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Everything posted by camille*

  1. Well I truly hope that you will succeed but to be honest I haven't even heard the song on French radio since Friday I hope it's just because I've missed it, but I spent some time researching and it looks like they are not playing it
  2. So I guess he just mumbles something that doesn't make sense in any language.. Mika language And I agree about the backing vocals
  3. I thought about the word 'Internet' too, and 'gay' depending on which meaning we should take for this word But more seriously, I had the feeling that when he ****s it up as you said, he was going to sing in English.. Doesn't he start with something like 'Let the future..?' Or am I really going crazier than before
  4. I really enjoyed our discussion about AOW yesterday, even though it was 2 o'clock here and I was starting to lose the little understanding I had of these lyrics As for Toy Boy, I don't listen to it very often but I always appreciate the words very much. They make me love English even more (even if I'm already completely in love with the language ) To answer your question about EMD, he doesn't say 'que', it sounds much more familiar like this and is very much how we speak everyday. That makes me realise how fluent in French he really is
  5. Oh I think I see where our 2 interpretations differ. You say 'loneliness makes him feel alone', but what I understand is 'loneliness is even stronger when you are alone' (as I learnt in the uni that 'alone' is not a feeling but a state, but maybe that"s just theory). For me he reiterates the notion of loneliness only twice in this sentence (which is a little less worse if I can say this ) It's true that it's redundant but I always took it as a poetic phrase, maybe because English is not my mother tongue..
  6. My idea was that it means the feeling of loneliness is stronger when you are alone or something along the way? I mean, if I remember my English lessons correctly, 'lonely' is a feeling and 'alone' is a concrete state.. So I understood it as an emphasis of loneliness But maybe you mean the grammar is not correct but you understand the meaning of it?
  7. Yes they should have contradicted him as this is incorrect, and at the same time I think they were right not to as this is just pure Mika He has already made this mistake with 'content' in normal French conversations, so he's just consistent But to be honest if any other singer said 'chanson contente' in their song I would be laughing right now. I'm afraid I'm just completely biased Does it mean nothing then? (If so I really have to change the quote in my profile ) I thought it was kind of poetic
  8. Non je l'ai pas dit, mon train est à 13h, enfin je peux en prendre un pour Paris à n'importe quelle heure du moment que je suis à 14h à la gare du Nord :wink2:


    Alors ce single 'Elle me dit'?? T'en penses quoi? Moi je trouve que c'est pas ce qu'il a fait de mieux mais j'adore :wub2:

  9. I totally agree with you about how French speakers will remember this song (if they remember it, because who knows if it's really going to be a hit? ) I like the song and I really appreciate the 'effort' of him singing in French ('effort' is not really the word as I don't think he was forced at all), but I'm looking forward so much more to his new songs in English.. As he said himself it's just a little gift, and at the same time some fresh air both for him and the audience, and of course if it boosts sales for Compiegne I think his goal will be achieved. As for the incorrect lyrics, the ones you mentioned with 'dans un ballon' and 'sur Internet' are actually correct in France, but the 'chanson contente' is a mistake. He did say in the interviews he gave in June though that he knows he makes some grammatical mistakes in French and wanted to keep them in the French songs he had written. He also talked about this mistake with 'contente' in the RFM interview yesterday. Apparently someone had just told him this couldn't be used in French, and he asked the presenter if it was true, and the man didn't answer properly, finishing with a 'nevermind', meaning 'nevermind we like you anyway'.. I think maybe French people who worked with him didn't want to contradict him in his work..
  10. Vu comme je suis complètement folle depuis qu'on a entendu son nouveau single, je crois que je ne pourrais pas attendre plus longtemps et j'irai au plus vite avec vous!

  11. Dans une semaine!! :yay::biggrin2:

  12. Dans une semaine!! :yay::biggrin2:

  13. Bonjour! La combinaison pour 'ç', c'est ALT+0135 si tu veux essayer
  14. Bah oui j'ai halluciné quand j'ai lu sur le MFC qu'il y avait des places à ce prix :boxed: Je savais pas que ça existait.. je ne les ai pas vues en vente sur les sites par contre? (enfin c'est pas comme si j'allais en acheter une :biggrin2:)

    Et alors pour le Portugal ça se passe comment? Vous avez déjà tout organisé? Faudra nous raconter :wink2:

  15. Salut Stéphanie!! Ca va?

    Moins d'un mois avant Compiègne!! ça fait tout bizarre :biggrin2:

    Pour répondre à ton dernier message (je sais j'ai mis du temps :blush-anim-cl:), j'ai pas encore réservé le train, car j'espère toujours trouver une autre solution pour arriver plus tôt (j'ai peut-être de la famille qui pourra me déposer à Compiègne). A quelle heure vous pensez vraiment y être? Tu me dis tôt mais est-ce que ça veut vraiment dire aux aurores ou dans la matinée?


