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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Wow so the song is out! So glad I could hear it, not sure I'll be able to listen in an hour I think I like it after listening to it once; I'm not sure about the Pharrell part though.. not my cup of tea. But I like the verses a lot
  2. LOL! I'm totally supporting this idea too!
  3. This is exactly the word I'm missing too... Could it be 'be or not'? EDIT: As for the following lyrics, I have absolutely no idea and I'll just wait patiently for a native speaker to decipher this for me
  4. Wow this is such great news!!! I haven't been that excited in a very long time! I want to run and scream everywhere I wasn't here when WAG was released; I went crazy when we discovered Kick Ass, Elle Me Dit, Underwater and Make You Happy, but this is a whole new level!! And with the new website and gigs coming closer, this is too much for me! (not that I'm complaining about it)
  5. In one of the French articles on Make You Happy, they say that the album will be out at the start of the school year, and in another one they say end of September. It seems it's definitely not before September anyway
  6. I was just checking some lyrics websites for Make You Happy; just to know if there were some differences in the understanding, and I found the version posted here at first on the MFC, you know, with the 'Then the line I can't understand' bit
  7. Yes I still have a problem with the robot voice. Actually it's not the robot voice but the rhythm of this line. It's a little bit too unstructured for me. But I guess that was his goal...!


    Ok for next week. I still need to get my ticket at the Fnac! So we can go together :wink2:


    I'll send you a pic by email in a minute, just need to find a decent one :teehee:

  8. Hi! I'm fine thank you!! Can't believe we finally heard a new song and that we are getting so close to the summer gigs!


    Did we say 11.50 for next week? At Lille Flandres? I'm thinking, maybe I should send you a picture of myself, because I think you have no idea what I look like! I do know what you look like because I saw you at the MFC anniversary on the screen + I saw a pic on Twitter or something...


    About the song... I don't think it will ever be my favourite and I hope all the songs won't sound like that, but really I enjoy it, I think I need more time to get used to it, but I really appreciate his effort and work :biggrin2:


    What about you?


    EDIT : Lol I just see you have a pic of yourself on the MFC too :aah:

  9. Hello! Ca y est j'ai pu entendre la chanson!! (D'ailleurs je te remercie encore une fois de m'avoir passé l'info!) J'ai posté mon avis dans la thread mais je peux te dire que j'aime beaucoup beaucoup! J'écoute en boucle là! Il prend des risques, c'est différent, il faut s'habituer sur le coup, mais vraiment, c'est du bon boulot :biggrin2:

  10. Finally I'm back from work and can listen to this! We've been waiting for so long! I've listened to it 3 times only at the moment 1st listen (without video) : Ok, that's quite a change, what is this electronic voice as a chorus?? Oh but it sounds very nice in between. I can hear a bit of MJ even if I don't know his work that well. 2nd listen (with video) : Still a bit annoyed by the robotic chorus voice, but I'm completely transported to somewhere else watching the video at the same time. Beautiful work 3rd listen : I'm smiling. A lot. I think I like it. I thought the same when I was listening to it the second time Yes I agree, I don't know if I'll watch it again and again but really it's a beautiful piece of work mixing these images to this sound
  11. Ah yes I guess you'll see that not all of France is like Paris.. :wink2: I hope you liked Paris though.


    No I haven't been to a lot of foreign countries, the ones I've visited are in Europe apart from Morocco and Tunisia. I love travelling and would love to visit so many places in the world, I just need to find time and money :)

    I don't have any family or friend who's ever been to South Korea, but once I met a Korean woman on the bus and she was so nice! We talked a bit and she offered me some Korean biscuits, it was so funny :biggrin2:

  12. :bye:


    Oh wow that's great that he will be back in Seoul! I'm excited everytime he goes there, we can feel the excitement from far far away! :biggrin2:


    Yes thinking about Mika kind of brightens up our days right? This morning I woke up with Love Today on the radio and then in the underground station EMD was playing; it put me in such a good mood :) And it's the same about his gig of course.


    Have you ever been to France or to Europe before or is it quite the big trip for you?

