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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. The same! I woke up in the morning and wasn't able to understand - why I'm so happy? Then I got it - now I will turn on my PC and watching OLO!!!! I will marry this song
  2. I can't get rid of Only Lonely Man. I'm drumming like obsessed whenever my hands are free, and caught myself singing it on the street (hope no-one heard). It's my new addiction.
  3. Ага. Я так и подумала, что правильно.

  4. Вот доберусь до большого компа и тогда

  5. Oh God Just listened to HE I'm out of words. I feel an immense happiness, and I'm so proud to be his fan! I'm still shivering.
  6. He looks like a humble geek. But so pretty The whole band looks so lovely though! they fit each other like never before! I wish they stay together for 20... 30 years ...
  7. Thank you so Much Sephira and Nina! What we would do without you? BTW did someone mention that Martin looks so cute in the glasses?
  8. I think - about forgetting the songs... He played ToyBoy in the beginning of the Tour at every gig - and now he forgot not only how to play, but words as well! I think he is engrossed so much in his new album that the old albums seem to him so distant already, like they are in the past. And I hoped so much that the new album will be this year!!! No??? How can I wait for so looooooong? AAAAAHHHHHH
  9. It's all is so incredibly brilliant, thank you girls for your reports, pics and vids! I love to watch them cooperating this way. That's why Live@Home is my fav performance. So, watching the Only Lonely one was a experience!!!! And AOW Words can't express my feelings...
  10. Agree with this. But we havent seen the other vids, how he felt during other songs.
  11. I feel like sh*t And this feeling is wrong. I'm a bad person now.
  12. It was so amazing experience for you! Especially meeting Melachi! I try not to envy by saying to myself that in any case I wouldn't be able to travel to the gig. But she is soooooooooo beautiful!
  13. It is my husband's favourite moment of all the album
  14. 09-Mika Live@Home - One Foot Boy http://nicoletagenoveva.multiply.com/video..._-_One_Foot_Boy http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2956473&postcount=468
  15. Dear Paloma! This flowers are for you. It is from our very kind animation, which my son loves a lot.
  16. What I've heard in Blue Eyes instead Think hard woman - I won't tell.
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