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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Shall I book this? Just for the Friday night? I'm not sure we can cancel however


    I will buy my ticket at the same time

  2. What do you think of that one? http://www.ramadaplaza-liege.com/rooms


    20min away from festival, 67€

  3. I think I can most likely go to Liège (which is funny because it's the only ticket I haven't bought yet :aah:) because my colleague wants to take weeks off in August (so mine would be in July)

    We always decide so late at my work.. and this year is different from ever before because I got promoted and we are only 2 instead of 3 before.. So, harder to take weeks off when we want to.. :(


    Yes definitely we should look at the website. I've also asked advice to Stéphanie, maybe she knows something

  4. Happy Easter to you too, did you have a nice weekend?


    I went to work this morning :( but now I can chill out a bit. And the good thing is; after work I went to collect my ticket for Ronquières at Fnac :biggrin2:


    I'm sorry I didn't take time to look closely at where to stay in Liège. The problem with the hostel is that we seem tohave to be a member to have good prices, but I don't think it will be very useful for me in the future..

    About Ronquières, maybe you're right, I admit I look at all this from far away due to the fact that I don't know for sure that I'll go :( Is there anything around the festival? Isn't it the countryside?

  5. I've just heard Karen for the first time on French radio. () Looks like it's the next single here
  6. Thanks for the info! I liked what he did with 'California' but I didn't realise at first that Hia Leah could be a place too
  7. Understandable, I was in Compiègne too and it was only my 2nd gig but I'm happy it didn't stop me from going to other gigs! The other gigs I've been to were 'normal', even in Paris in November. So I'm sure Colmar will be fine
  8. Yes! If I go to this one (ticket and hotel booked but not sure I'll be able to go), I'll be on my own, so I hope I can meet some of you
  9. Wow I hadn't thought about that! Now I can only hope this is true Enjoy the gig everybody!
  10. camille*


    Yes that's what I was asking about It's a nice story how you discovered him, I could only see him during the whole show but now I see that even for non fans (yet) he was the star of the night
  11. Thanks for your report DaMango! Thank you for coming back to MFC to share your experience with us, it's much appreciated I love that description
  12. camille*


    Bienvenue! Glad to have a new French member here! (J'espère que ça ne te dérange pas que je réponde en anglais) I used to teach French as a foreign language too; in the UK What is the show where you discovered Mika? I'm sure you'll spend the greatest time in Bourges and you will only have one idea afterwards : see him again as soon as possible!
  13. If I take the week off (no idea when I'll know for sure, we always decide so late at my work :aah:), it would be nice to get there on the Thursday. If we arrive around the same time then we can even make the journey between the station and the city centre together.


    What ticket did you buy? I'm pretty useless when it comes to festivals

  14. Will you go there by train? Arriving on the gig day or the day before? Do you have an idea where to sleep? You were talking about a hostel last time? (Sorry for this questionnaire :teehee:)

  15. Hey, I'm ok and you?


    Well I've bought a ticket to the Ronquières festival even though I'm still not sure to get the Monday off.


    As for Liège I can still ask for that particular week off, then I would go, but I don't want to go alone. I haven't booked tickets/train nor hotel yet.


    What about you?

  16. Totally! Sometimes it's good to have some hindsight (Although I still really hope to see this show one day ) Bonnie and Clyde is the title of a French song by Serge Gainsbourg, I wonder if it has anything to do with it..
  17. I must be the umpteenth person to tell you this but really thank you so much for your report I'm glad you had a great time!
  18. 'On vous a déjà vu souvent' is a perfectly correct phrase, which means 'You have already often been seen'. Where English uses passive we tend to use active in French so the literal translation would be 'we have already often seen you' 'Cela ne m'allait pas' : there's apparently a double 'pas' in the sentence they wrote so that's a mistake. Otherwise it's a correct phrase meaning 'it doesn't suit me' Hope that helped
  19. I read that David Guetta has decided to cancel this gig because of the protest and is planning to perform at 'Le Dome' instead... Nothing about Mika yet.. http://next.liberation.fr/musique/2013/03/14/david-guetta-renonce-a-son-concert-subventionne-a-marseille_888610
  20. It's nothing to do with our Mika It's just a 'fun' phone call from a radio station to a random guy called Mika, you know almost every guy called Mickaël is nicknamed as Mika here.. So I don't think it's worth translating
  21. Sorry I'm here too late, thank you Alie I hear 'c'est complètement au pif' (it's completely randomly) and 'Tout le monde est dans le même esprit' (everybody is in the same state of mind) I can't wait to watch the show on Friday
  22. :wub2: (and ) Thanks for posting! Exactly what I was thinking... I was longing for this kind of messages at the time..
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