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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Thank you so much! I like BIOTG maybe more than any other performance of this song And the second song was just a fun he giggled so nicely Especially in the end: "I appologise!" :roftl::roftl: Though, his voice sounded so crystal-clear
  2. mrrrrrrr unshaven chest :wub2: It better fits for Mikagasmics!
  3. Snap Queen? You really are!!!

  4. I know! Michael B. has tried to snog him, not in the mouth of course :naughty:
  5. This week was busy not only for Mika :biggrin2: Wonka seems not sleep all nights long, I can't keep up with this thread
  6. Great ;) I feel, soon my daughter will become a Mikafan too.

  7. This time he is One Eyed Boy without drama. No eye patch luckily I like such a mess of a curls! Indeed please no haircut! The colour gamma of his clothes is very stylish, though the coat itself is hmmm... Well, like it or not like it, he is the most fashionable man on this fashion show, definitely. He has a good taste, even if we don't like something.
  8. Indeed :) because in the real life I don't know any Mika fans :(

  9. Hello and good day! I just wonder, have you ever seen Mika live? As I understand from Twitter thread - no? It will be the first time?

  10. I saw this girl's tweetz when it was #24, and even then it looked rediculous. Yes, maybe she is suffering from unanswered love, but is it better for her to make negative impression on Mika? If she really loved him, she would respect him, and she wouldn't bother him with such nonsense. At once I thought: poor girl, but then I felt such an irritation. Can't understang how people can make of themselves such idiots (pardon my rudeness).
  11. Hi! We have a lot of fun here. Welcome!

  12. don't worry, I'm mostly a dreamer than doer ;)

  13. I became a Mikaaddicted in one evening - 30. 10.99

    I casually entered his name on You Tube to get to know what's new in music world (i wasn't interested in it since my son was born).

    And I went to sleep being another person and in another world!

  14. i know, but luckily I wasn't so crazy then. I was just a Mikasongs fan :)

    Deep in my soul I believe I will meet him. There are so many unbelievable turns in life! So many times we say: If I was told that moment about what will happen I would never believe it. Maybe I will be Mika's interpreter in several years!!! :)))

  15. new great Mika pic - new Keti avatar! hehehe

    It's beautiful, really.

  16. aha, I want to meet Mika too. I'm craving for it, in fact!

  17. no, I mean we had a TOO cold weather, and now it is simply cold. Usually it's not so cold - -4to even +8 at winter.

    no, I have no chance to meet Mika, especially for now. My baby is 1 year old so I sit at home with him.

    You are so lucky!

  18. Hello :) It is less cold now - only -14C (recently it was -21C!). And I wish it snows again.

    Are you going with Keti to the Mika's gig?

  19. The first thing I thought! But in the other ones he looks much better. Well, his last several days are so busy!
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