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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. А у нас дождь и дождь, дождь и дождь (и дальше по тексту). Н. На секунду не прекратился за весь день
  2. Thank you so much for reports and vids!!! You are amazingly happy to be at his last gig! The last gig... When we will see him again? So, have a good rest, Mika, and come back (can writing a new album be called a rest? )
  3. Ой, да, наконец симпатичная прическа за последние 3 концерта! А что он со своими руками делает? Он их так открутит
  4. Ruth, Laura, Sienna, Rosie - thank you very much! It seems to me, I used these words in a wrong way. I will try to understand it better an not confuse.. Will copy/paste and save it.
  5. ОЙ! А у меня есть книжки даже 50-60!!!! Уррра, к приезду Мики я готова!
  6. Hi! Can you explain please the difference between quite and rather. Which characterizes an object as better one? e.g The movie is quite good - it is really good The movie is rather good - well, it is good, but ...just good. Do I understand correctly? Or is it vice versa?
  7. Ну и правильно, я тоже люблю. Это он на публику моровку хрумает. А с его габаритами надо еще больше есть.
  8. Ага! И после этого будут некоторые утверждать, что он вегетарианец
  9. Точно!!!!!!! Вот оно что!!! Мои ушли в гости, сын спал, а я покрузилась в Мико-фонклубные дела, и даже забыла Новый Год встретить Очнулась только минут через 15 В Риге только Джон рядом был, и в машине, которая его ждала, родственники сидели. И все. Ни одного постороннего дяди.
  10. The pics are more than amazing! :fangurl: VeroMica, thanx for your report!
  11. Hope this look will be a bit brighter. You know what? Buy some ice-cream, chocolate, or whatever else that you love. After a good crying, eat it slowly, listening to a good music (but not Neo! otherwise you'll be immersed on tears), and reading or browsing interesting sites where you could laugh.
  12. No, it's not rude, really! You met the girls from this thread in the RL, didn't you? I wasn't in Moskow, though.
  13. Usually I watch my favs part when it's a night, and kids are sleeping, and no-body can bother me. I wish there were more such performances!
  14. i carefully read all you've written, so I understand how hard it is all for you. I'm not a skilful adviser, especially because I don't know him absolutely at all. But I'm sure you have to wait a bit before doing the next step. Firstly, not to do any stupid things. Secondly, a bit of time can bring you a good idea - it can be even a dream, a snatch of conversation on the street, or maybe he will do something himself. And more - not to seem intrusive. The better thing for now is, as Siu said, to cry (better loudly - it helps!!!), to talk here (in this thread or another) as much as possible i order to feel our support and not to feel alone, listen to aggressive music loud ( as for me, once Linking Park and Nevada Ten helped me). Just wait, maybe a week but no less than 3 days.
  15. :floor::floor: Я щас умру. Ты прелесть
  16. Oh, God, Angel, I'm so sorry to hear this! All I can say is that time will show, you better hope for the best. It seems like you feel a bit embarrassed, and I understand you. I can't tell you that for sure everything will be good, but you can cry out your tears and begin with your plans how to go on, and how to get him back. Cheer up!
  17. Вот! Я так и сказала, что этот вещщщ больше подходит 60-летней тете чем мужчине в расцвете сил. Вообще, MFC сейчас зашкаливает из-за этой футболки (про прическу все почти забыли). Мы скоро подеремся там
  18. But I sincerely hope Mika won't wear leather even if I liked it on Freddie
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