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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Aha, maybe he just thought the threads there are becoming too boring, and the main problem is whether he will twit today so he decided to spice the things up and liven us a bit. i bet all of us had a big HWAT HTE FUKC!!! in mind as they suddenly saw a kiss picture This way the scandals are born - just from NOTHING! And now everyone has fun Good boy
  2. I think Lonely Alcoholic is a very strong song with a powerful lyrics, makes people think. I read song's words even before hearing the song itself, and was really impressed. It is very deep.
  3. Why? Nobody wants to enlighten me how these nicknames had appeared?
  4. Girls, as I watched the video I couldn't not to think about the movie where Mr. Bean was going to meet the Queen ) Pics are great! His umbrella is so marvellous, and teardrop... Ohhh
  5. Absolutely stunning!!!:wub2: Mary Poppins in a man appearance
  6. Girls, what is the origin, or story about "Meeks" - I mean how had it appeared? Maybe there is a link to the old thread?
  7. You can't imagine how I like your avatar!

  8. You are so lucky to be here!!! You will tell stories about it to your grandchildren!
  9. Oh, it's funny but... If someone is acquinted with Russian culture - it reminds me of fashionable Russian guys of 19 century. He needs an accordion here
  10. utterly love this jacket and hat! Girls, how this hat is called in English officially? And how is called the hat of kind of pink and red ones?
  11. OMG what is the thing on his head - a hood, towel or what? )) and a crown! Incredible! Toy boy is so fragile
  12. Never seen it before! Cute! He looks like a hunter.
  13. Aaaaa great ah ha ha ha!!! Going slightly mad ))
  14. Dark Angel, you completely killed me!!!! These ones are my favs, but I saw only 2 of them!!!! A HUGE thanks!!!
  15. Well, then post pics which you don't like "I don't like this because:.....":naughty:
  16. Good evening girls! Recently I was curious if there is a thread about pics of Mika in different hats, and I was told there is no such! I believe it is not only me who think Mika looks gorgeous in all his hats, even rather strange ones So, there is for beginning (I saw it recently in another thread, but this is my favourite ):
  17. And do you really think the screaming girl was acting? Is it ascertained fact or just assumption because of his lips saying something? Maybe he just said something like WTF?
  18. Immense truth. Several years ago he was cute and sweet, now he is gorgeous. And what will be in 5 years????? We will fall to our knees
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