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Everything posted by camille*

  1. You're all very welcome No sorry, but there's a rerun on Saturday afternoon so maybe someone will be able to do it? I don't think I'll be home.. But really there wasn't more than what I've written (apart from the fact that he was hiding in the 'egg' at the start of the interview )
  2. There was a bit of Mika's rehearsal with and without Mika (the band rehearsed with a double first) And then a little bit of interview, he said that the 3rd album will be out 'in a few months', that it will be completely different from the first two, that he did a lot of different collaborations, that it's like going back to zero, that this album is joy, he had a lot of fun making it. He also talked about EMD, that it is about all the women around him, mother, sisters, grandmother, friends. And that his father didn't particularly like the line 'don't end up like your father' but his mother really used to tell them this.
  3. Me neither and I'm not surprised.. If there's anything it will be on NRJ 12, that's much more logical The show starts in a minute
  4. Link to NRJ Paris http://webactu-webtv.com/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=3047
  5. I would like to give more info about the interview that is supposed to be aired tonight but I really don't know much about it; I've heard 2 different things: - tonight on NRJ Paris at 10pm (news from Label Barclay, I don't even know what this channel is ) - tonight on NRJ 12 at 10.45pm (a documentary about the NMA backstage, I just assumed we might see Mika's interview in there as it was for this particular channel) I'm looking for links but I'm struggling a bit
  6. Bonne nuit! J'avais pas vu ta question d'avant, je vais y réfléchir
  7. Oh that's really nice.. I shall go on then; I've got plenty to say about Mika and this song (totally agree with you about the emphasis on some words by the way) Oh yes you're completely over it (So am I obviously) I've never been a fan before and used to make fun of people around me who were fans of different bands I just couldn't imagine what it was like to find someone/some music that really match with you. I'm also passionate about languages (English as you may have noticed ) but it's not really something we can fangurl on
  8. I like Coldplay very much (and will see them live for the first time this year) but I just like listening to their songs in the background, and singing along.. (and I admit a lot of their songs sound like each other, but it can also be reassuring) I'm not passionate about their music like Mika's. In fact I've never been so passionate about anything apart from Mika
  9. Oh yes please I hope so too.. I love Karen but it's a special song and it doesn't have to be all the songs going that way. I also love Elle Me Dit so that shows how 'flexible' we are (and how talented and eclectic Mika is)
  10. Ah that's a good question and I don't know how to answer this at the moment I think what we call 'chanson française' (and I would include for example Barbara or Aznavour in there) is very much centred on the lyrics and it's the melody that has to 'follow' what the singer is telling.. So lyrics don't have to be concise, they are the core of the song. I don't think Les Champs Elysées is of this calibre; it's popular music. That's why I remember I said somewhere in this thread that I think with Karen, Mika tried to create a real 'French song' I can write them down if needed
  11. I would put Karen in the same category of Mika songs as Toy Boy. They are real treasures to me, masterpieces almost (OK I need to get away from this thread because I'm fangurling even more at every new post )
  12. Well it's true that we always have the impression here that English sentences (or even words) are shorter and very 'condensed', which particularly suit pop songs. I don't particularly like French GK; I love that he decided to do a French version but the result is nothing compared to the English one. I was even disappointed that he sang half of it in French in one of the gigs I attended To go back on topic with Karen, I think you may feel like this because it's a story; for French speakers every word he sings is important and beautiful and it kind of builds up in the lyrics but maybe not in the melody.. I don't know how to explain but for me it really is a beautiful song. The nuances in Mika's voice are
  13. Quand les patrons auront décidé.. ils sont d'accord mais ça prend toujours plein de temps pour que les choses se fassent vraiment
  14. I'm afraid it will be the contrary for me; that I will never really like the recorded version because I loved the live version so much. I feel the same about My Interpretation, I like it; it's pleasant, but it doesn't have a real effect on me.
  15. Oui peut-être, mais pour l'instant je n'ai pas commencé et je ne connais presque rien!
  16. Tu peux dire 'à une heure de voiture de Lille' Moi je vais peut-être avoir une formation en néerlandais pour mon travail car je travaille beaucoup avec la Belgique et les Pays Bas
  17. Ah c'est un mot utilisé localement tu veux dire? Oui je suis tout près de Lille, et tout près de la Belgique aussi du coup
  18. Oui ça va, à part qu'il commence à faire vraiment froid.. Et toi ça va? C'est vrai, le mot 'salut' existe en néerlandais?
  19. I love this song too I always have a special feeling when I listen to it, the melody, lyrics, the way Mika pronounces some words just kill me. Especially the beginning of the Compiègne version ('Elle voudrait une vie meilleure que ses frères et ses soeurs qui sont rentrés dans les rangs' this particular line sounds 'delicious' to me ) I hope it will not change too much on the recorded version.
  20. Everything is ok; it's just a normal thread really we're not going to punish anybody I just want to help if I can. S'améliorer is to improve
  21. Of course you can 'join'! The more the merrier Do you want to introduce yourself a bit in French? (or ask anything you want to know)
  22. Thanks again Milda! You're so good at finding stuff I don't know this band very well; their music is very different from Mika's isn't it?
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