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Everything posted by camille*

  1. The reports from journalists are amazing, must have been quite a thing!
  2. Puggy were there the last time? How lucky, I love them! This year's performers: Vendredi 12 Juillet (dès 12:00) MIKA, IAMX, STUPEFLIP, 1995, DISIZ, ALEX HEPBURN, BALTHAZAR, DJ HYPE, PUPPETMASTAZ, MØ, GREMS full version, G DUB feat. ORIGINAL SIN & SUB ZERO, FCL feat. SAN SODA & RED, ANNIX feat. KONICHI & DECIMAL BASS, BIGFLO & OLI, A NOTRE TOUR Lomepal Caballero La Smala Exodarap, and more…
  3. Apparently the gig has already started a while ago, but still wanted to wish everybody a great gig. Until a few weeks ago I thought I'd be going to this one so it's a bit special to me
  4. Yes it's this one http://www.purepeople.com/article/mika-capricieux-il-laisse-un-mauvais-souvenir-aux-indonesiens_a121410/1 Someone from X Factor Indonesia staff complained about him
  5. This is the translation of the 'Mawazine L'émission' interview. I'm sorry I didn't think it would take me so long to finally post it. It's the second time you are here at Mawazine, after 3 years, what happened in between? And then we'll talk about Mawazine. Did you decide to come back or were you contacted, why coming back? I got invited. Of course. I don't say 'I want to go there!' Some artists do this. Meaning 'it would be a pleasure to be there' Absolutely, I think everybody knows I completely adored my experience here the last time, it's a very very beautiful festival, I think it's becoming one of the most important festivals of the Arabic world and so this year when they asked me, I said yes, absolutely. I'm doing Mawazine and I'm doing Jounieh, in Beirut. They are the only shows I'm doing in the Arabic world or North Africa. You are half Lebanese. No. I'm a quarter Lebanese, a quarter Syrian, and half American. Why don't we see you speaking Arabic? Because I'm rubbish. Because I'm a real disaster in the Arabic language (sorry I can't translate the Arabic parts!) I know '(insert Arabic word here )' because each time I'm asking for directions in Beirut, 100% of people answer this. Even if you're not supposed to go straight, they tell you this. Do you know Moroccan cuisine a little bit? Yes of course. Tagines... I love pigeon. The small pies. What is it made of? Bread, no, puff pastry. Ah, pastilla. Puff pastry with pigeon, almonds, onions and so on. And tagines. It's good. I love Morocco. On holidays I often come here. For example I love landing in Marrakesh, staying a few days there and then go to the Atlas mountains, next to Toubkal. I stay there in the Ourika Valley. To recharge your batteries? I go there to walk. I walk everywhere, 20km per day. And then I go to Casablanca, visiting friends, it's cool, it's a country that I love. We have seen you recently in a duet with Karol Sakr. It was for the Coke Project in Dubai, it was a fusion project, they cover songs from an artist with Arabic artists, they produce and record everything and so I did Relax with Karol Sakr, and her husband produced it. When they talked to me about it at first I thought 'meh.., I don't know what it's going to be like' I didn't want it to be a hotel remix, 1999 beach song. But it's not like that at all, it's great, everybody was completely into it and the result is great. If you haven't heard it yet.. You can buy it on I Tunes for example, and it gets radio airplay now. It's real, we can believe that the fusion is real. Will we see you performing a duet of an Arabic song? Maybe. Maybe not this year, but next year we'll see, it's something I really want to do. I grew up with Arabic music. I grew up with people speaking 3 different languages in the same sentence. Making an album or some songs mixing these languages, I love this idea. Let's talk about clothes, are you wearing clothes from your collection now? No it's not my collection, this is from a Japanese collection, because I was in Tokyo last week and of course in Tokyo you have to go shopping. And the shoes are great, I'd like to switch mine with yours. They are from Louboutin. And so your collection? I have just launched it in Belgium, with a company called JBC, it's for men, women and kids, there are quite a lot of pieces and I love this collection. It's available now in Belgium and also in a few weeks it will be available on the Internet for the rest of the world. It looks like what I'm wearing or what you are wearing, a blue vest, a shirt, it's always about finding a way to get dressed with fun. It's fun but it's classical, so you can hope to look at yourself in 10 years and think it was not just a fashion moment, it's as good 10 years later as it is now. Is it a dream you are fulfilling? I grew up with clothes around me. My mother was a dress maker so our flat was a clothes workshop, constantly, at 3am, we would get up to go to the toilets and we would see 2 people in the living room finishing something or my mother sewing with the machine. Because of this I grew up with a very negative attitude towards clothes, because if you grow up with clothes, just like if you grow up with music; for example if my parents were musicians, I would probably not be a musician. Your mother and sister create your stage clothes. Tonight I'll be wearing clothes made by my mother, and my musicians also will. But I'll also be wearing a jacket created by Christian Louboutin and Lesage. Your last album was released in September, it took you 3 years, why? Because it takes time to make an album, when you don't ask for somebody else to write it. It's about love, I thought the truth is most albums are about love, most songs existing in the world are about love and so I thought why not have this concept of 14 songs from my perspective, and also from the perspective of a 28 year old man or 27, I was 27 when I started this album Nearly 30! Thanks, thanks for saying it, everybody is completely obsessed with this concept. 