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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Thanks for posting! I'll try to post a translation later.
  2. Isn't Anggun one of them? She's quite attached to France so I guess she knows Mika quite well
  3. I understand your discontentment. I felt the same about the Star Academy performance a few months ago (the French one). The medley was a disaster and the duet far from good. Of course I'm talking about the contestants' parts and not Mika's. He is too good for this. In a way I understand why he liked Chiara in Italy because she's nothing compared to these other contestants.
  4. Definitely going! It will probably be a big mess but I can't miss this it's for such a great cause
  5. Here are my 2 videos from Monday night [YOUTUBE]7UeyiUSPlWo[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]vGrHcfEi_xs[/YOUTUBE]
  6. I'll be there! Incredible birthday gift. I've never been to this kind of events before so I'm really thrilled! I've never properly met Mika and last Summer in Vienne we kind of all agreed not to mob him. When he went out I was one of the few to stay behind and shout at others 'move back'! Of course I didn't get to meet Mika that night
  7. Don't you think it will be the other way around? Learning Italian could make him improve his Spanish? I get why he's nervous. When I speak Spanish to Spanish people they encourage me and say I'm doing well but I don't feel comfortable at all, because I'm not as fluent as in English.
  8. It made me want to have a look for France... The only song I can find is EMD #94 in pop charts. And looking at the album pop charts, TOOL is way behind LICM (#109 and #42), I can't really understand that..
  9. Thank you I heard Karen too on a Sunday evening on Virgin, but it must have been one week before or after as I wasn't home on the 7th. So Karen or Popular, which one is the next single
  10. :lmfao: I'm like Eloise, I can't stop laughing about this vid, or more particularly Mika's acting and faces, but in a good way! Fantastic! I agree (with whom? lol) that maybe when you don't expect anything you can only be pleasantly surprised. I know I expected too much from the Underwater video. @macboll Really you heard Popular on a French radio? May I ask you which one?
  11. 'I liked this title (The Origin of Love) simply because it comes from classicism, it's proud, it's grandiose, and when you open the album and you listen to the songs there are some songs that sound like I'm on drugs, like I'm completely hallucinated by love, it's something that's almost sinister; and then you have romantic songs, and some that are funny and miserable like 'Love You When I'm Drunk'. When I say it's 14 songs about love, it's actually 14 songs about my life at that time, before I turn 30. And I know that if I make this album again, I mean the concept of this album, which would be a good idea I think, when I'm 39, it would be completely different, maybe completely depressed, with the face in a glass of wine'
  12. Thanks for all your reports! I've got so much work at the moment that it's hard to get back to reading reports and stuff, I almost didn't realise there was this gig in Bourges until he tweeted about it I'm still not sure I'll manage to get to any gig this Summer but it's definitely getting me excited One more thing as I see a lot of you talking about it; I really don't like Benjamin Biolay. He's always given awards here and seen as very talented by the French elite but I absolutely can't stand him. Never seen him live and don't intend to but I'm not surprised you all saw him as arrogant because that is in my opinion the best description of him
  13. I don't voice my opinion that often around here or even in real life, but I need to say I agree with the likes of Rose, Christine, Ingie, Yuna and so many others. I may not have been around for as long as them but I realise we feel the same way about this. It's just all so different from the Mika I thought I knew and that I love. Maybe it's a problem of perception, because we all like him like we want him to be in a way, or maybe it's a problem of expectations indeed. One thing for sure is that I never expected him to take such a role. Performing on these shows was already borderline for me. And I don't get why people are saying this is against Italy. It could have been in France, UK or Peru I would still feel the same. Something has definitely changed for me these last 2 days.
  14. I never ever could have imagined Mika would be a judge or even just be part of such shows before I started being a fan. It probably was one of the many many reasons why I became a fan actually. I had always seen him as the opposite to these crappy things (it's not a bad TV show but for me it's got nothing to do with real music) and I was even surprised to see him perform in the shows. Other musicians that I admire avoid performing there or for example Muse made fun of them by switching their roles in the band with a playback song, I loved that. I thought Mika was like that too. I was a bit scared a year ago when we heard rumours he would be part of the jury of the French Voice. I'd much rather have him 2 years out of France than participating in the show (I watch this show and I enjoy it but really? Mika? He's got nothing to do with it in my opinion) And now it's starting again with Italy, I can't really believe it.. It's not that much about not seeing him perform for a while, but I really think this could more generally harm his career and image. Anyway I know that if I wasn't a fan by now this would certainly have 'blocked' me from becoming one, regardless of his enormous talent.
  15. I haven't posted much during this whole NA tour but I would like to use this last gig of the tour thread to thank everybody who has contributed to all the other report threads! I haven't checked many videos yet; but all the reports and pics I've seen were incredible! Of course a lot of people who couldn't experience this tour have been a bit sad lately but I'm also happy for all those who could, and who reported about it here. Now I'm going to take time to watch all these vids, I think it will be the best way to spend this Sunday evening
  16. And honestly, even if it wasn't, who are they to have this kind of reaction... I only know about these comments from here, I don't see them myself very often (is it on Facebook mostly?); but I can't imagine people reacting like that to be actual fans!
  17. Lyrics Elle était brune aux yeux noirs On a grandi ensemble Je la snobais dans le miroir Je n'aimais pas qu'on se ressemble Elle m'ennuyait avec sa gueule De petite fille insolente Je la laissais traîner toute seule J'avais honte qu'elle me colle autant (?) Je la vois qui s'en va comme une enfant sage Qui ne fait qu'obéir et tourner les pages Maintenant j'aurais bien tout mon temps pour elle Moi qui ne l'ai jamais trouvé aussi belle Pour faire plus vieux qu'elle Je changeais ma voix C'est vrai je la trouvais Trop jeune pour moi Sans un mot comme ça Elle change d'adresse Et voilà qu'elle s'en va Ma jeunesse Avec un autre que moi Et plus jeune évidemment Elle se fait la malle encore une fois Il ne la gardera pas longtemps Je la vois qui s'en va comme une enfant sage Qui ne fait qu'obéir et tourner les pages Maintenant j'aurais bien tout mon temps pour elle Moi qui ne l'ai jamais trouvé aussi belle Pour faire plus vieux qu'elle Je changeais ma voix C'est vrai je la trouvais Trop jeune pour moi Sans un mot comme ça Elle change d'adresse Et voilà qu'elle s'en va Ma jeunesse (x2) :wub2: Thanks for the video!!! EDIT : No time for a translation right now, but will do tonight or tomorrow if it hasn't been done in the meantime! I adore the lyrics! Very personal meaning.
  18. camille*


