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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Let me know if you want me to translate a part or all of it I can finally be a bit useful again after all these Italian interviews
  2. But he didn't sing Un Soleil Mal Luné anywhere in the UK except London I think? So it seems like it was a deliberate choice of song for London
  3. Really?! Do they give an explanation? I haven't received anything yet.
  4. If I remember well, he said a few times when he was making the album that what he really wanted was a French song every 2 songs, but he was not hopeful that it would be accepted. Maybe inserting a few French songs in foreign gigs (and even in the UK) was his way to 'selfishly' make up for it. Also, I know it must be strange that he started off in French at that particular gig especially with our long conflicting history but London is also the 4th French city in terms of number of French ppl living there. I don't think he thought he was making a mistake at all..
  5. This reminds me that I recently saw that the first show of The Voice last year was watched by 9.3 million ppl which is crazily huge for France.. It was #7 of most watched shows of 2013, only with some football matches, news and Enfoirés show ahead. The Voice will attract him all kinds of fans for sure...
  6. I see we really all have different experiences and views. The same thing happened to me; I got LICM as soon as it was released in France and loved it but it's only when I randomly saw Mika on French news 2 years later that I became obsessed. So obviously his personality is the basis of my fandom. But I can't separate this from the fact that he is a musician and I could never say his personality is more important, it's just an added value at understanding his music better. It's just Mika the musician and I can't imagine it any other way. In fact I've never been a fan before Mika but I'm pretty sure I could only ever be a music fan, I have no interest in actors for example. Lol all that long novel to say I tend to agree more with Christine and Ingie as you mentioned them; and yet our fandom stories started the same way Yes honestly, who would be in a forum like this one for so long and so frequently if we liked him just for the music?
  7. I was following The Voice last year and I missed some episodes, I remember watching them on the TF1 website on the following day. Now I don't know if that will be accessible to every country. I'm not very good at this stuff
  8. And once again he opens his mouth to sing and I'm completely under the spell
  9. The French one means 'For the next blind auditions on The Voice Mika will be with his back turned' The word 'back' in French is 'dos' and then he adds #mikado as a pun; Mikado is either the Chinese game 'pick up sticks' or a famous biscuit in France. There often are jokes with Mikado in it used in Mika's interviews in France So, a bit complicated and not very funny I hope you get it better now
  10. Yesterday when I saw he gave a lecture at the university I seriously wondered what had happened to the singer I started becoming obsessed with 4 years ago (even if to be honest I've been doubting every now and then for some time now) I waited to know more about what he said of course; now I've read it and I admire his honesty and I always like to know more about his life before he became famous, but I can't help but feeling a bit sad about all this. What he says about his 'vision' in 2007 is the vision I liked, not so much the one from 2013... even if he is a victim there. Like him my heart and mind are in some kind of battle; I'm really not so happy to know he's 'prostituting' himself on TV shows, yet I've been to see him at the recording of The Voice for example. I'm more and more doubting about his way to handle his career and at the same time I know I continue to support him. It's a very strange situation. I think it shows that I'm an unconditional fan for now, but how long will this last?
  11. Nice idea! I'll be happy to join; that is if I get an invitation to the show (I'm checking the site very regularly but still nothing for that day?) and if I can get to Paris in the morning...
  12. Thanks everyone for your reports! Would have loved to go, with or without an MFC party, with or without Mika attending the said party, as I couldn't go to the Paris session either (and I still don't have the LE watch ); I always appreciate when people come and report on here which I feel has become more rare these last couple of years (for reasons I can understand)
  13. Can't stop thinking about our friends in London right now! Cheers
  14. Yes have fun everyone! Seeing Mika in London, one of my dreams still to be fulfilled!
  15. Lol oh no that's not what I meant at all! What you call your misfortune is actually an opportunity many fans would love to have
  16. Merci Stéphanie, Mélanie pour les CR I hope more people will post reports, I really feel bad to have missed this event and strangely I feel better reading about your experiences
  17. Quick report for me: The auditions were shorter this time, because they had already been recording since 1pm and the 2nd session started at around 8.30pm. Mika was very funny once again but not as crazy as the last time I attended (last Saturday). It was clear that he was knackered towards the end. I think they stopped the recording for him, he couldn't answer the presenter's questions anymore and we heard him say 'Je suis mort' (I'm dead), and they announced it was over. He was very pertinent once again in his analyses of the candidates. He really stands out from the other coaches which I think will do some good to this show. He generally turns when the others don't and the other way around. He tends to choose original candidates who took risks. Last night he added to his team a young Moroccan man singing rai music, 2 friends singing together with their guitars, I can't remember who else. Compared to the other coaches he can also be quite harsh because he's being honest. A girl really sang out of tune and he was the only one to say it directly to her (which made her cry). He also didn't choose a certain candidate who seemed to have problems with his vocal cords; he said at the end he doesn't think this guy will be able to sing for long.. Apart from that he drank a lot (of water) and obviously a bit later he asked to go to the toilets, like a pupil, which made us all laugh a bit (We were a whole group of Mika fans, apparently the biggest since the beginning of auditions) He also had trouble understanding a French word at the end which he managed to translate into 'ejaculate' which was not the initial meaning at all Typical Mika IMO. He's going to be the star of the show for sure
  18. Salut tout le monde! Je serai à l'enregistrement de The Voice demain, j'y vais seule donc j'espère pouvoir voir ou revoir certaines d'entre vous! Je suis tout le temps avec les fans étrangères et peu avec les françaises (allez savoir pourquoi) donc ça me ferait plaisir
  19. I was at the auditions on Saturday as well, I haven't got much to add to Alireine and Nina's reports but still wanted to say it was a very interesting experience to see Mika in such a special setting. Spending 6 hours with Mika sitting in front of you is something I never thought I'd experience! I can't help thinking he'd better be writing or performing himself instead of being in this kind of shows but you can't deny he's really good at this. I think people will love him on The Voice. We were so pleasantly surprised when we understood they were going to sing Bohemian Rhapsody! When they sang I was in my usual Mika gig mood (aka crazy) but in retrospect I have to agree with Sephira, it was not the most fantastic performance but totally typical of TF1 programmes IMO. Of course they cut the song so that's annoying in the first place... As said before Mika waved at us and brought sweets in the audience, and was joking ALL the time with Garou, while Jenifer and mostly Florent Pagny were soon falling asleep.. I was surprised that no candidate had all 4 coaches turning their seats, but I was mostly happy when Mika didn't turn back and then explained why and I was thinking the same things as him. To me he brings a real different point of view compared to the other judges (regarding authenticity, sincerity and style). The best thing of the night and a total surprise to me considering the circumstances was Mika stopping his car and taking some time to chat with us at the end (BTW thanks to the girls who were there, it's always a pleasure to see you and you're always so nice) He first asked what we were doing there at 3am under the pouring rain; then asked if the show wasn't too long and said most of it will be cut before broadcast. I gave him some regional treats and then as he understood I came from Lille he also noticed Nina was there (coming from much further lol). He then told us he had a day off yesterday and said it is reassuring for him to see familiar faces in the audience. It was so so sweet.. Completely unexpected and one of my best memories with him (haven't talked much to him in my previous after gigs signing moments) Honestly, he's just the best
  20. Our team finished at #16 with 8830, not too bad And we had the satisfaction to be in the top 10 2 days in a row
  21. If it's like last year, it will be aired from early February on TF1, the biggest French channel. Videos are usually not visible outside France but I'm sure we'll manage one way or another
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