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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Tanks god. I'm a huge Freddie fan, but I'm not ready for this regatding Mika (it is what I imagined at once lloking at photoshop pics here):
  2. BTW, I want to ask - when the article has to be ready? He is late 6 days with the next article, so he must have wrote the Catsuit article much earlier than New Year! It means, that his catsuit story was written before the NYear. Am I right? I'm bad in math, so maybe I'm mistaken. But it seems to me, da Boy has a brilliant imagination and likes to make fun of himself (and thus make fun of us).
  3. Maybe because it's too simple and more ordinary. OFB amazes me every time I hear it. There is a strange annoying music line - it's really like going crazy. He's genius
  4. ну ты что, тут столько дам в летах сидит! Моим подругам здесь 38,40 и 50 (ну наряду с 15-летней и 19-летней). Та которой 50- такая молодец, я ею восторгаюсь! Вонке тоже 40. Весь цвет тут - Oldlings. Я себя тут даже моложе почувствовала в последнее время, а не наоборот. И когда с ними общаешься, ни за что не угадаешь сколько им лет. Мне уже несколько раз говорили что считали меня тинейджером, пока не узнали сколько мне лет. Так что чаще приходи и молодей!
  5. Hi! Have you found a place to chat here? Ant threads you like most?

    You have to write about yourself in Introductions section.

  6. DA made a lot of epic snaps, I have a sparate folder for them.
  7. Yes, Bojana, He looks very cute. But I was always irritated by the fact that some people cant manage with pixels and spoil all the video. It was such a cute vid, but watching these overlongered faces - And it is not the only good video that was spoiled. Idea! Whan I have time I will try to make it better in Photoshop. edit: better? If only I knew what the original size has to be! I did it just by guesswork
  8. Ого, к тебе страшно приходить в гости! Такой опыт... Когда у него брали интервью на китайском с переводчиком, то пока говорили по китайски он сидел с весьма умным видом (по глазам просто читалось), было ощущение что он сам в основном все понял, и во время перевода только проверял. Обычно люди если не понимают, то сидят с более отсутствующими глазами и пялятся по сторонам.
  9. You're so haaaaaaaaaaaapy I wish I had a photo with him being so near I would cut us together and bewitched with some voodoo magic for eternal friendship, it's not what you had thought!
  10. I'm dead Da Boss is clever. Just with one word he rocked up the MFC. And he is kind. Now we have a topic to discuss for a long time.
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