  16. So I guess I'm the first one to help someone in this new thread I did the bit starting at 4.52 and finishing at 8.13, I hope it's ok Ruquier -Steevy is a complete fan of yours, I think. Steevy - It suits me well. There is no word, it's almost genius. Listen, I discovered you erm.. yesterday (they all laugh) and I'm a fan, it's incredible. It happened so fast, and you are cute, you have everything Ruquier - Be careful, he's hitting on you Steevy - I'm not! Ruquier - Well, he's alone in Paris... Steevy - I am too, and nobody bothers me. Just one thing : I'm very impressed by the melodies. It stays in your mind. My favourite song is n°6 'Any Other World', I find it incredible, it's a magnificent song. Everything is good, in the album, there is nothing that is not good, it's just pure joy, now I will be doing my gym with this on. I've found a replacement to Madonna! Ruquier - Pierre, this is not really your cup of tea. Pierre B - It's not my cup of tea but I really liked it because, just like other people said better than me, all the music notes are there, and there is joy.. Ruquier - (laughing) All the notes are there! Pierre B - It's true that I really really like it, it's happy, it's fun.. Ruquier - I don't understand, on my sheet, I see that it's written 'Not terrible' next to your name Pierre Pierre - No, what? What did I say was 'not terrible'? Ruquier - (talking to Mika) I have to explain, look, Steevy 'Top of the tops' is what he wrote, which is what he has just said. Annie Lemoine wrote 'I love it', that's what she's just said. Philippe Geluck 'Super', Caroline Diamant 'Great'... Pierre Benichou 'Not terrible'.. (People boo) You're afraid of him aren't you? Pierre B - You asked me what my opinion was on Shalabi. I said he's not terrible. You ask me confidentially what I think of Shalabi, you're now saying this is what I think about Mika, and moreover you denounce me! I'm happy I didn't know you during the Occupation. (They laugh) Ruquier - Isabelle Alonso wrote 'Oh yes, this man is incredible'. Isabelle - Pierre thinks that you look like David by Michel Angelo, well I can say you look a lot like my nephews. I want to say that you embody grace and talent. Grace because of what you're like physically and talent because of what you do. So just go on this way, well done, a star is born, we don't see a real artist emerge everyday, in short, I really love it.
  17. Salut Leila,

    J'espère que tu vas bien :)

    J'ai su que tu allais à Compiègne en juillet, j'y serai aussi, on pourra peut-être faire connaissance :wink2:

  18. :lmao: Je me porte volontaire pour t'aider à ôter la peinture de ce doux visage :biggrin2:

    Ah oui suis-je bête je le savais en + que t'étais déjà allée à 3 concerts! Comme je t'envie d'ailleurs.. Parc des Princes et Colmar, pour moi ce sont 2 concerts mythiques (pas sûr que ce soit le cas pour Liévin :teehee:) Espérons que ça déchire tout à Compiègne :punk:

  19. :roftl: J'aime toutes les verZions de Mika donc oui la verzion 'je me suis renversé 10 pots de peinture sur le corps et maintenant je vous fais mon regard qui tue', je suis preneuse :biggrin2:

    Je pensais faire un tour à Grévin cette année (histoire d'avoir l'impression d'avoir vu Mika au moins une fois en 2011) et finalement on a eu THE bonne nouvelle of the year avec le concert à Compiègne! :yay: Ca sera ton 3ème concert toi c'est ça? Et ensuite tu rempiles avec le Portugal?

  20. Hello hello!


    On dirait que je suis la première à poster ici :biggrin2:


    J'ai vu que tu allais à Compiègne en juillet, si jamais tu y vas seule et que tu veux de la compagnie, on pourrait faire connaissance.


    J'ai habité en Angleterre moi aussi, mais pas à Londres, même si j'en rêve!


    J'espère que tu vas te plaire au MFC :wink2:

  21. Merci beaucoup pour ton msg! (et les photos :biggrin2:)

    Je crois que je n'avais jamais dit que mon anniv était le jour du concert de Liévin :teehee: J'étais toute contente :)

    Je réponds à ton mp dès que j'ai plus de tps.


  22. Thank you for the birthday message!!!


  23. Oh merci!!

    Ca me fait plaisir ton message!

    Et oui le concert de Liévin l'année dernière était le jour de mon anniv'.. C'était d'autant plus spécial :biggrin2:

    J'ai vu une photo de toi avec Mika (enfin, le faux, malheureusement) elle est très bien :thumb_yello:

  24. Well I'm fine, I'm super excited for the gig in July.. It will only be my second Mika gig so I'm still not very used to it (I don't know if we can get used to it anyway)

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