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Everything posted by camille*

  1. I've waited for him only twice after gigs, and I took pictures from further away as it was obvious I couldn't make my way to him. If I had had the chance to talk to him I don't think I would have cared about pictures.
  2. I think Underwater will be the next single, we just saw Mika answering questions on the show he was at yesterday; when asked if Catherine Deneuve would star in his next video following Fanny Ardant, he answered 'why not, but she'll have to be underwater'
  3. Strange to see pics of Mika in this station... I think I just missed him there when he went to Paris on September 1st. I didn't know he was in France so who knows maybe we were at the station at the same time. And I've been wondering what I would have done. Not taking pictures, I don't think so anyway.
  4. You're probably right. I really became a fan in November 2009 because he was promoting the album in France. And it was 2 months after the release. Is somebody working on the translation of this France 5 show?
  5. I hoped to see him in C à vous and Thé ou Café... That's one out of 2 done, maybe next time
  6. He seems really happy to be #1! We could hear it in his voice
  7. I didn't think he would be on so early! Crazy Mika day, I'm losing my head, don't even have time to listen to the album
  8. France 5 was live for the first part, but then they recorded the second part when we had another show in the middle. On NRJ it's live but he can be on from now until midnight
  9. He looked so fantastic in there I've always wanted him to be in this show, and I'm happy I was right, it suited him very well! Can't wait to see the rest of it and then watch it again Just a revelation he made : he had asked 3 young French female singers to sing EMD with him and each of them refused... So he said 'f*** off, I'll sing it on my own'
  10. http://streamtivi.com/embedplayer.php?id=G:0101010c080e6672616e63653500&width=535&height=380 Is this working?
  11. People, be prepared to see Mika have some chicken (Yes he's having dinner in this show)
  12. Translation as promised Hi, it's Mika, we're in a studio in London, in the middle of East London, I'm here with my sound engineer, Angie, who doesn't speak French. Yes? A little bit? Ok, I'm going to explain to you a little bit about the song Karen which is on the album how I wrote it with the writer Doriand and also how I recorded it and produced it. And the transitions that the versions made. And so I'm going to start with the demo I made in the South of France in a studio called 'La Fabrique'. And I'm going to show you how it evolved. So the song Karen... it all started because I write with a songwriter Doriand, he's a friend of mine, we had started working together one year and a half ago, and one night we went out together, and we were at the Musée Grévin, because they had put up my statue at the Musée Grévin, and Doriand came to see the 2 versions of me, the real version and the wax one, and after that we thought 'ok it's a bit ridiculous what's happening...', we found it very funny, we went to have some drinks after the ceremony in a small bar 'Le Bistrot 82'. It still exists of course, it was just one year ago, it's on the Rue des Martyrs in Montmartre and it's next door to another bar 'Chez Michou'. We went there it was 1 or 1.30am, we sat down, it was almost empty, and suddenly people started coming in, it's really a night bar that closes very early in the morning. There's a girl who came in, she was called Karen, she was very nice, quite funny, and she started talking to me, and suddenly she started drinking, and drank more and more and more... One hour later she was leaving the bar completely drunk. And in the 60 minutes we spent together she told me her whole story, her life from beginning to that point where I met her. She had a son I think, a whole drama, she was quite astonishing. And Doriand and I looked at each other and thought 'ok it's clear her life is a song', we're going to take this experience and translate it into a melody which I wrote. I wrote the melody with lyrics in English, I sent it to Doriand and Doriand wrote the lyrics, then we went to La Fabrique in South of France and we made this demo. It's the first demo. (Music playing) And now there are keyboards entering, in a Supertramp way... And of course it's made with a piano in a very simple way in just one or two takes. And there's no rhythm, there's nothing because it was just me and Doriand in a room recording ideas. It's really a demo. What I find funny too is that most of this demo is very slow, because it was really the first time, before recording Elle Me Dit, it was the very first time that I was singing something in French. From beginning to end. And that I was recording something in French. And so, I had to slow the song down because I couldn't sing the lyrics in a good way without making mistakes. This song is really a story, we can see Karen at 20 years old, Karen at 30 years old, Karen at 50 years old, and we see her dying. It's Karen's life. But she's saying 'I'll be free, I'll be free one day I'll be free' and unfortunately in our story she only finds her freedom in death. And after this version I've been to many places, I went working with Nick Littlemore from Empire of the Sun, with whom I worked a lot for this album, and also we worked with Greg Wells, but most of the time it was Angie and me, we were in New York, and I thought I love this song, it's almost my favourite song in the whole album, apart from the song 'The Origin of Love', the second one is Karen. So I told her we need to find a way for this song to have its place on the album. So we called a guitarist, and instead of the piano that you've just heard, we transformed the song, it became a bit like that, in the same way as Fred Neil or Harry Nilsson, like an American pop album from the 60s (music playing) For example there, we forget the piano, and for example if I add the voice, that's the result. Now it's not too slow anymore. And it's starting to move much more. And there are a lot of details, for example if you listen there are trumpets, violins... And now it's starting to move, so it's a sad song but it has rhythm. So you can see how I start a demo, how I add things, and I try to create something, a sort of, a song that... Honestly for me, the song, if it's in French or in English, it doesn't matter, it's exactly the same intention. It must sound like a song that would be in English. It must have a place on the album just like other songs in English. For me there's no difference at all. But of course I like it that it's in French, because I don't know, when you sing in French it's very beautiful, it's very nice and even if it's hard, it's worth it.
  13. Thank you! I forgot this was supposed to air today (I knew it yesterday though ) It was filmed in Vienne, we can see quite a few of us in the front rows
  14. Same here! I'm looking forward to C A Vous tomorrow, it should be much more relaxed
  15. I still haven't watched the video (busy Mika day) but I'll translate as soon as I can, possibly in the next hours
  16. No they just explained that his mother and sister were around and he seemed embarrassed.. So they asked if he was still living with his mother, he answered 'no, I'm not some sort of Peter Pan' and then they interrupted him again..
  17. It was nice but a bit messy, they always seem in a rush in that show... Anyway, mission accomplished, 'Mika' is trending and most comments are about how cute, sweet, talented he is, about people wanting to buy his album or see him next to where they live, about liking his open way of saying he's gay...
  18. Haha we've just seen him The girl said she wanted to do something special with him so he asked 'watch the sun set? Make love?' And she just asked him to play the music note 'do' on the piano. So that she would play Mikado..
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