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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Well. During many month I thought - how lucky are those people, who posts in this thread! I thought: let it be any depression, it pays for seeing him live! So, I'm lucky now to post here I really feel so lucky - if I missed this chance, I wouldn't seen him for more than a year, of maybe 2, 3 years (sounds oppressive). But I want to see him again ... and again... and again... it's like a drug, the more you see him, the more you want. I'm so sad because I was like a fool at M&G. In Klaipeda, there was no m&G at all, but I was a LG, so we met him backstage, and I didn't feel that he was in hurry. In Riga were few people (comparing to some other countries), he had a good mood and chatty. But I f*ed up everything, I had such a chances to talk to him more, he even asked several questions, but I was looking at the floor and mumbling something And now I watch all these M&G in YT, and crave to be there again. And feel so depressed. Now I have found all the right and clever words I could tell, I know what I should have asked, I repeat in my mind what I had to answer him me fool!!!! And I remember hugging him at the stage while bowing it was most amazing experience in my life. I watch vids from gig reports and want to cry. And I can't watch vids with m&G, I feel so envious and jealous and frustrated, I wish I could travel more :crybaby: Will I ever see him again?
  2. uguh, especially taking into account, that I had 2 M&G only this august, and I'm haven't talked to him properly, as many of girls here did. I completely forgot English, poor silly girl. I hope he hadn't noticed that I was like :shocked::shocked::shocked::blink:

  3. Hi! I'm already starting reading about Fringe...and your words are so true: that´s exactly what i´m afraid of.... and now mika says he´s going to do a more easy album... more music to dance.... MORE SCREAMING TEENAGERS!!!!!! i´m about to die.... i would love him to realease an album with songs like toyboy or dr.john... so the yellings girls would run away!



    Didn't want to post it in the thread, I see there are 32 pages by now, so it would be strange to quote... but you're so right

  4. Book! Is there a video? and PDF of it??????

  5. I'm fine, thank you hun. I just returned from the seaside, and have to spend several evenings mostly reading, because I've missed a lot, and want to be up to date here. How are you? Studying? I haven't checked even twitter.

  6. yes :) I will read all I've missed these days, and will be back to gasmics.

  7. Hi! I was busy a bit, mostly because I had a 2-week trip to Klaipeda and Riga gigs! My first gigs, I was a LG, and in Riga stood in the 1 row! And 2 m&G! :wub2:

    So, I'm happy and feel myself being in a higher level. :thumb_yello:


    (and fangurling over my son's curls :wink2:)

  8. It was obviously clown, I heard it with my own ears
  9. Так а хозяйка ж там IngeV если я не ошибаюсь?
  10. я сохраняю самые красивые, там всего около тысячи, но хоть что-то! могу дать линк на мой альбом
  11. Да ладно. Никто тебя не прогоняет. Ты все равно не сможешь читать и не коментить, я б не выдержала. Сорри за анализирование (я просто завсегдатай психологической ветки на этом форуме), но возможно ты в подсознании или стесняешься любви к нему, или тебя раздражает твоя "слабость", что ты ему сдалась и не можешь бороться? Или ты его не любишь, а тут более "земные" чувства? Просто у меня впечатление, что ты смеешься сама над собой, а не над ним.
  12. Оооххх вот ужас((( а ты точно никуда не сохраняла? Может когда-то на диск, и забыла? Я вот все фотки с компа дублирую в инете. Недавно мой сайт с фотками сдох, пришлось срочно новый искать, и все по новому аплоадить. А вот с видео и вправду беда. Куда его девать. И что важно, что многое скачаное с ютюба уже там пропало, я так вовремя посохраняла. Да, это капец у тебя.
  13. What is your Facebook account?

  14. What is your Facebook account?

  15. Я поддерживаю. И вот так про Lollipop girl тоже. Я была и не жалею И клавишник не Тедди. и вообще: Ну зачем вообще все так цинично?
  16. вот именно!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:
  17. По моему это ему только плюс! Он всесторонне развитый человек, с интересом к литературе, музыке, театру, рисованию; он очень эрудирован, много знает. А не зациклен на одном, как некоторые :wub2:
  18. Can't wait for your reports! Did you congratulated him with his birthday after the gig?
  19. Судя по видео из M&G - то да. Он лично сказал. Про Гертруду он тоже лично сказал
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