30, 30, 30! You don't look your age. So I thought let's talk about this old concept in a very modern, funny, happy way but also with a devil's wink. I knew that if I was taking this concept again when I'm 38 instead of 28, it would be very different, that's why it was important to do it in this time of my life. We have heard about a new song, Live Your Life. 'Vis ta vie'. It doesn't sound good. It sounds a bit like 'Vitamine'. Like a medicine. Like an energiser. 'Vitamine!' Do rumours annoy you? There are so many of them. What are the rumours today? I've read that Mika's dog has been operated with success. You do have a dog? The problem is I haven't talked to my friend who's taking care of my dog. Do you want me to give you some updates on your dog? If it's true it means she hasn't called me, something happened and so I have to get info soon. She's called Snippy? They wrote 'Today, Snippy, Mika's Labrador, is in recovery' This is completely ridiculous, Snippy, what's that? My dog isn't called Snippy, this is a ridiculous name, my dog is called Melachi. Melachi the Queen. No not the Queen, I call her Melachi the Witch. This is a real dog name. Snippy... Snoopy would be better. What is the worse rumour you've heard that hurt you? There are a lot. The worse one? I don't know. There are rumours about health, about my family, about even.. I saw something in Paris Match this week saying things about me in Jakarta, at X Factor Yes I've seen that, Mika acting like a diva, is that true? I have the info I just didn't want to say it. I don't even understand. When I read that, I wondered if it was a joke or if it was real. It sounds like I arrived and I did a whole thing, saying no I don't want that, I want this! Actually I arrived in Jakarta the day before, I was very jet lagged, I did a gig and after the gig I went to perform at X Factor. I was completely jet lagged. I arrived, they put me in a room and I started rehearsing with the contestants, I sang on stage and then I went away. They told me to go quickly because I hadn't slept for 48 hours. 2 weeks later I'm looking at Paris Match and there's a whole story about it, I don't understand anything. You just have to not take it in. Mika, relax? Not really I have some work tonight. We'll finish with a little thing from you for the viewers, a message, a bit of a song? No, I hate singing in a context like this... For example, I never sing in front of my friends. Yesterday, I was at my best friend's wedding, he got married to a girl we have known for many years and they asked me sing, I said no. They asked me to give a speech, I said no. They asked me to propose a toast, I said no. The truth is in normal life.. You are very shy. I hate doing things like that. But when I go on stage, I can sing in front of 50000 people... But it looks like a stage here doesn't it? But it's your stage not mine. But the stage is beautiful because you are here. So.. So.. See you tonight
  6. Thank you As soon as I finish listening to the song, I only want one thing; to listen again. I swear this only ever happened to me with Mika songs!
  7. I've just watched it, I liked it, maybe not crucial info but I liked the whole context. I'll try to post a translation next week
  8. Yes I read it was about EMD too. It may be from the first Summer festivals of 2011, he had only performed it on the radio at that time and for example in Compiègne it was clear that the majority of people didn't know the song yet and maybe didn't get 'into it' enough. He sang it in other countries before France though (Romania as far as I remember) I really don't think it's about Heroes, there was a good reaction from the audience on that one and I can't remember him looking at the band as he describes.
  9. You can still listen to an extract here if that's of any interest:
  10. Yes I heard the similarity; and I also end up singing 'Black or White' by MJ on the verses
  11. We can't listen to it anymore on the Musicme website, it now says available June 4
  12. Thanks for the request :original:

  13. Leila tweeted it's at 10pm in Morocco (11pm French/Italian time)
  14. Very interesting news about a new project in Beirut; an album which would reflect his past, his childhood and the mix of languages (Arabic, French, English) with which he grew up
  15. I kind of remembered this but thanks for finding! (I can't believe he gave us a name and I wrote it down, should we delete it?) OK I edited it, it was too easy to find info on this guy...
