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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Aha. I heard about people who pronounced Mica in a wrong way. So, normally and correctly, these two names are pronounced absolutely identically, and some of the MFC-ers, while quoting someones words (as in the case of Norbert story in a gig), say Mica instead of Mika only at their discretion (depending on the situation)?
  2. Hi, It's me again. I can't understand if there is a difference between pronunciation of Mika and Mica. As i see you, English-spoken guys, see the tell one name from the other by ear. I heard (of course!) Mika so much times, but never heard the other name. Excuse me for my stupid question...
  3. Imagine the greatest mistification of the century: Mika's distinguishing feature is non-existant if seriously, where are DaCurlz on his child pics???? He has to give us an evidence and proof, showing the pic of curly boy Mica
  4. In the last interview he doubted a lot the future possibility of having kids. So, girls, relax.
  5. 6 months ago, 9 of November, I joined MFC!

  6. Рига и Клайпеда. Купить билеты в Россию нереально, никаких услуг по Инету, дикость просто. Если бы я могла купить в кассах, я бы не бронировала (2 дня, смешно сказать). Да и поездка в Прибалтику выходит дешевле.

  7. How funny to see the one and the same pic in my fav 3 threads at ones!
  8. The only 2 men who know how to wear hats are Mika and Johnny Depp it's my humble opinion Mika can put ANY stupid thing on his head and look gorgeous! At least cute
  9. Uhu but it's so funny to put such a thing into Hats thread
  10. and he IS young here and looks so tender and vulnerable in this interview
  11. usually she is easy to be found in 2 places: Mikagasmics and NC. Several minutes ago she was in NC.
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