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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. I'm 30, but I always felt and looked as 20. Till my birthday when I heard this number :(

    But, well, I'm not going to marry him, right? :)

  2. I liked Mika these two years, but it was rather maternal feeling, I looked at him as at a cute boy who makes me happier with its sunny smile. But a month ago I started to watch interviews with Mika and completely got lost... my world has changed and Johnny became just a favourite actor for me. But he is really great! Another one Crazy Hatter And I admire how he loves his family. I respect it! Ahh and before Johnny was Freddie, 15 years ago... So, in my life there were 3 men I was crazy about.
  3. Johnny was my favorite before Mika. Poor Johnny, now I'm unfaithful to him Well, I like Secret Window and Libertine most of all... as well as Pirates, From Hell and hmm many other movies. I consider him to be the most brilliant actor at the moment.
  4. Thank you so much, I didn't understand this part clearly, so now I see what the story was.
  5. You know, I really liked Mika's appearance His WILD WILD HAIR He was co cozy and sweet I adored his reaction on the last question. When I saw his reaction I thought Oh My God what is written here???? Thanks for giving the possibility to download the interview! Because I had such a stuttering that haven't heard a half of it.
  6. You've just said you are too old for him? Me too. Glad I'm not alone here :0 I felt rather strange among teenagers :)))

  7. I'm also crazy about the smell of "fresh" books I think many of people here are too! And they are so pleased )
  8. Yeees, it was amazing :naughty:
  9. Yeah it was really great!!!! This question is very annoying, so he answered more mildly that could be expected. He has an immense patience (thanks god ).
  10. Hmm well Thank you It it just a pleasure to know that I can write to him something... but I don't do it, because I'm aware of the fact that I'm not very witty and it is my choice not to write. I understand that it all has no sense! There are so many girls like me, and I'm nothing special to pay attention to. That is why I will not be writing as well. These all sounds strange don't beat me
  11. Girls, please excuse me... I'm new here and in Twitter, and I can't understand how does this Twitter works. For example, If I post Reply - this reply will be seen only on my page, isn't it? Or this reply is shown to whom it was made too? And how do you see what the other people had written to Mika (I mean replies)? I don't think I will write to him... because I feel like nobody to him and don't wanna bother him (until I makу up something perfectly clewer:blush-anim-cl:). But I just want to understand the subtleties of this discussion (this topic). Thank you in advance.
  12. Thank you, I liked it! You know, as I was reading the interview I felt so big access of tenderness to Mika. He seems to be so strong and vulnerable at the same time. He is so open to life and kind to people, that's why I loath rude interviewers with all my heart. Luckely this one is not.
  13. Thank you:mf_lustslow: I will hope for the best
  14. OMG he was (and is) perfect!!! Thank you very much!!!!
  15. No, my country is eastier than Poland, i am to far from all the places he can be.
  16. Am i too intrusive???? But: are there anywhere Mika's childhood photos? I always find it so cute to look at child pics of the man I like so much... I bet he was soooo sweeett Of course maybe it is a sore subject... than excuse me.
  17. You know, there are many Mika's songs that after the first listening seemed to me I've known them for all of my life. And they just imprint in my mind.
  18. Girls, on the other hand just think how lucky you are! A lot of you have talked to Mika or just visited concerts. Or maybe communicated by Internet. As for me... maybe he will never visit Ukraine! And I have no possibility to go to another country. I'm just living in YouTube But maybe it is for good? Until I lost my mind TOTALLY Though, I envy you, I confess
  19. this song evokes feeling of sepia rainy morning. I feel shivering even when I sing it in my head. He's genius, really he is... But strangely it reminds me of Moulen Rouge's song - the beginning of Nature Boy (there was a boy... and so on) - the music is melancholy and heart breaking. All I can say, i "feel" the music of this song as something from my past life.
  20. Pick Up Off the Floor One Foot Boy We are Golden Blame it on the Girls I See You (but why Blue Eyes is on the last place? - don't kill me)
  21. You know, I've heard him commenting some of songs, what do they mean and how he got an idea of these songs (e.g.Blue Eyes). But he never mentioned OFB (or maybe I've missed something???) Is it in purpose? Is there a way to ask Mika what OFB is about? but in fact i'm afraid he will avoid the strict answer
  22. O, thank you everybody, you are so cordial!
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