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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Thank you! Such a pleasure to see it again But maybe you have Death march or Lollipop too?
  2. Не, тяжелее в милионный раз одни и те же песни слушать. А что делать? Как же ж без любимого голоса.
  3. Guys, how do you pronounce: Loubi and Fortune Because I just realized that I know how to write it, but can't say aloud.
  4. Э неее, на работу как на праздник! У него должна душа петь Так что мы ждем-с, мистер Пеннимен.
  5. :roftl: If we won't have Mika for several years to have fun, we will have you! You won't make us die of bore.
  6. Эх, а я тоже недавно с моря Хорошо там....... А на Средиземном, естественно, еще лучше! Пусть отдыхает мальчик. Он заслужил. А потом - быстренько за третий альбом!
  7. I have more vids, but I don't like the sound. I hope my husband will improve it, he promised. There is one more reason to love this song is that he talks a lot before it, telling funny stories (as he did in Riga about becoming tall).
  8. If someone is still interested - I uploaded OMS, in the beginning, when we didn't start recording yet, he says "a huge fly!", and waves hand on it
  9. I said goodnight to you in gasmcs ! Sleep well and dream about our boy! :group_hug::bye:

  10. I can't recall some of my feelings, as if it was not me. Now, i see some moments as a YT video that I saw, not as myself being here. I so hope to correct my mistakes in future. It can't be left undone!
  11. AAAAAAAAAA I was going to look at his eyes and FORGOT!!!!! Did he said "don't moan, wife?"
  12. +1! "The things we left unsaid are only taking space up in our heads" and weigh upon as stones. Thank you girls, I feel better discussing it, and not keeping in mind
  13. yes, i really want more! I have so many questions to ask normal questions, I mean, without any "journalist" smell, about life, about his attitude to some things, about songs, so on. But no-one will never ask this on a common M&G. If only I could be his friend but it is impossible and I'm fully aware of it. Aha, you're in a better position, he remembers and knows you! And I'm, for him, just another girl with his photo for autograph And I understand that for the time being I did NOTHING good for him to remember me. It's only my fault. I can't stop thinking what should I do to bring him positive emotions and meanwhile not to bother or disturb him.
  14. i really have a hope to see him - not in Moscow, it's too far, but in my own country. After Mika had left, John said that he has friends in Kiev! So I consider it as another good reason for him to bring Mika to Kiev But anyway, the more I recall my good memories, the more sad I become. I'm happy and unhappy at the same time. one moment I feel so relieved (I really saw him live!), and another moment I'm about to cry Thank you, Silver for being so kind
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