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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. I wish my daughter would tell the same in 5 years time so lucky is your mother He is listening too much Mika
  2. He is more than handsome. But I hope he will be dark-haired when he is grown up, because I don't like blonds, and because all my family members have dark hair (half of them were blonds as kids) He is 2 years old, so other kids can't judge his clothes yet, but what will be in future? I don't know if I shell dress him in more khaki or something He can't be himself yet, now is a period of time when I'm able to influence on what he will use to wear. What I wil give him now he will like in future.
  3. Thank you so much!!! It such a treasure moment. I live with these days' memories, recall it every day. I wish i could be there again!!!!!!!! :((((((((((

  4. Hope so... He looks totally like a boy, tall and strong. But meanwhile he is bond and curly, so everybody in the street tell that he is a girl I can't dress him as a tough dirty boy, he wears vivid colours - orange, yellow, blue, red... He will end up like Mika wearing all those strange birdie things
  5. I love this pink hat! When we dance with my kids, my 2-old son demands to wear hats. He chooses a pink one of my daughter, because it is the only hat that fits his size. I'm a bit afraid of this choice, though (because of colour).
  6. I think all together it looks quite good! I haven't noticed this towel until it was posted here.
  7. Oh God... if I saw this 15 years ago, I would be dead of happiness But now the first thing that came into my mind is that our forum is much more easy to perceive, much more convenient and looks more beautiful. God Save our admins!
  8. Yeahhh it's me! *goes and deletes her real pics in member page* :naughty:
  9. Looks like he's going to safari Oh My God!!!!!!! *saved* I'm dead! This pic really was lost and found
  10. He won't hear you. He doesn't lurk this thread Say goodbye to the things you've thought are your granny's
  11. Note: I don't tend to criticize him. There, his clothes are not usual and colourful, but he looks awesome and gorgeous!
  12. this photo-session was awful at all. But the more awful view is this
  13. I don't hate this t-short either! How can I hate a thing that brought me so much fun from the second I saw it? Of course, I would never wear such a masterpiece (until I'm 50-60 years old), but Mika can wear what he likes. I just wonder if he really likes this thing, or he is teasing us? You're lucky to have such a grandma!
  14. Ears, yes, my little son has a New-Year costume of Panda with exactly the same ears, but black I've heard this was a present from fans, so don't want to hurt someone's feelings, but... it's a good thing to wear after the shower
  15. Foxxy, please, can you answer me? If no, it's ok, I will calm down :)

  16. Sounds like it is the rarest thing about Mika Almost like Mikagasmic thread Oh Holy Cow!!! How could I miss THIS? Where is it from? I'm speechless
  17. Glad I'm not the only one! He is so aristocratic here! Like from 19 century
  18. Я болею, но сюда все равно тянет.
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