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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Ok alors on va écrire en français, c'est le meilleur moyen pour s'améliorer. Tu veux que je te dise quand il y a des fautes? Salut! Of course you can come here.. Have you ever had French lessons?
  2. Et tu peux me répondre! Alors qu'est-ce que tu espères améliorer exactement? L'écrit, l'oral, l'expression, la compréhension? Tu préfères essayer de comprendre un article sur Mika ou une de ses chansons en français ou tu préfères me raconter quelque chose sur Mika?
  3. 8 ans c'est beaucoup déjà! Ca veut dire que si j'écris en français normalement tu vas comprendre pas mal de choses... J'ai raison?
  4. Just tell me how long did you learn French at school, how many hours a week approximately, when did you stop learning it.. if you enjoyed your lessons back then and what did you most like about it?
  5. What a surprise to find you here! I'll be very glad to help (any of you) but I kind of need to know what you want to improve the most (and what your level is) : vocabulary, grammar..?
  6. Ok I'll let you post in there first as I can be a little bit shy :blush-anim-cl:


    See you in there :biggrin2:

  7. I know what you mean, the same is happening to me with my Spanish and German skills.


    Do you think we should 'ressucitate' that French lessons thread? Maybe if we post in there, more people will join and it will get easier to know more precisely what you want to know/learn? Maybe we could work with Mika articles/interviews/songs so that you are more motivated?

  8. Salut! Ca va et toi?


    Yes of course! It depends what you need (maybe I don't have much time) but please ask away :wink2:

  9. Yes I think I should stop imagining things that won't happen But just the idea of these shows especially in Lille made me love him 10 times more EDIT: Ah thank you Rose. I know he talked about the small theatre in the Musée Grévin before, but nothing more
  10. I thought my overexcitement was visible in my few posts last night (I could barely sleep after watching the interview..) I hope he's planning on doing these shows and it's not just an idea he got at that moment of the interview
  11. OMG I actually looked like this little girl I think
  12. I love you for saying that (and I love him for mentioning it too) Don't ask me where I come from
  13. Did you come to Cannes with Fanny Ardant? You're inseparable aren't you? The truth is that no, I didn't come to Cannes with Fanny Ardant but it's clear she was on the screen behind me but... inseparable I'm not sure... Honestly, we met and we adored each other, well we didn't adore each other, I adored her and she was careful and after that we made a video clip together and I think she wanted to kill me. That's the truth, she wanted to kill me, she didn't know why she was doing this and I was telling her it's a good idea and that she would be great in the vid. It's clear she had never done something like that and now, yes, we get on well, I'm really proud to have her in my video because honestly she's an icon, a French icon in every way. I adore her, she has class, even if she hated me. In EMD, your mum is really strict, was yours cooler? My mum is quite cool, very cool. Actually she's here at the NMA tonight, she's working on the set, she's the one who made that (showing his waist thingy). She's cool but she's hard. She has... in fact no she's very hard, she's harder than in the song but she's cool. We get on very well, it's a kind of... We get on like.. not really mother and son, it's more like friends and... there are a lot of fights. But she's cool. I respect her. It's better than everything. I wanted to see you so much in your last vid, when will be the next single and promise me you'll be in the vid Yes I will be in the video. The reason why I was not in the other one is because I released it before the album was ready and I wanted to make a video that was a bit like, I don't know, a short movie. And that for me was cooler than being in the video performing. And, well, when there's Fanny Ardant, why would we need me? And also, I'll be in the next video, and it will arrive... quite soon, I go back in 3 days and continue recording and finishing the album, I'm nearly doing the sound mixing and so we'll finish it very soon. Mika, you gave a gig at the Parc des Princes and the Palais Impérial, where do you take us next? Next time I'd like to do the Cirque d'Hiver again and otherwise I'd like to do a small residency in a small theatre somewhere, it doesn't have to be in Paris, it could be a pretty theatre in Lyon or somewhere like this I don't know, in Lille () I want to settle in that theatre for 6 shows or something like that and present something very beautiful. That would be very cool. And after that, we do the big tour again. Because I have a lot of ideas. If you had a super power... That's hard... To freeze time. Like this.
  14. Of course I can tell you, the singer is Francis Cabrel and the title 'Je l'aime à mourir'
  15. Thanks for posting Milda They use conditional tense in there ('it should be out in April') so I don't think they know more than us
  16. I'll just translate the statement about this knighthood 'It rewards people who distinguished themselves by their creation in the artistic or literary domains or by the contribution they brought to the influence of arts and literature in France and in the world' It can mean anything really
  17. We debated a lot about Mika deserving the medal or not at the time (I think he really does now with EMD); but I don't think it is centred only on French culture. For example I see that Jim Carrey was awarded this medal; but I don't think he has anything to do with French/France?
  18. Yes it's the same 'medal'. Her latest hit is a cover of a famous French song so that maybe influenced their choice
  19. Of course Christine we also have 'Les Victoires de la Musique' and Mika is nominated for best song this year! It was posted on MFC but not much pointed out; I think this is truly brilliant. I never imagined he would be nominated for this (and I think he can win as it's a special category voted by the audience) The show can be boring and elitist but it's a serious award in my opinion. Otherwise, I tried to find French articles/comments about Mika's award and performance; but there's not much, anyway people don't seem particularly shocked about the performance. As for the award, some say he doesn't deserve it, some say he's one of the few who really deserved an award.. I don't think the whole NMA thing is going to alter Mika's reputation here at all, in good or bad
  20. Of course I'm letting you hope.. I just wanted to clarify that I don't know much about it so that people wouldn't be disappointed if we don't see it on Thursday
  21. Yes but I meant I'm not 100% sure that it will be part of this program
  22. I'll try to find a link. But I have to add, I just know that they broadcast a documentary about the NMA backstage including exclusive interviews; I don't know for sure that there will be Mika..
  23. Thursday night at 11pm on French channel NRJ 12
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