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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Yes me too! I hope to hear more from today's recording soon
  2. I've only applied for the 9th so far and I haven't received anything either...
  3. First time I see 'You cracked the puzzle' appear while I'm typing, that feels good
  4. I have a day off today, hope I'll be of some use! (Not so sure when I see the puzzle )
  5. Tiens, une nouvelle Camille Welcome and have fun!
  6. Wow I really really love the whole interview Still looking forward to the translation as there are some details I think I didn't get, so thanks in advance for that!
  7. Thanks very much for posting! From what I understood it is a very interesting read (like we haven't had for a while). I always love to know his thoughts about the future. I'm not a big fan of the photos either, but let's say I appreciate the artistry of it
  8. I don't get why people say it's not logical (lol this is coming from someone who didn't get any of the answers for my team) This is a very cleverly made puzzle and it's working exactly the way it should I agree it might be more a problem of what tool to use on the Internet to get to the right place
  9. I'm so lucky to have Sharon and you figuring out all the answers while I'm at work! I promise you I'd much rather help you on that than do my work but it's not that easy
  10. I feel so useless for our team. I've been on here since this morning, completely unsuccessful, then you arrive and you find the answer Thank you The worst thing is I was on that meaning of hands from the beginning..
  11. I'm starting to feel really stupid too. I've thought about all different meanings of hands and that leads me to nowhere. I think I'll have nightmares with this picture tonight
  12. I'm not asking for hints and I won't be able to go to London if I win the trip but I still want to find to know I'm not that stupid One of my teammates is at work and the other one is AWOL
  13. I really wonder if we have to know where this shoe is in the world in order to get the answer...
  14. Quand tu es sur la page où ils disent 'the next puzzle starts in...', en haut à droite tu as 'My net hunt', quand tu vas dessus ils te proposent 'my puzzles', 'my team', 'my profile'. Si tu vas sur 'my puzzles' tu devrais arriver sur la page où on peut donner une réponse
  15. If I tell you I may have an idea of the relevance with a numeric code (which may be wrong lol), would you tell me the location of the shoe?
  16. Wow well done to you because that's what I've been trying to find for the last 2 hrs, without success! I need to stop searching for a while it's doing my head in!
  17. That's right, thanks! And did you find the code for our team? EDIT: Ah I see you're as clueless as I am lol
  18. Thanks! Maybe I'll give it a try for the ones that are on a Saturday
  19. As much as I was happy to see Mika performing and moreover knowing it was aired in the US, this show didn't do much for me. It's technically better than Jay Leno but I didn't really like the setting, I'm not a fan of the duet anyway and Popular Song is not the best song for Mika to have an audience in awe... Let's say I'm glad I know Mika in different ways because I think this kind of performance would never appeal to me. And I'm not one to comment much on his hairstyle but I found that particular one really awful
  20. I've just realised the NMA this year are on December 14th (it used to be at the end of January) It's so close already!
  21. Welcome Cristina! I visited Milan in July and very much enjoyed it
  22. Good news With these 2 things and the auditions for The Voice starting in 2 weeks, I can feel excitement growing amongst French fans.. Unfortunately the only thing I'll do is click to vote on the NRJ website
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