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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Thanks for the request :original:


    I don't know if you remember but we met in Brussels when I was with Ilse!

  2. Thank you both for your answers I was just checking some websites and indeed I found out it is occasionally played on NRJ. I want to hear it!!
  3. @mariposa Thank you for your report! Loved reading it! And it was also a home gig for you right? It was lovely to meet you in Brussels, I hope we can meet again soon
  4. Love OOL... I hope it will get airplay I've never heard UW on French radio, which worries me a bit, but your comment means it does get played..? I don't really understand your question, otherwise I'd be happy to answer
  5. I think I'm realising only now really how beautiful this gig was.. The emotion of a home gig I've just found this vid, the audience was actually quite awesome! We never stopped clapping hands And when I think it was originally a seated gig [YOUTUBE]RJQEj8llhC8[/YOUTUBE]
  6. @smokesignal Thank you so much for your report! Amazing experience! It was fabulous from the audience too I can tell you Now I know who you are because I saw you 'dancing' right in front of me with the crazy guy on stage
  7. I'm posting this on behalf of Sylvie, a French Mika fan 'I can't go to the gig at the Casino de Paris on November 13th, I have one seated ticket (bought 47€), if interested join me at this email address : fam.letzel@hotmail.fr' You can also PM me (me being Camille), I will translate and let Sylvie know
  8. Haha I see I'm not the only one Thank you very much for posting the vid, it was a great moment
  9. I'm sorry but I don't like this picture... Well Mika is fine but the background looks a bit 'kitsch' to me. I wasn't fond of what we had seen up to now anyway.
  10. Some of my pics The rest is here : http://s1300.beta.photobucket.com/user/camille_427/library/Mika%20Brussels%2003-11-2012 And 2 more videos, but not full songs
  11. Let's see what I can write about yesterday's gig... It was the first time I was going to see 2 Mika gigs so close in time (I was in Roubaix on Wednesday), it was the first time I wasn't sad after a gig because this one in Brussels was coming so close. So I was already on my little cloud. I arrived at the venue at around 10.30, about 30 people were waiting. The queuing was not the easiest I've done : cold and rain in the morning and then in the afternoon they made us queue in number order quite early so we didn't move much anymore and we could really feel the wait was long. I had a chat with different people though and it's always nice and made this special. At 7 they let us in and I ended up second row a little bit on the left. There was a DJ playing a set; not particularly my cup of tea but I was singing along with the rest of the crowd and we could feel excitement growing up. We were ready to explode and then Mika arrived! ... And started with Un Soleil Mal Luné He looked lovely, it was a special moment, first song I was already emotional, and this mood stayed with me for the rest of the gig. In my Roubaix report I was talking about the accurate description of his gig being small and getting bigger and explosive, but this time it was even more obvious. As I think Droopsy said, in Roubaix the audience was a little bit more into it right from the beginning, but I think because it didn't start with such a slow song. So I guess yesterday it was his intention and it worked well. The things that were planned, that is to say balloons on OOL, shiny 'pompoms' on Celebrate, bubbles on Underwater and lights on Stardust worked well. The most impressive was the balloons. Origin of Love was one of these songs where I was quite moved. I may be crazy but I thought he was almost crying at the beginning? I don't know why he couldn't sing properly the first few lines I also really liked Happy Ending. Usually I need some time after the gig, watching videos to realise what I've lived, but this time on OOL and HE I knew I was there listening at that moment and it was beautiful. Apart from that, the rest of the time we were just crazy, I really liked LYWID, with the little dance moves we all did, and the fan filming on stage, fun!! I'm glad he did WAG, which he didn't do in Roubaix, I think that's when the boy went on stage and danced, funny to watch The Polka Dot Choir was great, really energetic and made a lot of gesture that the audience would then pick up. Mika didn't talk that much, not as much as in Roubaix anyway; he mostly spoke French but then sometimes switched to English. He talked about being back in Belgium and this time not performing under the rain, he made fun of someone who was still wearing the bracelet from this Summer's festival, saying it was probably all infected; he complained about receiving cuddly toys on stage and said he'd rather get a bottle of wine or chocolate He struggled trying to take off his bow tie during half of the show, we could feel his pain and then his relief when he finally put it away He was also trying to talk about Bonfire Night in the UK (because exploding balloons really sounded like fireworks) and he started with 'on the 5th of November' and a whole part of the crowd shouted at him that it was the 3rd of November. He wasn't really happy about that 'You think I'm saying we're the 5th of November in the UK while we're the 3rd in Brussels?' After the gig we went to wait outside, nothing was organised, we could feel chaos coming up. I think nobody really understood that Mika would arrive so 'quickly', I mean after they made us all move backwards and then forward again. But then he was there with a great smile on his face and madness started. No barriers, just security guys trying to hold up people, I don't like that. By total luck I was right where Mika started going and I had him look at me for the first time Because I wanted him to sign the glowing lollipop from Seoul that Yuna gave me, and I think he was intrigued, he said 'That's from South Korea!' Then he was gone I could still take some pics from afar so I know I was quite lucky. Today I stayed in Brussels mostly with Ilse, had a look around the city and went to eat with French girls Stéphanie, Audrey and Sylvie. We were all still in our little dream... Next time for me, Paris! Can't wait
  12. I'm back from Brussels. Will try to wake up from this dream to write a longer report soon. Meanwhile, here is my video of Underwater (I'm sorry about the loud singing ) [YOUTUBE]b719-PvgUkM[/YOUTUBE]
  13. Félicitations Stéphanie!!! Very happy for you
  14. Ah great! I don't have a printer here at home so that would have been a problem! Sounds good, we won't arrive much later at the venue :wink2:


    I'm even more excited now with the bags prepared by the MFC!

