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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Thank you thank you so much, an adorable interview, Mika looks so nice... I like to look at him when he listens to the interviewer speaking Italian, as so he checks if she said everything right, or just enhances his understanding of Italian
  2. Интересно, а почему никакой инфы в Календаре МФК нету? Что это они так отстают? Собсно, от Праги и до Питера недалеко... Может он по славянским странам покатается?
  3. Подумаем. Пока что только пришло в голову, что сюда подходит PUOTF идеально. Особенно если все закончится грустно (но с намеком на оптимизм). Может она встретится с богачем, он ее возьмет в город, а она в "благодарность" влюбится в гея и все будут несчастливы. Ой, это я что-то загнула. Ну пусть он будет просто beautiful freak :naughty: У меня сегодня вредное настроение, не романтичное я подумаю
  4. Girls you are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just several hours, and you rocked here as hell!
  5. A! I though it's from some popular movie that I haven't known about I imagined your hair being dark, I don't know why
  6. Happy Birthday, Bojana!!! May more and more of your dreams came true! Stay always beautiful and young as you are!!!



  7. А как он дядечку поднял ))) прелесть
  8. Yes, I've looked at its meaning in the dictionary and was shocked a bit... how people use such words. I though the dictionary was exaggerating. If someone says the word with the same meaning in my language, it is a high extent of rudeness. You know, it seems to me that English bad words are not so rude as our (=Russian) bad words. I imagined curious Mika swearing in my language (if he ever come to Ukraine), as he did in German, and it made me shiver with horror. Hope he won't.
  9. Hi, it's me again. I will swear now, sorry. I saw there a word Twat, people use it so easy, but isn't it a VERY bad word? Or it is allowed to use, like damn or something...? And is it worse than F-word?
  10. I wish I understood more. Luckily, I heard key-words of his usual stories, so I knew what he will said. But I guess I missed some subtleties Mika is more cute and handsome than ever.
  11. Я плачу кровавыми слезами
  12. I wonder where he keeps all this stuff.
  13. ой, как он мило смущается перед стриптизом а вот я думаю, как эти брюки сползают именно до этой отметки, и не ниже? Он их булавками прикалывает?
  14. Sh*t, i have read not flowers, but followers! Shame on Twitter Dead followers....
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