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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Ой... так это что, я как раз на Хеллоуин сподобилась??? Хорошую дату выбрала, хе хе хе...
  2. I'm so nostalgic! But I say to myself: Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened
  3. You've seen my husband (like Mika at M&G said - jumping in the first row like this *shows*)!
  4. А я такая счастливая! 30.10 вечером (но тогда тоже была пятница, как сегодня) будет ровно год, как я влюбилась! Помню эти первые дни экстаза и эйфории :wub2: А сейчас смотрю в окно - все точно так же, как тогда: листья желтые, закатное солнце между холодных туч... За год столько произошло! Столько всего нового и класного! Это был насыщенный эмоциями, бурный год. Я так рада, что все произошло именно так. Без него все было бы тусклее. В общем, у меня праздник
  5. aha, you have a new avatar. Are those stripes red? ;)

  6. Not the same, but almost I asked my husband to register here to show his support, because he likes Mika and his music! Which he did But even now he very rarely goes there. He isn't interested in my post (especially, looking at my postcount - it is impossible to read them all)
  7. Hi! I don't know your name, sorry. How can I call you? Because call you just koolj5 in the threads is rather strange.

  8. It's because I'm realistic and more romantic than passionate. I really appreciate his personality, so it is more important to be friends for a long long time than to be lovers for a short time (I still don't wanna live without my family ). I must say, I loved his music from the winter 2007 - but until I started watching his interviews in YT I never had any fangurling thoughts. I just listened to his music - from time to time - and all I knew about him is that he is half-Lebanese. My husband was listening to his album at that times more often than me So, It's not music, but his interviews and vlogs, and live performances brought me here.
  9. I support the first part of your post. But, as for daydreaming, I am fully aware that I am not a good woman for him, and I love may family. So, even if I love him, and admire, and cry sometimes, and fangurling, and feel all the love symptoms, I daydream only about being his friend (I wrote about it at Shrinks). I don't dream about a thing that could offence him. Of course, I'm a frequenter in gasmics, but I usually restrain myself from naughty comments. I admire him to the extent that he shows us himself. without wild imagination Usually, I have imaginary conversations with him Or I imagine that I work with him. Before my first gigs, I was visualizing being in the 1 row, what I will say at M&G and so on. If Mika read my mind, I wouldn't be embarrassed. It's not that I'm so prudent. I'm just realistic, and believe in visualization (because it helps!).
  10. I mean, it is the first Forum I've ever been. I never thought of forums before i fell in love - I didn't need it, I had no idea about Facebook and Twitter as well. i wasn't such an Internet girl at that time, as I am now. If not Mika, I would just go on reading paper books
  11. А у меня вообще только Ощадбанковская карточка, я как бедный родственник все у мужа беру, наличкой. Стыдно, конечно... но что-то у меня с благотворительностью пока не складывается.
  12. Not all . I was astonished lately, reading in several threads how many people state that they just love him as a singer and are interested just in music. He is a good person, and so on, but they not in love of course. And, moreover, how can one love a guy whom he never seen live? - they say so. I just know, that if I wasn't in love like crazy, I wouldn't spend my time here. I'm here because it makes things easier, and I need him every moment in my life, I need to talk about him, write his name, posting pics. Yes, I love Mika, and I don't care that many of girls here will criticize my sincerity and say that i love something imaginary. Alba, I love your being so sincere! My hugs to you!
  13. oh God so many true points!!! About husband, about conversation, about a try...
  14. даже не знаю что ты пропустила... Ну про Палому ты знаешь. И только что от Мики три овита было, благодарил фан клуб за пожертвования госпиталю. А ты где так долго была?
  15. Really? In fact, earlier I clearly felt that Mika is younger, but the last year changed my perception. Mika looks (and is) so grown up and mature, that I feel a stupid teenager fangurl compared to him. :blush-anim-cl:He knows a lot of unexpected things, experienced in his life such things that a common person can't experience in several lives, he travelled around the world several times...he is much wiser than me. (I feel so young now ) Possibilities are endless!
  16. poor Meeks, he is sweating, and it's so unpleasant to do it in such a plastic hat
  17. well *sighs* I'd think about it but I'd probably never do it My family is just too important for me, we are together more than 10 years. But if I wasn't married, I would scream YES YES Of COURSE! I want Mika to be mine The only obstacle is that he is 4 years younger. But when we will became 50 years old, nobody will notice
  18. I always wandered what was the material to made this hat, it looks so strange.
  19. Да, у тебя все - просто жесть... я бы точно детей спасала... потому-что за Мику можно не беспокоиться и предоставить тебе А если серьезно, то не у всех шутливый настрой. Многие признаются в страданиях, непонимании. Просто не во всех ветках можно открыться. В общепопулярных и новостных я предпочитаю не связываться, а вот есть ветки для групп людей, которые случайно там поселились и нашли друг друга - там пишут искренне. Наоборот, я знаю людей, которые постоянно плачут или в депрессии. Ты слишком обобщаешь, люди разные.
  20. Не в тему вспомнила еще одну фото-ветку - MIKA's Finger Nipping Fan Club Про то как Мика грызет свои пальцы
  21. Ну так в этом же вся соль! Так же хоть есть о чем поговорить! Вот я вчера тоже была в оппозиции - все остальные дружно заявили что Мику они не любят :biggrin2:
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