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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Je t'avoue que dès que j'ai vu contre qui il était nominé, j'ai pensé qu'il allait gagner (surtout parce que c'est le vote du public comme tu dis) Mais bon, rien n'est jamais joué, il va falloir voter!


    Au fait t'as prévu d'aller aux concerts déjà annoncés? Moi je réfléchis pour celui de Normandie, je peux peut-être prendre mes congés à ce moment là, je sais pas encore..

  2. Tu penses que tu pourras voter pour lui pendant l'émission? Moi je suis prête j'ai économisé pour :teehee: Il faut qu'il gagne!!

  3. Il me semble avoir vu quelque part qu'il y aura un hommage à Barbara, si c'est bien ça il faut absolument que Mika participe!

  4. Ah tu crois? Je n'ai jamais assisté à une émission de télé, je sais pas du tout comment ça marche.. mais là c'est quand même un peu comme un concert.. Faut voir.


    En tant que reporter tu te dois de suivre Mika partout! Jusque sous la douche s'il le faut, ça en ferait du scoop :biggrin2:

  5. Oh oui bien sûr sans problème! Au contraire c'est génial, j'aurais l'impression d'y être un peu moi aussi!

  6. :bye: Hi Christine, thanks for accepting the request! I'm trying to get to know MFCers a little bit better (in the hope of meeting some of you at a next tour) and you're part of the ones I'd like to talk to more.. I hope it's reciprocal, it may well not be :blush-anim-cl:
  7. I'm ok! Getting excited about next week's award show. I'll just watch it on TV but still it will be so good to see Mika again :boing:

  8. Ok I'll write in English but you can write in Spanish if you want, I like it so much but I forget a lot..


    I know Stéphanie too! I was with her at the Compiègne gig. She's one of the rare MFCers I've ever met, she was so lovely to me because I didn't know anybody!

  9. You're welcome :original:


    I'm trying to get to know people from different places; the MFC is so global! I thought about you when I thought about Italy :wink2:


    I hope you're fine

  10. You're welcome :original: I'm fine thank you! And you?


    It's ok that you don't speak French, I love MFC because I can write in English


    Puedo escribir en español también :wink2:

  11. :yay: :yay: Félicitations pour les places pour les Victoires de la Musique! Je suis super contente pour toi :thumb_yello: J'essaierai de te trouver dans ma télé :biggrin2:


    Merci pour ton msg, je viens de le lire, ça fait plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles aussi, je te réponds très bientôt c'est promis! :huglove:

  12. These last posts about Mika's career in France reminded me of what he said in an interview just before the PDP gig; that (I quote) 'more than any other territory, it's a personal mission' for him to have a career in France. I hadn't thought much about it because for me Mika really is an international star but now I wonder.. I hope it's not his plan to focus only on France.
  13. I don't think I'm the one who's got the best answer as I'm not a native speaker, but I would say 'can' and 'can't' don't sound the same, at least with British accent just like in By The Time. I don't think the 't' is so important, it's the sound of the 'a' that would help you decide if it's the negative form or not..I mean in the song if he said 'can' you would hear an open 'a' almost like in 'cat' But here you can clearly hear another sound for 'a'.. (in phonetics ɑ: instead of æ in 'can') My reply is messy
  14. Sorry I´ve got to log out now.. We´ll chat again soon if you want :wink2:

  15. I think we're all weird in a way.. everybody's different.. and I'm pretty sure Mika attracts weird people (but weird is not a negative word for me)


    I haven't met many MFCers either, just a couple. I love MFC but I'm a bit too shy in RL to meet people at gigs etc


    I'm sure you'll go to London sooner than you think, and I'm sure you'll love it, even if it's just because it's Mika's city :biggrin2:

  16. Well I'm always happy to meet new people so why not? The question is why would you want to meet me :roftl:


    I love England.. I don't know why. I immediately fell in love with English when I started learning it as a child and then I loved the country. I visited different parts of it, but I lived next to York and then in Bristol. I'm completely in love with London too :wub2: (Sorry about that but yes I can fangurl on a country and cities)

  17. I've never been to Scotland sadly, but I'm sure I will one day :wink2:


    I've lived in England though and really enjoyed it.. I miss it sometimes

  18. I'm fine :)

    UK :mf_lustslow: I love your country and language so much!

    I'm from France :wink2:

  19. Hey :bye: How are you?

    I don't know much about you, where are you from?

  20. In EMD there's a mistake in the first sentence ('Elle me dit écris une chanson contente' is not correct) In Karen I can't think of any mistake right now so I don't think there is any... The lyrics are more elaborated that's for sure. And you are totally right about melody matching lyrics and not the other way round.
  21. Hey there! Thanks for the request :original:

  22. Oh yes I think I once wrote a translation of this interview.. Would you be interested in getting it (if you don't have it and if I find where I put it?)
  23. The cutest in there is your siggie And all the interview that goes with it.. One of my fav ever :wub2: (I knew I would have to comment on your siggie one day )
  24. I don't follow the Eurovision contest much but here is the entry for France [YOUTUBE]hOor4tVVJcM[/YOUTUBE] I'm ok with this singer but I don't like the song
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