    Anybody interested in the band Puggy? I've been listening to their music for quite a while and now they have a new album out these days and I'm literally just back from their gig in Lille... I loved it! I thought they deserved a thread here (let me know if I'm making a mistake and there's already a thread about them) Some info about Puggy: Puggy is a band formed in 2004, when French bassist Romain Descampes and English vocalist Matthew Irons met Swedish drummer Egil "Ziggy" Franzén at a jazz school in Brussels. For this reason the band considers itself Belgian in origin. For the last five years, Puggy has toured all over the world, opening for prestigious bands such as Smashing Pumpkins, Incubus, and Deep Purple. Albums Dubois Died Today (2007) Something You Might Like (2010) To Win The World (2013) Their latest single: [YOUTUBE]L1knkrg9WIE[/YOUTUBE]
  19. Here's mine, I usually never participate in creative competitions so please be indulgent
  20. Thanks, I hadn't seen that one I'm like that, very strange to hear Mika saying this.
  21. Interesting... I guess it will come in handy that I live 5min away from Belgium BTW, it does say that he is a model for the collection too (actually that's what the headline means)
  22. Done!


    I've sent you the confirmation email just in case :wink2:

  23. Or we go on the Thursday, double price but at least we are free to do whatever we want.. Would it be ok for you? If you don't mind I'll think a bit about all this, maybe wait for Stéphanie's answer and hopefully we can book something by the end of the week

  24. Actually, as it's a special price because we book in advance, we can't cancel :( Well we can but it's not refundable.

    I'm also trying to find at what time we can check in (it's 25€ to have an early check in at 10am :shocked:)

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