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Everything posted by camille*

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  2. camille*


    Bienvenue Margaux! Hope your dreams come true
  3. Salut et bienvenue sur le MFC!! Enjoy!
  4. Well I'd say he is very famous and well respected in regards of his music and all the collaborations he's made with various artists and on many musicals; but I'm not so sure about the man himself and his personality.. He's got a sense of humour for sure but he is also known as being kind of nasty and arrogant. But really that's been spread about him for years, I have no real concrete elements to base this on. One more thing I can say is that amongst my acquaintances I haven't seen anybody be happy about these news.
  5. Welcome to the MFC! Your husband and you sure are great writers, I loved reading your introductions. I'm sure you'll find everything you want to know about Mika here; have fun!
  6. Hello and welcome to the MFC Panduck! Thank you for this amazing introduction, it's really lovely to discover how people found out about Mika, and what you wrote made my heart beat faster like I was discovering him all over again Have fun here!
  7. Hello and welcome to the MFC Victoria!
  8. Salut Lise! Nice introduction, this reminded me of what I felt when I became a fan some time ago. l wish you to never forget that feeling!
  9. Bienvenue ici Audrey!! Have fun!
  10. Bienvenue sur le MFC!
  11. Hello and welcome to the MFC Gloria!!
  12. Welcome to the MFC! Enjoy, there is always so much to discover and learn about Mika!
  13. Hello and welcome to MFC Nie!
  14. Hello there I finally decided to write a small (or what I intend to be a small) report of my trip to Florence and these 2 unforgettable shows. I used to write reports for all the gigs I attended, but I have to admit that after some time, you feel like repeating yourself even if I can totally differentiate each and every gig I've been to and I have started to keep more memories to myself. Florence is a completely different experience though. I took the opportunity of these 2 shows to plan real holidays with my partner in crime Melyssa, and even if obviously I couldn't wait to see Mika especially in such a context, I know the trip would have been worth it even without an ounce of Mika in it I arrived in Florence on Tuesday night, later than planned, as my plane was diverted to Venice because of the fog. The bus tour Venice-Florence by night could have been nice if there was less fog and if the driver was a little more careful Kind of had the fear of my life in there! Anyway, after this misadventure, everything went well; so well I'm still wondering if this wasn't a dream. Melyssa and I had 2 full days to discover the city and oh my, what a city We were struck by the beauty and grandeur of the whole Piazza del Duomo, so much that we wanted all of our fellow Mika fans to get the same view from the exact same street when they arrived on the day of the show I'm glad that I managed to climb the 400 steps or so of the Campanile on the first day and of the Cupola on the 2nd, what an amazing sight of the city and its surroundings we got from there Unbelievable. We were lucky to have time to wander around all famous buildings (Palazzo Vecchio, Ponte Vecchio, Santa Croce, Santa Maria Novella), to get another very pretty view of the city from the other side of the river at Piazza Michelangelo, and even to visit twice the old Pharmacy Santa Maria Novella (it was fun to tell our friends that we wanted them to visit a pharmacy ) On the 30th my feet were already killing me as it was time to welcome our close friends coming from Paris. I'm glad that most of them had time to visit Florence a bit before we had to get ready for the MFC Party. I arrived there quite early and the atmosphere was already really good. I met some fans for the first time, saw some I've met before, it was lovely. We took pictures, danced and sang a bit, had a piece of that gigantic cake. Thank you so much to all the people involved, it was a big success and I would have stayed longer if it wasn't for the show after xD Now, about the show itself. I was so eager as it was my first symphonic show... I was very happy with my seat on the first night, I was quite close to the stage and could see every expression on Mika's face. I was totally absorbed in his performance, I almost didn't look at anything else around. His voice was so powerful, every single word he sang sounded so 'true' and emotional, the arrangements and the choir made it all so beautiful that there are moments I swear I wasn't breathing anymore. My favourites were as I expected Heroes, Origin, Last Party, Over My Shoulder and Happy Ending; but