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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. :) I know that drama has several meanings, and that it is one of the favourite words of Mika (have we just hit another car?). And "Instant Martyr", by the way...

    My name is Elena, or just Lennie.

    Our countries once were the same Empire!

  2. Sadly, my current job hardly will help, cos I write articles concerning Bluetooth Stereo (unless Mika is interested in A2DP headsets) I should learn another activity.
  3. I like Drama, and if you are its Queen - it's a fun! I'm kinda queen too :)

  4. The last one - to Mikagasmics!!!!!! And who's that girlie near him in limo?
  5. Want to add to make it clear: my dream is to be Mika's friend, but be connected by the teamwork.
  6. Yes, I understand - if all the MFC started to work for Mika (from cleaners to admins and dancers) it would be... don't know, it's hard to imagine But still my dream is like that: Mika visits Ukraine, and I'm his personal interpreter. Well, if he wants to go shopping and visit our places where hand-made pieces of art are bought, he will need one, because the knowledge of English is not very widespread in my country. And it is good to have a loyal fan near, who will do his (my) best and knows the city. Well, it is just crazy dreams. Wow! BTW, so bad that in my 14-19 years I had no Internet and had to re-write the info about Queen manually, and make bad photocopies of every little Queen pic. B!anka, your story is amazing, and I respect you SO much!!! I wish you luck! Don't forget about me, I can assist you! He, I imagined so many times what I will say if I will see him! But who knows what the reality will be? I hope I will...some day one day...
  7. All I wanted to answer fits better to Mikagasmics and will bring me to the Naughty Corner.
  8. Right you are, Wonka, right you are. We should make a petition.
  9. I'M so jealous to those who meets him on everyday basis! For example, the dancers from Rain and BIOTG! They can not only see him after a gig ( as many of you girls can), but they can see him working, creating, watch at his ideas coming into life! I'm soooo envious.... With green green envy ....
  10. I can imagine what a mess was in his house!
  11. I always watched the vlogs and thought to myself: look so many people meet Mika in they everyday life. The photografer's crew, hairdoers, technical workers, and so on and so on. And they don't give a damn. They don't care that they talk to him, can look at him. And me, who sits there and craves for just a glance, got no slightest chance. So cruel is life. Sometimes I think I would agree to clean the Mika's studio for the period of his work there because he hardly needs an interpreter from Russsian. Mika, do you need to translate something?
  12. I always afraid of the slang or vulgar meaning of a word. Sometimes it seems to be a common normal word, and after a while I get to know that there is a "bad" meaning. And since that moment I'm afraid of using this word. You'll never guess howsome minds will interpret what you're saying
  13. Not only smile I like his jacket and necklaces:thumb_yello:
  14. hi Keti, hope you feel better now. So many exams were added to you, it is craziness. I can't keep up with the threads, so it is here I wish you good luck.

  15. Anyway I'm always interested in what Brian says about Mika. All in all, Brian is a great authority for me.
  16. Meeks is #10! I wonder if we get him at least 5.
  17. Aaaaaaah the same, I don't even try to express my feelings in real life. I love him so much!!!!!!!!!! Love him love him love him:blush-anim-cl:
  18. now we can learn chiromancy and predict his future
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