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Everything posted by camille*

  1. That really is great... do you think if he hadn't won you wouldn't feel the same? Because you wrote specifically 'when he won'. Seeing him was already a high for me I hadn't lost my 'fangurliness' if that's what it's called, but it was fading away a bit with time and with his absence but now I feel more excited than ever for new music/shows to come
  2. To be honest you didn't even have to start as I put a '' after I wrote that.. But if you feel like listing all those things he's supposed to have done, please go on... I think you'll be there for a while
  3. In our defence, he's the one who often says that French really is his first language And I think he couldn't hear a thing. But still.. that was fun
  4. Presenter 'What's your name young boy?' Mika 'Not bad thank you' Highlight of the show
  5. It looks like in the UK, as soon as you had a little bit of a failure in your career, or something that didn't go very well, you can easily be forgotten and/or laughed at. It's the feeling I had about musicians when I lived there.. I felt that all the nation could get overexcited about something new but at the same time throw them in the bin when the excitement had gone..
  6. Oh that's sweet. I said 'vicious' because it's the phrase we use in French. Of course it's nice for French fans, but I'm also a fan without the French part so I want Mika to succeed everywhere.. If it works better in France than anywhere else I like it; but I like that it works elsewhere too! The funny thing is that Yelle's last album was a flop here
  7. I don't know but I think it's great. I wonder if Mika really knows how global he is. I don't think we'll ever know why he got so much success in France at the beginning. It was a real phenomenon. Why he's still got success here now is easier to define I suppose; we feel there's a real connection, he speaks/sings in French, does big tours here, promo... It's a 'vicious' circle. He 'stays' in France as long as we connect to him and we connect to him because he keeps coming back here.. That's how I would explain things..
  8. Really? That's very interesting! Do movie songs get played easily there? But Kick Ass went unnoticed in France too you know...
  9. Maybe this has not much to do in this thread, but I just watched Any Other World from the Olympia gig. I miss this kind of performances (this is so contrasting with EMD yesterday) and I miss him playing the piano. It's what struck me the most last summer.
  10. Yes the ending when he was at the front was the problem. I agree. I thought it was still Mika's voice that we could hear singing 'danse' but now I have doubts. Yes it's really a shame. There was a bit of everything during the show : 100% live, 100% playback and there was Shy'm (and Mika?) who did 50% 50%
  11. I've been looking for it to see if there was anything worth translating too, but haven't found it yet; and the whole show takes ages to load..
  12. I agree that it sounded weird, especially at the end. We could barely hear him singing 'danse'. So almost playback...? Well I pray that these dancers are an NRJ thing as you say, and that Mika has not hired them for an hypothetical next tour
  13. Yes a lot of people are complaining about it (fans or not) I don't see this as playback, he did the same as at some gigs, keeping the vocals that go 'elle me dit c'est ta vie...' behind while he sings 'danse danse danse'.. But I understand that if you don't know Mika very well you could think it's playback. The verses were sung wonderfully; it's easy to think it's the original. (EDIT:when I say you I don't mean you Mary; I think you know Mika quite well and probably much better than me ) About the dance.. Mika doing the dance is ok IMO; but the dancers with him...
  14. Ok that's not much but we also saw Mika for 2 seconds during Shakira's speech at the very beginning of the show http://nrjmusicawards.nrj.fr/videos-3381/media/video/496886-shakira-award-d-honneur-palmares-2012.html at 1.22
  15. I woke up this morning with the radio on and EMD was playing I love this weekend Isn't it crazy that Mika won best male (and has been #1 all autumn) when he only gave 2 gigs and 3 radio station interviews in the country for the whole year? I think he likes knowing he can be 'lazy' (not seen) in France and successful at the same time.. And I suppose it's also one of the reasons of his surprise yesterday; he admits he has been 'hiding' and working in LA for months and he receives awards in the same time
  16. Thanks, I admit I was not ready to do it, I need to get some sleep now!
  17. I'll say it once more as I just edited my last post, don't know if you'll see it In the video from NRJ website he says the album will be out in Spring ( if true)
  18. http://www.nrj.fr/nrj-tv-528/clips-565/media/video/496882-reactions-mika-nrj-music-awards-.html Mika's reaction from NRJ website He says the album will be out in Spring!!
  19. Mika : It's... Thank you very much; honestly in any way I'm completely surprised (laughs) It's really a pleasure and a surprise; I'm really pleased. It's the first time I win since my first album and it's really... it's cool. I want to thank... Really, honestly, I'm so surprised there's only one person to thank: it's my fans, thank YOU, I'm here because and thanks to you. Thanks a lot I'm really moved. I'm completely... overwhelmed. Thank you very much. :wub2:
  20. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3627190&postcount=277 My predictions in the other thread were right I'm really happy he won best male. It's the best one. And I don't know if it was translated but he said he was very happy because it was his first award since his first album
  21. S*** That's what I was dreading. M Pokora's fans are crazy in a bad way
  22. He didn't win best video. Next is best French song (votes by phone tonight)
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