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Everything posted by camille*

  1. I was wondering how you got the information in the front page post you added.. So that's official
  2. I'll translate the whole interview but regarding sports he says he supports France in football but for the Olympics as it's in London and it cost a lot of money and the other reasons you mentioned he's cheering for GB
  3. :wub2: Lovely video! Mika looks sooo good in it, so natural! (Love the Converse ) Can't wait to see it played on TV all over the world Thank you so much Milda
  4. Thanks LaraMay! You're always so good at finding stuff Do you think we might access it at midnight UK time?? (in one hour?)
  5. Yes I think we'll have Summer in Autumn :teehee:


    :shocked: My brother's news report of the day has been shown on national TV as well as regional one! Very happy :original:

  6. Good for Danish fans I had guessed well; that he would perform in Holland and Denmark before all the rest
  7. Lol! :aah:


    In France only Lyon seems to be sold out, but Paris and Roubaix are the best selling ones :thumb_yello: And the whole tour is still in the top 8 events :)

  8. Ahah! I'm not very surprised to be honest :teehee: But still :yay:

  9. Brilliant! It put a huge smile on my face
  10. Are you @originoflove? Lol I remember him wondering what this had to do with the question! I think the presenter asked 'Do you watch the Olympics from Origin of love?' or something like that
  11. Au rang 3? C'est trop fort, moi aussi!! Je serai avec Ilse et Priscilla (Droopsy) places 12 13 14 :original:


    Super j'attends ça avec impatience

  12. Contente que ça ait marché, super interview encore une fois! Ca m'avait manqué tout ça, ça fait du bien de le voir de plus en plus souvent :)


    Tu viens à Roubaix en octobre j'imagine? On va enfin se revoir! Normalement je vais aussi à Bruxelles et Paris la 2ème date, j'ai hâte

  13. I loved acoustic TOOL, it made me all emotional once again I really liked the interview too; he seems very confident now and he 'gets' the audience so easily! It looks like people could listen to him talking for hours (I know I could but trying to see things from a different point of view I think he did an amazing job) Happy for everyone who got their questions answered
  14. Coucou,


    Il faut que tu télécharges un programme qui te donne une adresse IP anglaise, Christine a posté un lien dans le thread, ça marche avec Windows :wink2:

  15. :wub2: Once again I'm much better at quoting you all and showing I agree than at expressing my own feelings It must be hard indeed; but it's good that you are trying Thanks to you, little by little, mentalities will change
  16. :aah:


    Should be ok now :wink2:

