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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. So, if he speaks Queen's English, he can be a good example for learning how to speak? because I've suddenly noticed I started to pronounce words as he does, and my speaking manner has changed.
  2. Yo people! I just wonder, they say Mika has an accent, but I can't understand what exactly, because I am not native speaker. I understand almost all he says, more than anyone else who speaks English. I like how he speaks so much! Can you give, maybe, examples of him saying words in different manner? I hear Mika says DANCE and such words with A pronouncing [a] and not [e], is it English or not English manner?
  3. oh, I see!! Yes, I remember something about Muppets from my childhood, but it was so long ago. Thank you! And you've changed avatar!
  4. Ha-ha, whom to kill for Mika's kiss???? oh, and, hm... Why do you call him M Moo and what is Kermit????
  5. I used to make my mother cry on regular basis
  6. Ahahaha! So cute! It will be Santa Moose, we will be shamaning and call him if we wait for twits too long
  7. sorry for offtop, but i skipped thru the old twitter updates thread and have found your Everybody's gonna drink today gonna drink today gonna drink today Everybody's gonna drink today gonna drink today Any drink you want to Any place you've got to Drink with me drink with me with me I've been drinking for so long Seeking beers just to carry on But now but now it's gone away... :thumb_yello::roftl: there were another ones about lonely shopoholic and lady Gaga
  8. Merry and happy Xmas!

  9. Marry and happy Christmas to you, as well as Mikamas!

  10. Oh, thank you!

    And I wish you the merriest Christmas!!! Happiness and health to you and your family :)

  11. Happy Chtistmas to you too! Oh, and I wish you everybody to have more clothes in your closets
  12. Poor mikasounds, he hadn't been so naughty to spend X-mas in closet
  13. If Mika happens to see it he will take away your medal " The most exemplar MFCr evah"
  14. Привет. Мы не знакомы, но я была на днях на твоем сайте (хотя мне показалось там давно никого небыло). Кажется, мы тут одни из русскоговорящих?

    Я тоже Лена. Живу в Киеве. Но тут с форумами про Мику совсем туго, не нашла ни одного.

    А тут мне нравится. Проблем с англ у меня нет, разве что со сленгом, но я упорно обучаюсь :)

  15. Ah, no, just series - i'm not a native speaker so couldn't pick up the right word
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