  2. Girls, why people call David "sunshine"? Because he is so nice and has light hair?
  3. I think it too, he is so engrossed in his new album that old songs went to the background. I love the current band most of all! They complement each other so naturally!
  4. As for the entertaining, Currently I read Wonkaland the 1 part. All the MFC history is reflected here. Laughing like hell.
  5. Smile a bit!



    Or fangurl... well


  6. Ohhh cheer up! I'm sad too, but from time to time I become so happy! And than sad and longing again... looking at him
  7. Carla, it would be a good idea to insert a link to Wonkaland 1 part into the first post of the 2 part. It was so hard to fing the 1 part again, I had it in my Subscibed therad, but some new people may not know about the old thread.

  8. Yes, he is so nice! (OMG I shouldn't use this word Mika has a great influence on my vocabulary). I like to watch how Mika looks at him and David rushes to rescue From the first vids I wasn't able to see it, but watching Vanessa's vid I saw clearly that David shows him the right key from time to time. And it is so cool to see how they play duet on the piano! I couldn't help but jump (sitting with the laptop on my knees )
  9. I don't even want to post in another threads. All I want is to watch these vids again and again. :wub2:
  10. Well, for me as well, but not in bottom - just among the rest of songs.
  11. The new vids are great! I like to watch him from different sides Noticed many unnoticed previously things!
  12. Wow, Christine, your report is great! So detailed! Especially I was interested in M&G (because the gig was filmed, and M&G wasn't). Thank you so much!
  13. Like Mika like dog Melachi seems to eat together with Mika... one time per week
  14. OK Hope Mika will like this when I will hear his last album and die It is worth to be alive!
  15. Well, you brought me down to earth I will wait with dying to the 3 album!
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