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Everything posted by camille*

  1. I'll be thinking about you all tonight! Have fun, this gig is so special for several reasons
  2. Oops looks like I've just wasted 30 min of my life Well not wasted completely as I was listening to Mika's sweet voice
  3. Thank you for the reports, pics, vids, articles! I would be lying if I said I didn't envy you all yesterday; especially as I had planned to come initially and it was hard to detach myself from this gig , but I'm really grateful that this kind of events are organised, I'm glad both for Mika and for fans, and it gives me hope that maybe one day I'll be part of such a surreal event
  4. No I'm not there unfortunately... I had initially bought a ticket to this one and thought I would go, that's why I know Asaf was on stage before Mika. Who knows, maybe they met each other?
  5. I wish my 'maybe' would have transformed into a 'yes' and I'd be with you tonight. Have a great gig!
  6. I'm not quite sure my report is necessary as other reports have been posted and the gig was live streamed but... I don't know I guess I like to reminisce gigs by writing a little something on MFC I arrived at the festival at 1.30pm or so; I had no idea if I would have a good spot and if I'd find Mika fans I know, I just knew that Ilse wouldn't be there yet. Luckily I immediately found Stéphanie and Audrey (Minnie and Ayana62), or rather they found me and they got me to the 2nd row a little on the left. It was great to be with you again girls It was the beginning of a perfect day. We were in the shadow during a large part of the afternoon which was pleasant considering the heat. I really enjoyed the other acts at this festival (compared to Les Ardentes), Pegasus and Saule were a nice discovery; and I got to see Olivia Ruiz live and I can say I enjoyed it. I was in the best mood for a Mika gig and then it was Mika's turn He was precisely in the best of moods too! This has to be one of my favourites, if not my favourite gig! So much energy, so much fun, a lot of eye contact, I was completely into it from the first second to the last. I know that the music is the most important at a gig but it really adds something when Mika starts talking, even if nonsense, about him And well, it also shows that he is enjoying his time with us As soon as the gig was over I found myself with some tears in my eyes which is not usual (not right after the gig anyway), a mixture of feelings between the joy of being at this fantastic gig and knowing I don't have any other gigs to go to for a while I couldn't wait for Mika afterwards but once again one of my fav gigs is one where I can't wait for him at the end, it's starting to be a habit I like it to be honest it reassures me that the gig is what matters in the end. I have some vids posted on Youtube, not very good as I couldn't stand still during a whole song!
  7. Thanks for your report Ilse, I'm trying to find time to write one myself but it's not that easy I'm sorry we didn't see each other much, I had to leave right after the gig. Just 2 things about what I put in bold : Yes for me too it was one of the best gigs I've been to; and we are not the only ones to think that way! And I can't whistle either and can you believe that on Saturday I was actually trying to and wondering if you could be taught how to whistle?? So we can take lessons together
  8. Yes it's 'our' Mika I guess they were just commenting that old lobster tweet...
  9. To me it means that they asked him permission to use the pic of him going in the pool and he refused. I don't like what they insinuate at the end
  10. Aw he's talking to me in the first few seconds Thanks for posting
  11. Here are some of my pics (the rest here http://s1300.photobucket.com/user/camille_427/library/Facebook/Mika%20Les%20Ardentes%20Lige%2012072013) and my shaky vids [YOUTUBE]l9K7GuKy6Bs[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]XQXIDrRPf1c[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]VpMjT_CtLow[/YOUTUBE] I hope to see better videos than mine pop up soon
  12. It was all so great once again I'm really happy with how things went. I spent a very nice time in Liège on Thursday and on the day of the gig, with people I know and meeting new people. I've never felt so much part of this community than at this gig, so thanks everybody The gig in itself was fantastic. I had a very nice spot in the front row middle for the first time, without even coming the earliest at all, it was just luck and people around me being very nice. I think this is the gig I found the shortest ever.. It was not in reality but it means I really had the time of my life. Couldn't stop singing and dancing on every single song. (Like most people apparently, as I could see when I sometimes turned around) I agree that Mika wasn't as chatty as I've seen him before, but he was still in a great mood and gave us his best. I loved all of the gig but I have stuck in my memory the image of him throwing the light bulb ahead of him singing Underwater while we were all shouting out the chorus with him... Beautiful I waited for him after the gig too, it was a long wait but at least we knew this was the right place to be and we knew he was still there as the kind security guy told us. When Mika arrived I was really happy that it went well with everybody waiting for their turn. I got the Korean fan club calendar (that I got as a gift from a Korean fan) signed and Mika even asked me what it was, how I got it and said it's cool. As far as I remember he asked me the questions in English and I answered in French but never mind we both seemed to understand each other He looked amazing once again. I have a few pics and vids that I will post as soon as they are uploaded.
  13. Looks great! Have fun everyone, it will be such a special one
  14. Grazie a tutti per la vostra ospitalità, provero scrivere qui regolarmente ma non è facile perche ho studiato l'italiano solo 1 anno, tanto tempo fa. Devo pensare molto per scrivere solo una frase Mari, vado a Milano il 22 luglio per 3 giorni
  15. Buongiorno Sono Camille, forse mi conoscete. Vado a Italia (piu precisamente Milano e forse Como) per la prima volta questo estate, e vorrei sapere il Italiano un po migliore (anche perche Mika impara la lingua ) Spero che potro parlare un po con voi prima di mio viaggio (Scusi per sbagli, non ho imparato tanto Italiano )
  16. TOOL is also going up on the i Tunes album charts thanks to the ad, in France it went from 85 to 70 to now 56 in 24 hours And I heard Underwater on the radio last night, last time I heard it must have been around December, and at the time it was only rarely played. This ad really is doing Mika only good!
  17. For me being a Mika fan and being an MFCer cannot be separated. I joined MFC about 2 or 3 days after I started being crazy about Mika. And I've never tried to look for somewhere else to go to; I've never ever thought about leaving. I used to say I'm an MFC fan as much as a Mika fan. I can't believe anybody could have so many bad things to say about MFC or to MFCers, no one deserved that. I hope anybody who has been attacked has now some kind of relief. I think MFC as an entity does. (This is again one of these days when I think 'I can't believe I now love Mika even a bit more' )
  18. It's amazing (and frightening?) how much power TV has! EDIT And it's #8 for pop music
  19. Thank you again so much Stéphane for setting up the live stream! You (and Mika) made us all very happy
  20. I'll be there on the Thursday, with Ilse! It would be great to meet new people
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