  16. Sorry about that, I don't usually import from Fb, I've changed it now
  17. Some of my pics from the gig And the rest here http://s1300.photobucket.com/user/camille_427/library/Facebook/Mika%20%20Place%20de%20la%20Bastille%20Paris%2021052013?sort=2&page=1
  18. I'm back home after this magical event... I'm so happy I got to attend this gig. It wasn't his usual show, he didn't sing as long as he would normally and was not as chatty but only because he knew he had limited time I think, he seemed really happy to be there and honestly it was such a big mix of emotion and craziness from where I was in the crowd, from the loud singing to the dancing to the flags to confetti and balloons, to the importance of the event and the clear fact that people mostly gathered to see Mika and nobody else, that even if it wasn't a full show I know I will cherish this memory forever A very special moment indeed. I will soon post a few of my pics and in the meantime just a short vid of OOL [YOUTUBE]D8vrSHNM61w[/YOUTUBE]
  19. Please don't be sorry, this is one of the best reports I've read! This is emotional and beautiful. Thank you. And I hope to attend a gig with you again soon
  20. Yes I translated it I was kind of stuck on this word, it's the biblical term he's using so I'm not quite sure about the Bible in English
  21. From Facebook (maybe only in France?) 'Salut c'est MIKA. Je suis actuellement en tournée en France, et serai en concert Mardi soir à Paris pour une grande fête en faveur du mariage pour tous Place de la Bastille. C'est avec plaisir que j'ai accepté l'invitation de LGBT à venir chanter pour cette cause. L'adoption récente de cette loi est bien sûr très importante à mes yeux, et représente une réelle avancée sociale pour l'égalité de toutes et tous. C'est un honneur pour moi de chanter dans ce contexte. Ce concert promet d'être un moment riche en émotions où chacun d'entre nous pourra aimer son prochain sans craindre d'être jugé ; j'espère que tous ensemble nous allons passer un moment heureux. Affectueusement. Mika' 'Hi it's Mika. I'm currently on tour in France, and will be performing on Tuesday night in Paris for a big party to celebrate marriage for all Place de la Bastille. It is with pleasure that I accepted the LGBT invitation to come and sing for this cause. The recent adoption of this law is of course very important to me, and represents a real social progress for equality for all. It's an honour for me to sing in this context. This gig promises to be a moment full of emotion where each one of us will be able to love his fellows without fear of being judged; I hope that all of us together will have a happy time. Affectionately, Mika'
  22. Here is the translation of the interview posted by Lucrezia: -You are taking your first steps in fashion. -Not necessarily my first steps, on my own, yes it's my first steps. - On your own, like a big boy. - Like a big boy. A big 30 year old boy. - You tried to add your personality to this, but more globally, in an ideal world, what would you like to fashion to be like? More chic, quirkier, more fun? - I think that in an ideal world.. First of all I'm not a fan of 4 times a year collections. I think it puts so much pressure on people. Of course it's good for business and industry but this idea that there is a new collection every few months, I find it so hard. - Less in quantity, more in quality. - Less in quantity, more in quality, in the history of each piece of clothing, for example when you think a bit more about objects, it dematerializes the clothes. It becomes something about style, a personal style that we can develop without thinking about a brand or a total look or a collection or a season because seasons change so much now that fashion is almost scary from time to time in my opinion. - If in an ideal world clothes had a different power, what would it be? - It's funny because the idea of having another power, it's an idea that I loved in my collection, there are secret messages written in every piece, in trousers, in the girls, in the women lines. There's a jacket for women that says 'Beware, anything can happen when you put this on you', so it becomes a bit of a magical object. For men, it's a little bit different, I put on some trousers a message that says 'Now the only challenge is to find someone to show this label to tonight'. It means that if you are showing this label or sharing this, we are not necessarily wearing... - Not wearing the trousers anymore.. - Exactly. If I put this on women clothes it will be a disaster. - So some humour in fashion. - You always need humour in fashion. - You have different nationalities, you have lived in various countries, in an ideal world, shouldn't we all be a bit like you, a mix of several things, it could be a solution? - That's funny because when you have curly hair you want straight hair. And the other way around. I come from nowhere and I've always thought, it would be so good to come from one place, one village, with one school, and one childhood home and one tree where you kiss somebody for the first time. A whole story, some roots. I don't have this at all. I'm the opposite. This identity crisis that you can have when you come from nowhere can be very destructive. So I thought I'm not going to let something like this destroy me. I'm going to create my own universe, my own identity. We are 5 kids in my family and we are all artists or designers because when you come from nowhere you have to create your own universe. -You'll be 30 this year. So, ideally, what would you like to do in this decade, if you could do anything, what would you like to fulfill? -I would ask a very rich man like Abramovitch to lend me, because I know that he has an A380 plane, it's such a waste, I don't think he has such a huge family, I do have a huge family, I've got all my family in Lebanon, in the US, everywhere, so we would take Abramovitch's A380 all around the world to collect all my family and friends and we go on a small island somewhere and we have a party. The reality of this would be a nightmare. We'll probably shut down a pub somewhere in London, close the door, the curtains, and we'll have a party and make music for 5 hours. This kind of things are often the best. We don't need Abramovitch's A380. On another note, but still on topic, I'm just back from a JBC shop, really happy with what I got, I could totally have bought that without it being related to Mika, it was really my taste
  23. Maybe it will surprise you, but it's almost the same here in France, to a different scale. Apart from EMD which is still played fairly often on the radio, and the occasional Rain, they play songs from LICM. Now I know we really can't complain, just last night I heard EMD, Love Today and Relax, but I would love to hear more of the newest songs.
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