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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. thank you girls for videos and pics!!! You are so lucky to be there! so true about his smile!
  2. го, как раз то что надо! мне как раз столько надо сконвертировать! сейчас попробую
  3. :aah::aah: Hm, to tell the truth, I don't like this techno style at all, and i was sure I will not like the song. But now... it hooked me, I just can't stop watching it! And I never liked things like Spiderman, Superman and so on. It;s incredible how Mika can influence me!!! Now I want to watch the movie. The image of dirty nerd stirs imagination , and then the noble bearing of Mika running upstairs :wub2:
  4. as soon as I done it and get my hubbie to bring it to those who will print it :naughty:
  5. :roftl::roftl: Oh Wonka I love You, amazing! And about momma... I just don't quote large posts. You are fruitful these days So nice evening today!
  6. Oh, thank you!!! I thought about it too, but was hesitating. Now I will make it shorter. wow, it's something!!! I'm not the only one obsessed with umbrellas now
  7. WOW!!! It's amazing siggy!!!!

  8. Hello girls! I want your advice. I want to made a t-shirt. And I have drawn a picture, and then corrected it in Paint.net There is it: Do they look like the interpretation of Mikaness, do they bring the whole idea of Mika? Or it is just my ill imagination? Any critics is welcomed. Please, it is my first Mika-art, and it is important for me. I will improve it, but I 'd like to know your opinion for now.
  9. Спасибо, а я ее уже ВКонтакте увидела! Так а что за идея с подарком?
  10. Hi! Yes, I've seen them... but unfortunately they are not so very typical of Mika. I will search for something from gigs, to see his whole body, and it would be better that he was in skinny trousers and t-shirt (to see his figure clearly). But thank you anyway.

  11. search in YT. Mika gelato al limon, and the first video is this.
  12. Goog morning! I wanted to come back yesterday, but fell asleep, was to tired. Do you have 4000 pics? Amazing! I feel I have to expand my own collection too. As for sihlouetto, I have an idea to make a t-shirt with it. So I wanted him to be easy recognizable, and I found it to be not an easy task.

  13. you stole my words! Absolutely the same about me! And I can't count now how many times I rewatched it (saying to me: well, this is the last time)
  14. Лена, а что такое yearbook, кто это делает и кто участвует? Что туда надо - рисунки, стихи. Или что еще? Расскажи про процедуру плиз!
  15. Гы, я хоть и переводчик, но у меня так сразу Надеру задницу (пардон май френч) в существительное не переделывается
  16. Thank you for your videos!!!!! They are great! And... Please girls who will record next gigs - could you record some talking as well???? Please alease please! He is so cute and funny while speaking to audience!
  17. Я проснулась с новой песней в голове. Странно, вроде она незатейливая, но цепляется мертвой хваткой. Наверное, еще и клип сыграл роль, Мика там незабываемый
  18. Я с огромным трудом отвлеклась от Kick-ass, чтоб успеть пересмотреть видео за 4.03 Вот тут он очаровательный:
  19. I'm watching it... again and again... Thanks for YT links, my iPod is friendly only to YT. Yes, Mika+ mud =
  20. It was January 2007, i skipped thru music channels, and suddenly stopped - don't know why (till now, coz I can't remember the moment of video exactly) - it was GK! I was stunned! It strongly reminded me of Freddie (sorry Mika, it is... I was a huge Queen fan so I can see better ), and I started to wait for this video again and again. Soon I've got LICM. He made me feel as if a sun came, in any mood. But a crazy mad obsessed addicted fan I became only this autumn. So, I'm proud I caught maybe the first time they played GK (MTV or VH1 - i can't say)!!!! I was among the first people who ever seen GK!! (i had exams and then holidays so i haven't turned off my music channels and was an expert in all the vids).
  21. Fangurling as hell :mf_lustslow: Это просто невыносимо видеть его таким побитым Сразу вспоминаются его школьные годы, вы представляете - ведь это реальность! Он же все время такой ходил :shocked: Так хочется его обнять!! пожалеть... Но зато в конце - какой он шикарный, тоже все как в жизни оказалось. Он всех победил А какая у него осанка когда он бежит по лестнице! Я умираю! А как он поет "make it better" - с ума сойти. ААААА!:wub2: Держите меня!
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