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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Yes, that's true thank you Anyway, I doubt some of these words actually come from Mika's mouth, he always seems to speak French even more perfectly than he already does in these written interviews
  2. Thank you Nanou! I really really enjoyed reading this, of course because of this insight into Mika's thoughts but also because of the way the journalist describes him at the start, words are very well chosen. It sounds exciting anyway! Just to add to Nanou's translation, about pop music in the US : 'There are so many niches in pop music that it's not a swear word anymore' and I would translate 'sans chichi' as 'without manners'
  3. I know this must be annoying, but I'm sure you can realise that it's not the case of most French fans. Also, people can have different reactions to how lucky we are. For example, I still hardly believe that Mika actually performed right next to me in Roubaix (), especially when I see him performing in NYC, LA, Seoul or Tokyo a few months later.. Crazy! But maybe other fans take it more for granted and expect him to come closer everytime. For my part it would never come to my mind to start complaining about dates in France when I know how far some of you have to travel to see him, but it's true that we easily find that the location of such or such gig is not convenient enough because we are used to having him closer.
  4. I don't think it will be on the DVD as it was just a performance during set changes...
  5. You see THIS is what saddens me the most. One of the main reasons why I'm here on MFC is to share my experiences of gigs if I'm lucky enough to attend some, and to see others report back about what they have experienced. The behaviour of some prevent others from hearing interesting stories and points of views
  6. Goedenavond I'm just starting to learn Dutch. I love learning new languages so I'm pretty excited about it! I hope someday soon I'll be able to take part in some of the conversations in here
  7. I remember an interview back in 2009 when he said South Korea is, with Belgium, the country where he is the most successful, proportionally between the number of inhabitants and the number of albums/tickets sold. And with the amazing gigs he gave there I'm sure he knows how much Korea loves him BTW when he signed the lollipop you gave me, he exclaimed 'that's from South Korea!', I think if I was Korean he would have talked to me a bit more Just like with you in Vienne and with Jieun in Paris; he loves you I'm telling you
  8. I respect your point of view but it seems to me that Mika got chart success (excluding the LICM phenomenon observed everywhere) before 'pandering' (if that's what it is) with EMD. TBWKTM was #10 of the most sold albums in 2009, #27 in 2010. Rain was a huge success here and it is still played once in a while. I think if he had released a song in English in the Summer of 2011 instead of EMD he would have had the same success..! Considering this song was well chosen of course I don't want to believe that French like him because they feel flattered.
  9. I was reading through old tweets because I was sure he had already tweeted about Fergie before MIKA official ‏@mikasounds Just heard a Fergie song, "be Italian" from the new movie Nine. Absolutley Amazing!! What a brilliant voice. You must search and find it He seems to like her anyway.. And there's a tweet around the same time when he said having lunch on his own is the best way
  10. Well that makes sense. They could still be a bit bigger so that more people have a chance? It looks to me like it will only be people who already know a lot about Mika at these gigs.
  11. I think tickets are not available for every gig yet, because of the time zones? I wonder why he doesn't play bigger venues if it sells out instantly. Maybe he's really keen on this 'intimate evening' concept..
  12. I'm not so sure about that. I can't talk about many countries but I'm pretty sure that in France people who appreciate Mika and his music are not the ones who are fond of the Eurovision.. So he might get the votes from fans but the average Eurovision audience will continue voting for the most extravagant (and most of the time ridiculous) act regardless of their talent. I completely agree with you. To me he would be out of place in there.
  13. I had a feeling this 'step back' comment might be only about France.
  14. It's seen as a ridiculous competition here in France too. I really can't see him taking part, it's one of the rare things where I'd rather not see Mika at all. Maybe it would give him publicity in other countries, but if it's publicity of this kind I'm not sure it would help him. And in France I think it could even harm his image.
  15. I'm glad this is happening! It's very exciting for all of you over there and I admit I'm already excited to have a virtual tour of the US and Canada thanks to this
  16. It looks like he is going to beat the 52 second sold out gig from last October...
  17. I would definitely go if it was on the 15th not the 14th It's looking a bit difficult for me.. as all other dates already announced actually
  18. Thanks for posting! It's quite funny, they are all having a conversation using lyrics from their own hit songs, and at the end Mika comes (quite a big cheer from the audience for him ) and he says 'WTF are you doing, talking with lyrics', and they tell him to 'relax'...
  19. Yes, it's Mimie Mathy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimie_Mathy
  20. I love the fact that the person zoomed on Mika while there were 30 other famous singers on stage
  21. Wow I think you're right! So the first vid was really bad quality! Sorry about that...
  22. So he danced on Gangnam Style... (Bad quality vid for now) [YOUTUBE]ErlHnkdeCJA[/YOUTUBE]
  23. I'm not completely sure as I haven't heard this song for a while but it was released a few months ago before we knew Mika was part of the band... So I don't think he's singing on it.
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