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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Dear Paloma! Merry Christmas to you! Wish you a good mood and enjoy the love of your relatives!
  2. Вот спасибо за сочуствие, потому что так и вправду сначало было. Но теперь малой выздоровел и отправился в садик, так я хоть ОТОСПАЛАСЬ! Теперь возвращаюсь к жизни. Привет! Добро пожаловать!
  3. Hi, how are you? I've heard there is a lot of snow in your country? We had any yet :(



  4. Dear John! Thank you so much! Have a very very happy X-mas too! Actually, I talk to John in Klaipeda and in Riga, he is so so nice. Hope he will work with Mika in future tour!
  5. Мика без носка? Это уже интересно!!! У нас все плооохо. Мороз аж -10, а снега все нету но недавно оттепель была, все серое и гадкое. А я болею, сильно. Сюда иногда захожу из последних сил, как на работу у меня и сын переболел, и дочка вместе со мной болеет, лазарет уже пол месяца, сил никаких нет. И улучшений пока не видно. Ладно, пойду болеть дальше и думать про Мику. Одно в жизни счастье. Бог подарил богатое воображение.
  6. It's because I'm not here. I'm sick as hell. Sometimes I come to mfc for several minutes, than get unwell again and go to sleep. So, I know nothing what happens here, I even haven't read the Statue thread ((
  7. listen, woman, soon you will become as naughty as DA
  8. Ой, а ты хоть на видео запиши, как он петь будет )) надо на его прошлогодних фотах из Твиттера порассматривать а висел ли носочек.
  9. I like him in this! because the headwear of such type usually looks awful on people, but Mika manages to look in it even cuter than while Awards. What an amazing man I love! Mika+Hat= Hot, especially half-naked+hat
  10. Hi and have a good time here!

  11. It seems to me the real Mika is skinnier. And looks older than his statue. I wonder if he still wants to take it home and put into his bed I expected a better pose and more natural look, to tell the truth. But the statue is not so bad afterwards, as many of you think. Yes, it is a bit scary, but it is not alive! So, thanks god the real Mika looks much better than statue. It is better than vice versa, right?
  12. You made me cry again, this time not because of his smile, but because of his beautiful eyes
  13. It is very cold in Ukraine, but I agree to eat a kilogram of ice-cream if only Mika came here
  14. You want to say, that you have never heard Blissful Underwear???? I'm still not able to hear Unaware!!!
  15. Yes, this pic is epic. Once I wrote almost 10 reasons why it is so
  16. But sometimes I want to cry too.. Such a mixed feelings! Of happiness and of sadness. And there are cases when we hear a beautiful music we want to cry too!
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