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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Same thing for me I really hoped this would happen, I kept saying in this thread that it was possible but I admit I was not too sure about it.. Now it's official and I'm super happy
  2. I know Mikabéa posted it in another thread, but as I think some people come to this thread to be updated, let me tell you that Elle Me Dit is now officially #1 in French charts!!! His only other song that got to number one was Relax
  3. He's still #3 in combined charts (but they say he's a good candidate for #1 soon), #2 for downloads only, and #1 on iTunes
  4. I'm quoting myself (first time ever!) to add that he's now back to number 1 on iTunes I promise I will not come back every 2 hours to update this or I'm afraid nobody will care anymore
  5. Thank you, I was starting to wonder if I was right to keep the faith (Not that it's that important to be honest, but I like having a look at the charts)
  6. Not necessarily I think, it depends on how many physical singles are actually bought (I think it's not a big amount, most purchases are downloads) And iTunes is not the only way to buy EMD, however big. But I agree that Rihanna (she's the one who's #1 on iTunes, Mika's #2) is a 'threat' to Mika becoming #1 on combined charts.
  7. EMD #3 in France now.. He didn't get his ass to number 1 this week but it's definitely getting closer He's not #1 on iTunes anymore though
  8. He's now #4 I don't think that a lot of people still buy physical singles in France, unless it is a single from a big popstar (that would work for Mika here) or a very big summer hit. I think EMD can get higher on the official charts, because it is at the top of the iTunes charts which is updated daily, and the official combined charts is revealed one week late. It is possible that some physical singles will prevent Mika from being at the very top but I don't believe so
  9. He's currently #6 but we'll get the new results today at 12, I think it will be a better position
  10. Elle Me Dit #1 on French iTunes on Mika's birthday
  11. I was on holidays without the Internet and I missed the news about English EMD and the whole discussion, just took some time to read back.. At first when I read that he performed it in English, I was disappointed Not because I'm French, not because I don't want him to sing in English or anything of this kind, it's just that for me it generally doesn't work when a song is translated/adapted in another language. I've never really liked Grace Kelly in French, although I've always appreciated Mika's effort in adapting it. Well I thought it would be the same for EMD.. It's a French song, I didn't think he should do it in English. But when I read the lyrics, it made sense to me, both literally and figuratively. It is not exactly the same song, for me they are different because the lyrics are different, even if they convey the same general meaning. There are some phrases or words I love in the French one, expressions or different meanings I love in the English one.. I can understand both languages (French as it's my native language and English, well I hope my English is correct) and it's lovely to be able to hear 2 versions as they kind of complete each other. Some feelings or explanations are added to what for me is the original song (French one) and that works well. Now about the performance, I couldn't really enjoy hearing him singing it in English first of all because it was from Youtube and because watching him look at pieces of paper on the floor doesn't make it really convincing for me.. But I'm sure it will sound great if recorded or performed later with more practice. I'm glad he kept some French bits (he did mention these bits sounded particularly French), and if this song is released in the UK I think it could stand out with such a chorus..
  12. @PurpleCat Thank you so much for posting, it's amazing! Can't wait to watch all of this gig again
  13. Elle Me Dit #13 in French charts (#11 for downloads only)
  14. It's the first time I am so moved by BIOTW Thanks for posting, I liked your report too
  15. Translation of the main parts about Mika 'Visibly shaken, Mika, who was announced as Amy Winehouse's replacement a few weeks ago, started his set dedicating the gig to her. At that moment, the news are still fresh. How many people in the crowd already know that Amy Winehouse is not in this world anymore? Mystery. But he does know. And that makes him almost completely fail his two first songs. Robert Plant and his Band of Joy had left the stage and the rain had started to fall. It lasted until the first notes of Mika, rather touched by the headlines of the last 24 hours. He went back to this twice during the gig. Because there is not only Amy Winehouse's death. There are also these abominable killings in Norway. 'I rarely have stage fright before starting, but this time I really had it', he explained with a broken voice. And we can feel he is totally sincere.' And then they talk about the vocal harmonies with back singers, what songs he sang, the Mozart set.. They finish their article with a Mick Jagger quotation 'our show is not for adults', and say that that suits Mika's show well. (I strongly disagree with them BTW)
  16. I saw this article this morning and as there aren't many reports yet, this could be interesting http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/infos/magazine/Des_voix_d_or_pour_conjurer_la_pluie_et_la_grisaille.html?cid=30752090 Give me some time to translate the bit about Mika
  17. Oui c'est vrai, je trouve qu'en anglais il ne parle pas très vite non plus non? Il articule toujours bien.

  18. Oui bien sûr, il parle plus anglais, mais c'est génial qu'il parle français, il est vraiment très fort comparé à beaucoup d'étrangers, en fait son accent est parfait mais il fait quelques fautes de grammaire ou de vocabulaire, mais c'est encore mieux comme ça :wub2:

  19. :roftl: Je n'ai pas vu la vidéo de BIOTW..

    Ca veut dire 'amie' alors, parce que Mika parle français un peu comme un enfant :roftl: c'est mignon comme tout mais ça ne va pas toujours très loin (je suis méchante là :aah:)


    Tu as vu à Ajaccio? Quand il présente Ida, le public fait 'ouuh' comme si ils étaient en couple, et Mika dit 'quoi? qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ça??' :roftl:

  20. Son prochain concert, c'est seulement le 6 août, alors j'ai de l'espoir.. mais bon, c'est pas comme si j'allais le rencontrer là-bas :aah:


    'Copine'.. ça peut vouloir dire 'friend' ET 'girlfriend'. Pour les enfants, ça veut plutôt dire 'amie', 'friend'.. Quand on est plus âgé, si tu dis, 'c'est mon copain, c'est ma copine' (sous entendu 'ma petite copine'), ça veut dire 'boyfriend', 'girlfriend'. Does it make sense?? :teehee:

  21. Ah c'est bien, tu as finalement eu ton argent :thumb_yello: Je croise les doigts pour qu'ils aient du travail pour toi à l'agence.


    J'ai vu aussi Happy Ending.. Pas très respectueuses les personnes au 1er rang.. c'est étonnant. :boxed:


    Sinon, je vais à Londres mardi, tu crois que Mika sera là-bas à ce moment-là?? :biggrin2:

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