also more surprisingly Any Other World (had me in tears on the 1st night) and Good Guys (which I had forgotten he also sang at these symphonic shows) Ok that's a lot of favourites The whole show was just so spectacular my neighbours and myself simply almost created a shortage in tissues in Florence I appreciated the moment of 'craziness' allowed on EMD, and the encore with GK, I wonder how we all sounded from the stage xD After this 1st show with friends we went back to the nice restaurant where the MFC Party was held and we had pizza, of course. I had trouble getting to sleep on that night, with my feet hurting as hell but mostly because I was reliving the concert in my head xD I couldn't believe that there was a second one coming. The 2nd show then. My seat was not as good as on the 1st night and we were separated from most people we knew but I believe it was the exact middle of the Opera (from length and width) and well, I wonder whether the venue isn't made for the sound to be perfect right at this place because OMG the sound (and view on the orchestra BTW) was just a-maz-ing I looked at Mika much less than on the 30th and that was good, maybe I noticed less details in his way of interpreting but getting the whole view made the experience even more impressive to me. I heard Ida more on the 2nd night, the choir as well, and some gestures that Mika made matched so well with the violins right beside him at the same time I found it all very poetic My favourites were the same than on the 1st night but I also very much enjoyed Overrated and Make You Happy, that I don't particularly listen to in their album versions. I forgot to mention Mika's monologue, he really is a very good orator, I didn't get all the words in Italian but he transported me elsewhere on both nights. I feel quite lucky to have seen this in front of me. I expected a crazy EMD as an encore and instead we got that nice moment on Underwater and then it was the end with him asking us to make as much noise as possible in 15 seconds to celebrate the New Year. Sorry Mika I tried but at this point in the week I had been outside walking too much and had been through so many emotions I almost didn't have any voice left After the show I just managed to get a glimpse of Mika behind the grid and my friends told me later that he thanked Italian fans and MFC for their organisation and generosity. He seemed very happy from what I could see. Then we went back again to the same restaurant by the Opera and we welcomed 2017 there watching the fireworks I really don't regret that little 'madness' (I've always thought that if I had to take the plane to see Mika somewhere I would reach a turning point), the thing with Mika is I never regret anything I've done to see him... On the contrary, I'm just having the time of my life! I will never forget that trip. Thank you to everyone I met along the way (and we missed those who couldn't come)
  15. Mika will be judge for The Voice Season 6! After the blind auditions, here comes the time of the Battles: Le lundi 19 décembre 2016 à 18:00 Assis Studios du Lendit 12 Rue André Campra 93210 La Plaine – Saint-Denis Info about how to be in the audience HERE More info + we're talking about it HERE
  16. Mika will be judge for The Voice Season 6! After the blind auditions, here comes the time of the Battles: Le vendredi 16 décembre 2016 à 18:30 Assis Studios du Lendit 12 Rue André Campra 93210 La Plaine – Saint-Denis Info about how to be in the audience HERE More info + we're talking about it HERE
  17. Mika will be judge for The Voice Season 6! After the blind auditions, here comes the time of the Battles: Le mardi 13 décembre 2016 à 18:30 Assis Studios du Lendit 12 Rue André Campra 93210 La Plaine – Saint-Denis Info about how to be in the audience HERE More info + we're talking about it HERE
  18. Mika will be a guest on RTL 102.5 radio station in Italy on November 22nd at 11am. We're talking about it HERE !!
  19. Yes I'm thinking about her indeed
  20. Hello Lenka and welcome to the MFC! Your name reminds me of a singer I like
  21. Welcome to the MFC Birgit! Glad to know you will be in Florence too, it will be a very big fan meet up!
  22. Yes some French fans called the Paris store where they confirmed the session has been postponed for security reasons (Euro Championship taking place at the same time)
  23. I saw the show a couple of days ago when they mentioned it. They just said that Mika had been approached by France Télévisions like Véronic Dicaire who will be in charge of a show now, but without reply from Mika. I don't know why some magazines tried to make a buzz about this today. Surely a quiet day in the gossip world
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