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Everything posted by camille*

  1. :newyear: Joyeux Noël Audrey!!


    J'espère que tu vas bien depuis le temps :wink2:

  2. Joyeux Noël Stéphanie!! :newyear:


    J'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps récemment pour te donner des nouvelles mais je vais rattraper ça bientôt :wink2:


    J'espère que tu vas bien en tout cas!



  3. I'm hoping to get to see them in Paris... in September! (They're in Paris this Wednesday but I can't go ) Tickets will be available from next week (probably during 30min or so ) It's crazy but quite common; I usually buy gig tickets around 6 or 8 months in advance. Well done for getting the tickets
  4. I don't want to defend or attack anybody; but I've already heard of a few people around me booking hostels in South Kensington (around Royal Albert Hall is South Ken right?) because they were cheaper; or at least cheap enough.. And they were not Mika fans, don't even know that Mika is from that area and would not care about it Anyway, I'm glad to hear these news about Paloma
  5. A few articles mentioned April, and now it's May.. I don't really know what they know, I saw an article where they explained Mika's lateness with his tweet about transatlantic flights.. They saw it as an excuse from Mika as to why the album isn't ready! I don't think anybody here understood this from that tweet?
  6. I love his voice in there... Words sound so 'soft' But all in all I don't like the song, really not my cup of tea. Only Mika's voice would be great! BTW, I just saw the ad for this album on TV
  7. Just to give a few details about my previous post, EMD is #3 in downloads and the physical single entered the charts to #1 It's good but I don't think it will last much longer which is pretty normal
  8. Great! I've got the feeling it's the 'Elle Me Dit' effect
  9. You're welcome! (I like bringing good news ) You can try this link for French charts, but it's only updated on Fridays http://chartsinfrance.net/charts/singles.php
  10. Thanks for posting EMD still #1 in France this week by the way
  11. I hadn't thought about Dr John Thanks for pointing it out, it's very much the same pattern in Underwater at the moment. I'm in the same state of mind, I hope he does add lyrics but I'm ok if he doesn't because the song is already magical as it is I think it might be all the verbs around the senses that are exceptions? (it smells/he looks/it tastes/it feels/it sounds good) Just a quick thought
  12. I agree with you two, based on the answers I got from natives here and on what I found on the Internet, it should be written 'under water' in the lyrics. But for me there is a clear distinction between what should be written in the phrase 'I can live under water' and what the title of the song is. That's why even though I had made my mind up about using 'under water', I still wondered how Mika chose to write it. I have another (more subjective) question about the song; do you think he will/should add new lyrics in the 2nd verse? The only changes are 'bright blue' and 'I've left' and the more I listen to this song the more it makes me think about Rain in Parc des Princes.. He sang the same verse twice and added a new one to the album, do you think it will be the case with Underwater (in one word ) too?
  13. Thank you Christine. I found this : As an adjective preceding the noun it modifies, underwater is always one word. Some writers use underwater as a predicate adjective (e.g., his head was underwater), and others use the two-word under water (e.g., his head was under water). There is no rule for this, and there is little consistency even within publications. The rule of thumb is that underwater is an adjective and under water an adverbial phrase, but this doesn’t seem to guide practical usage. I'll go with Under Water then I wonder how Mika writes it
  14. I have a little question for native speakers : are we supposed to write 'Under Water' or 'Underwater'? Or is there no real answer to this?
  15. I've been listening to the song quite a lot recently () and I must say I really hope he will keep Ida and Imma's vocals on the album.. I realise they greatly contribute to the beauty of this song..
  16. English phonetics used to be my drug Transcribing texts to phonetics only for fun I love English
  17. I know, I know.. EMD is outdated already, with all the news about Under Water and stuff.. But it's still #1 in France, for the 3rd week in a row http://www.chartsinfrance.net/actualite/news-75780.html They say EMD is on its way to be Mika's biggest hit in France
  18. Amazing! Thanks for posting (vid + lyrics) Must get to work now, but what an amazing feeling to wake up to a new Mika song
  19. I'll be happy to help with any French homework
  20. Mika is #1 in the charts, but he's also #1 for the video that gets the most airplay on French TV http://www.chartsinfrance.net/MIKA/news-75570.html
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