  17. Translation I don't look good from very close. I'm comfortable on stage if there's at least some distance. With a camera, everything is observed from very close. And I don't know, maybe it's something in my head, psychologically I don't have the idea of being observed from as close as a camera. Generally, making movie soundtracks, which is what I wanted to do when I was a student in college, no not in college but at school, I wanted to create soundtracks, I wanted to write for movies; for me it's the perfect job for a musician like me who likes melody but also comes from classical music, because I started with opera. So for me it was simple, ok, movies, it's fine; there are melodies, arrangements, orchestra, we can mix all the different genres of music. It's a bit of everything. But because I'm dyslexic and I can't read music, I can't write music on a sheet, it was almost impossible. So I knew I had to find a career one way or another so that I can have a start in music and then maybe one day I'll be able to make soundtracks. I'm really tempted by it. But to be in the movie? Oh there are thousands of people much better at this than me.. but honestly I think I could make soundtracks. You did manage to get Fanny Ardant to play in your video I like movie actors very much... The aesthetic of the video is very reminiscent of François Ozon's cinema Yes I'm a big fan of François Ozon, I've known him for years, I've met him 7 years ago, he was at one of my shows in London. I'm a fan of his work, aesthetically it is something I love and also I like Truffaut and all this. So when I met Fanny Ardant, it was completely by chance, we were at a dinner in Paris and a few weeks later I called her to ask if she wanted to make a video with me, to be in it. And that's what happened. In fact... In fact... Yasmine, wasn't it here? Wasn't it here, that I called her? I think that the first time I had the idea to make a video with Fanny Ardant was when I was in Tunisia. I was in Tunisia in my hotel room. And I started.. yes it was in Tunisia! And I called Fanny Ardant from my phone and I had a whole conversation with her before going on stage, telling her really formally 'Hello, I like what you do a lot, I have an idea for a video, would you like to be in a pop video? ' She said 'No, but tell me why you're asking' And I told her. And it took several months and finally it worked. It took a lot of time but it started here. To answer your question about what's happening in Syria, it is something that I follow, every morning, every night, and also once or twice during the day, I check on websites to see what's happening, to see if there are new videos of what's happening in a very strange environment where everytime there's something new, there are some people saying 'it's a lie, it's not true, it's not that, it's a wrong perspective' and so we have to spend enough time to see what's happening and not fall into propaganda because for me, what's happening is atrocious, it's violent, it's macabre. I don't know why it lasts so long and there are more than 16000 people who have died there now and internationally it's just as if we didn't know what to do, as if it was not even worth it. (So nothing about the album but nice interview anyway, and now we know he had been planning EMD's release at least 8 months in advance )
  18. How could he like that? That was scary.. Especially the girl running towards him at the beginning.. And the first people he gets close to are just trying to touch him, not even waiting for an autograph
  19. You know, with my poor 3 gigs on the clock, maybe I just don't have enough experience to comment on this
  20. I don't really know what's happening between fans (only went to Vienne this Summer and it was fine), but yes it truly is a shame if people come to a point of not wanting to write a report or even go to gigs anymore I understand Ingie about not wanting to tell what happened backstage, I'm not expecting people to report on this, but I always enjoy reading gig reports so much..
  21. But that would be 5 gigs in a row? I'm not sure he would do that.. Maybe Denmark and Holland will be the first ones instead of Roubaix. And yes that would be nice if they could write properly Lille/Roubaix instead of whatever they have written
  22. This is the translation of the talking bits during the gig which I promised to Yuna I would write down when she told me she had recorded all of it 1) Before BIOTG Good evening Vienne, are you ok? Normally when I'm at the third song of the gig, I always say 'We are going to warm you up', but it's clear that tonight, I don't need to say that. What I'm going to do now in this magnificent theatre, which is the perfect place, Ladies and Gentlemen I'm going to divide you into 2. Tonight we are pretending to be in an arena in Roman times. Tonight, on the right you are the Romans, on the left you are the Greeks. And it's very easy, it's war. (People singing) This is the reason why the Roman Empire crashed down. 2) Before SITM I wrote this song; actually it's one of the first songs I wrote when I was 17 I think. And I was furious with my grandma, a Lebanese woman with a very strong character, and I think she never really realised what I had written. Until tomorrow morning. But I like her very much and at 17 I wrote the lyrics 'I sit and think about the day that you're gonna die'. But with very happy music. It's a nice gift of love I think. 3) Before Lola I made the decision a few days ago to play the piano a bit more. And yesterday in Nice was the first time I tried to do what I had promised to do. It was a disaster. I f***ed it up. And tonight I practiced. But I can assure you I will f*** it up. And erm.. and.. yeah. And now is the moment when I try to remember one more time the song I'm going to play. 4) Before Happy Ending I'm going to introduce my musicians. They are new with me here for our 5th show tonight. It's only their 2nd show in France. They really didn't know what to expect from a French audience. (Introduction of the band) I think that tonight Max is the winner. 5) Before Karen You are great. And honestly it's one of the most beautiful places we've done in my career. I don't know if you understand the feeling to be on such a stage and to have the audience up at almost 90°. This song has been written for a young girl that I met with my friend Doriand in a small bistrot in the Rue des Martyrs. It's called Karen. I've decided tonight that I don't want to make any mistake because I've never sung this song without making any mistake. So I'm concentrating. 6) Love Today Killing scene Ladies and Gentlemen I introduce you Max's voice that you will hear for the rest of your lives. For the rest of eternity you will hear Max's voice in your head. From Vienne to Paris to Shanghai to Bangkok, there will be Max. In your ears and in your heart. A torture. But you have the choice. Either I leave you with Max for the rest of your lives, or when I count to 3, absolutely everyone who can in the arena tonight will start jumping. The choice is yours. (After jumping he says 'you are scary/you're freaking me out') 7) Before TOOL (It's when people were waving their arms in the air) It's like slow motion. I don't know how to say slow motion in French. 'Ralenti'. That was kind of obvious. It was quite easy 'ralenti'. This song is called 'The Origin of Love'. In French, 'L'origine de l'amour'.
  23. Oh this is sweet I was sad leaving Vienne 2 weeks ago because I can't go to any other Summer gig but then I found out the French dates and it was such a contrast in feelings, being so happy again
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