  15. I've only just read what is being planned for tomorrow with the balloons and pompoms... That's awesome! Of course if help is needed tomorrow I'll be happy to do whatever needs to be done.
  16. For my part I have applied last week before the first deadline on Oct 27 and what worries me is that they haven't even watched my vid if I consider the number of views on Youtube
  17. Some of my pics The others are here : http://s1300.beta.photobucket.com/user/camille_427/library/Mika%20Roubaix%2031-10-2012%20Home%20gig
  18. My report from yesterday's gig! Home gig for me... I went to the venue after work at around 6.30 and there met Stéphanie (Minnie), Audrey (Ayana62) and Salomé (Kaito). We were soon let into the venue. It was so strange to get into the venue so quickly without having to queue for hours and so quietly as everyone had a numbered seat and there was no chaos. I was 3rd row right in the middle. Before the gig security said that first 2 rows will be able to stand up first and get to the front before anybody else (they supposed everybody would try to get to the front). I was on my row next to Ilse and Priscilla and we decided to stay there because our view was great in the middle. The support act (Sophie Delila) was a very talented girl I think. It was obvious that everybody was eager to see Mika but she did a great job in my opinion. At 9 the gig started... (It lasted until 11, 2 full hours) Wow such a beautiful venue and stage, it was great to see Mika in this small environment, very emotional... He was in a great shape (as usual should I say), I thought it took some time for the audience to get into the gig (first songs were BIOTG, Blue Eyes and Billy Brown) but then it was Relax and it started growing up and never went down again.. It really fitted to how Mika described this tour, starting small and exploding towards the end. He was funny but emotional at the same time, audience was responsive, energetic for energetic songs but quietly listening with emotion on quiet songs... I'm completely lost regarding the set list, I know which song he sang but no idea of the order! He sang EMD, Karen and Un Soleil Mal Luné, Doriand was on stage a long part of the show. At the start of one song, can't remember which one, Curtis was playing a short intro at the piano and Mika started joking and imitating voices in an airport.. He then felt ashamed of himself telling bad stories like that He was complaining about Air France, imitating the voice telling him 'Mr Penniman you are late', 'you owe us 2 million euros', in short he was having fun He also threw his microphone in the first rows Without intending to! He then touched the hair of the guy who got hit to forgive himself Before Relax he talked about him rehearsing in Lille for his first tour in 2007; and that at that time before going on stage he wanted to die, and then he went on stage and started with Relax and any fear was gone. During Love Today he did the funny usual thing with Max, but at the end long after the song finished we all started singing again, and I think that's when he said 'It's f***ing good to be back in France' During TOOL, most people in the front rows had heart-shaped white and red balloons, he seemed to really enjoy that, we played with them during the last few songs. Apparently a lot of people had written their phone numbers on them and Mika started reading them out and said 'something's wrong with you' lol.. One of the Polka Dot Choir girl was at the front during TOOL and translating the song in sign language, that was nice. The last 2 songs were Un Soleil Mal Luné and Lollipop, I'm so happy he sang this French song, I was hoping for it and had the feeling he would sing it but the fact that he really did and that it was so blissful is just After the show we went to wait outside, there were quite a lot of people I think. He got out around 0.30 and got to see everybody! I don't know how long he stayed but he really took time and it's the first time I get to see him in such nice conditions! I had my booklet signed, I can't believe he was right in front of me, I've never had him so close and I was amazed by his kindness even more than ever He said he liked the balloons and performing in the Zenith in Lille last time and was hoping to go there again, he said the Brussels gig will be 'hot' as we say in French, I think he meant he knows the audience will be crazy And then he asked how we say Cologne in French and that he's going there today... He went back into the venue 5 minutes and then out to get in his car and some people were still waiting, he took pics with some people again! Amazing... We saw him drive away and we clapped and cheered and he looked a bit surprised with his big beautiful eyes of his :wub2: Once again my report is long and might not interest many people but I'm so happy to live these moments I need to write them down and share... Can't believe I'm seeing him again this Saturday.. How I love to be a Mika fan! I've got a few vids and pics that I'm uploading and will share soon. EDIT : 2 more things, he talked about how crazy it was that in Seoul people were singing EMD in French, and that in Chicago Americans tried to, and he imitated them singing 'Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie' with a strong accent 2nd thing, thanks again Audrey for driving me back home
  19. I'm now writing my report but in the meantime here is my video of Stardust from last night [YOUTUBE]i0144oe7Q9g[/YOUTUBE]
  20. Thanks for posting. I'm surprised that they are talking about a 'mega success'.. Is it so hard for any artist to sell out 8 venues of about 1500 ppl?
  21. I had the feeling they would be looking for more people for that one. Home gig for me and I actually would like to be part of the choir (I've applied for another gig) but I will be working on the day so I know I won't be there by 3pm
  22. Brussels I sent it! I did hesitate but I sent it Yeah... that's why I sent it
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