  13. Ah I see... Well it's already great that people know his music, after all, it's Mika's main goal I guess. Here in France what strikes me is that parents or even grandparents as well as children, everybody knows who Mika is and knows at least, let's say, Relax and Love Today. It was really a big phenomenon in 2007. So big that last year I remember watching a documentary about the 2000/2010 decade (about politics, cinema, music, all topics) and they mentioned him (and not a lot of other artists)!


    Yes I don't know what's wrong with the promotion. Last year's gig in Compiègne was not well promoted either. But all in all he can even succeed without promotion here as he got to #1 with EMD after only 2 or 3 radio shows..And even got a best male award :aah: It's almost scary sometimes :biggrin2:


    Anyway, can't wait for Vienne and the album!!!

  14. It's part of a festival so that's why it's in a big nature park. It's true that he's very famous but I don't know if the gigs will be sold out this summer. I mean, if I was not a Mika fan I wouldn't have heard he's performing in France at all!


    And speaking of famous I think S Korea has nothing to envy France about.. He's popular isn't he? He has already talked about his success there and how it impresses him in several French interviews :wink2:


    OMG just read the Twitter thread.. are we really going to get this album soonish?? :boing:

  15. At first I had planned to go to the Parc Eana gig, but it's in the middle of nowhere, I don't have a car, there are no trains going there and really it was a real mess logistically! (even though it's nothing compared to coming from South Korea)


    So when they announced the Vienne gig I knew I'd go because it's accessible by train. The journey lasts 3h30 but it's ok!

  16. Well Belgium is basically 10min away from my flat.. I can even take the bus to be at the border. The UK is a little bit further away but I can easily go too. I actually lived in the UK during 3 years from 2006 to 2009. That's where I discovered Mika :wub2:


    I love huge cities.. I think the biggest I've been to is London but Seoul must be a whole different size and spirit.. I know how you feel because I like that people are interested in France or French because of Mika :teehee:

  17. I live next to Lille in Northern France. The actual opposite to Nice! I'm very close to Belgium and the UK, right between Paris Brussels and London :)


    What about you? Do you live in Seoul or around? I have to say I don't know much about South Korea but I'm more and more interested in this country since I've been a Mika fan :teehee:

  18. Oh that's nice! Bonjour! Or I should say Salut, which is less formal :wink2:


    I think it'll be ok for the concert tickets because it's not his proper tour so it's not much advertised. I think only fans and people in the gig area know about Mika performing there. If it was his 'normal' tour I think you'd probably have to book months in advance :aah:


    I don't know about Nice though as it's a festival, I have no idea if there are many tickets still available!

  19. Hello! How are you? Do you have everything sorted out for your trip to France?

  20. Ok we'll have you in our room then :thumb_yello: We have booked the Etap Hotel on the 17th and 18th July.

    I've only been to 2 gigs, the atmosphere is great but Seoul seems so loud and crazy, I think nothing can beat that. Vienne seems beautiful indeed. I don't live near Vienne at all so it's holidays for me too :)

  21. I'm sure it's a great decision! But gigs in France won't be as impressive as in South Korea :aah: Will you go to other French gigs?

    Well I go to Vienne with Ilse (ilseh1983), we have booked an hotel room for 2 nights in Vienne and we have a spare place. If you are alone you can stay with us if you want. And then I can help you with French :wink2:

    If you struggle with buying gig and train tickets just let me know!

  22. Hello! I've just seen in the gig thread that you will be in Vienne this summer, it's incredible :thumb_yello: I hope we'll be able to meet at some point. I just wanted to say, if you need help for anything related to French/France, I'll be happy to help :wink2:

  23. En juin j'ai des collègues qui seront en congé donc je ne pourrais pas prendre de journées à ce moment là... Je vais voir Coldplay un dimanche en septembre, ça ne pose pas problème, normalement je pourrais avoir ma journée du lundi et même si je l'ai pas c'est à Paris donc un retour le lundi matin est possible.. Mika en juin à Londres c'est autre chose..


    Ah oui tu penses qu'on peut espérer d'autres dates? Je le disais sans trop y croire. C'est vraiment bête pour le 28 juillet c'est le seul autre concert que j'aurais pu faire..


    J'ai bien reçu ton sms, tu es de nouveau dans mes contacts :thumb_yello:

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