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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. ah, absolutely forgot. When Mika came to take a photos, he was standing and talking to ppl. Suddenly he saw me - well, not me, but my t-shirt and pointed at it, like WOW! I said: yes, it is you, it's my design. I don't remember what he said, but I have a clear understanding that he liked it! I was so proud!
  2. Totally agree. But I want moooore!!!!! Every day a gig and M&G!!!!!
  3. Не, не стыдно! Такой шанс! Не пахла особо - только свежей постиранностью. Но все равно приятно
  4. Какие-то разухабистые репортажи. Мне не понравились.
  5. Yes! But I, so to say, planned to look in his eyes (ppl say it feels like heaven) - and don't remember if I did it! I was picking up English words
  6. А, вот что еще вспомнила! В Риге, когда Мика уехал, Джон остался, и я его спросила про Украину. Не было ли у них там проблем с нашей стороной? Он сказал, что нет, и что они просто смотрят карту и думают куда ехать. Так что шансы у меня есть. Тем более, что оказалось у Джона есть друзья в Киеве! Он с какой-то группой ездил на гастроли в Америку в девяностых. И это шансы повышает еще больше хотя бы после 3 альбома.
  7. Эх, класный у тебя отчет! Я так жалею теперь, что не представилась ему. Как-то не сложилось. Надо было меньше по пустякам трындеть.
  8. Он пахнет свежестью и чистотой!!! Я специально обратила внимание будучи ЛГ. Даже попрыгав весь концерт! Я стояла к нему очень тесно, нас очень сдавили ЛГ, БГ и маски по бокам, и кланялись довольно долго, так что возможность уловить была. Но это не все! Мы вышли снять парики после 1 выхода, и я зацепила что-то головой. на вешалке висела его красно-белая футболка, которую он только-что снял! Ну вы бы удержались? Я ее обцапала и обнюхала :naughty: она была насквозь мокрая от пота :mf_lustslow::wub2: я просто умерла там!!!!
  9. WOW! Really???? I will wait for you to post it!!!!

  10. Well, I'm ready for my report. We arrived at 11AM, there were girls already. I suggested to start writing a list, and Qing began. While waiting, we saw John, he started to smile to my little son, and was glad when my baby waved bye-bye to him. I wanted to be on the stage, so when Mika's mom went to pick up LG and BG, everybody pointed at me. Thank you, girls! She took my husband too. She pointed at him and strictly ordered: you go too! While rehearsal she took me by my arm several times, and suddenly my thought was: OMG, this hand touched Mika when he was a little baby, it was so cute and nice to think about it! So, we were waiting backstage, and I heard Mika rehearsing, it sounded like opera The first time I saw Mika live was at the backstage, he stood with Cherisse and waited for the start of the show. He joked (as I saw from afar) and was in very good mood. Then we came to see the show, and I saw him climbing the ladder to the stage. I loved to be a LG! And it turned out that I wasn't afraid at all! The audience seemed friendly, and everything was so easy and great! I danced like crazy, and afraid I looked a bit silly Mika took my husband (a pig mask) and danced with him!!! Then was a bow. I was next to Mika's right hand. It was an amazing experience – to hug him! But my thoughts were: God, he is so skinny! I looked at his face so close, and wanted to feed him with fresh high-calorie products. Then we waited for a meeting backstage. Mika's mom was packing his costumes and shoes, and I thought that she works so hard, and how amazing she is. She got to know that we will be in Riga and asked to be on the stage again, but we said that we want to see the gig itself so much. I hope she understood and wasn't offended? She is so kind and pleasant person! Mika went to take photos with us. I gave him the drawing of a dog that my daughter made (she stood near), and he said something like that: I can't think up a name for my dog, can you advise me something? I said it has contain the letter “R”. Mika asked why, and I said: because a dog tells so. And Mika said “aha, like this: rrrrrrrr”. It sounded so brilliant! We presented him sweets from Kiev, because Ukraine is famous with tasty sweets. After all he took several photos with staff, sit into a car and gone. I was like no M&G??? And realized how lucky I was so be a LG and meet him backstage!!! I'm very pleased to meet Eglė, Rugilegile, Foxxy, Melisanda, Yulia and others. It's so cool to meet MFCers! Thank you Melisanda for helping my daughter after the gig to get backstage to me.
  11. Привет! Вырвалась в Инет ненадолго. Лена, дай плиз ссылки на свои отчеты! А то я все запустила, больше недели путешествую. Я про Клайпеду и Ригу еще не писала, только фотки выложила. Мне так повезло! В Клайпеде не было М&g, но я была lg и только благодаря этому с ним пообщалась! И на сцене вовремя "подлезла" обниматься на поклоне ) В Риге мы его ждали больше 2 часов, но это того стоило!
  12. Hi! Yes, it was me.

    Is it you who was presenting the sweets right before me? :) If so, I notices you while Qing, because your face seemed familiar.

    Do you have the photos from M&G?

  13. Evelina has sent me a photo today, the only photo of us with Mika. I was lucky to be a LG this day, because there was no M&G!
  14. So, I have some Internet, and will start with pics. There are only few, because I wasnt shooting at the backstage, because I know Mika's mum doesn't like it, and I respect her wishes. I LOVE HER SO MUCH NOW!!! She's so kind and amazing! Mika is happy to have such a mother. Well
  15. Hi! Soon I will post my OWN pics! At last!!!!

  16. Hi! I'm still in Riga, and will be traveling for a week. But I will try to find a time and Internet connection to write my report. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FIRST GIG, AND I'M A LOLLIPOP GIRL!!!
  17. Hi! I'm not at home, and will be at Gasmics only in a week.

  18. Thank you so much for your sweet words! I just want this thread to be alive. But on Saturday I'm leaving for 2 weeks, so I'm not sure that I will be able to come here.

    But I'll be back one day anyway!

  19. Can someone tell me: what is 300 dpi? it tells me nothing. I can understand only like this : 1024×680, 1600×800 pixels and so on. That's why I can't understand what is the minimal size of the photos in pixels. I asked in the Yearbook thread, but no-one is going to answer!!!
  20. uhm! My host is suspended, so I uploaded all my pics to another host. Tired.

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