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Status Updates posted by pufpuf

  1. Hola! puedo charlar yo tambien por aqui? nos veremos en Madrid chicas!!! yupiiii y que tiemble Mika, su banda y Madrid! Lo del maquillaje...jajaja... si, yo tambien me he fijado, le han pintado los labios!

  2. Ya es luneeees!!! ya estoy contando las horas que faltan para que sean las 9.35!!! dioossss, y pensar que el proximo lunes a estas horas ya estaremos preparandonos para ver a Mika! Madriiiiiiiiiiiiiiid allá vamos!!

    Supongo te conectaras a la hora del hormiguero asi que hasta luego! ;p

  3. Salut! ça va bien mine? well, I think my French is better spoken thatn writen. so i write in Enlgish ;P

    Tonight Mika will be in Spain to ElHormiguero, a Tv show in CuatroTV, did u know? I can't be in Madrid today but I'll watch CuatroTV and promise to make my reports about the show in the thread. Yaaaaay, less than a week to Barcelona and Madrid gigs!

  4. You're welcome:wink2:

  5. Ok! let me know. I think I'll take a look and see what's going on at the Bday Thread right now, in case there's somthing new. It's ages I haven't entered it!

  6. Bueno, ahora si que me salgo del foro. Es muy tarde!!! que sigan en el foro los de la costa oeste, que para ellos ahora es de dia hehehe

    Seguimos charlando otro dia pues. Bueno, yo estoy x aqui casi cada dia ;P


  7. No estas apuntada a youtube? te da la opcion de subir videos gratis. Si te apuntas, yo estoy allí como TheSoSweet11 Aunque en mi pagina solo veras videos de Mika ;P

  8. Lo malo es que yo no tengo para grabar de la tdt!! y me da pena por el resto de mcf. Siempre q hay algo de la BBC o Itv en uk lo graban y lo ponen aqui. Bueno, menos mal q el hormiguero luego cuelga los programas en su blog. Lo q no se cuantos dias tardan...

  9. Uy (me pillas q me iba a deconectar) Lp habia entendido al reves hehehe. Bueno, entonces tendremos trabajo el lunes, uno: ver a Mika en la tele, dos: escribir aqui al mismo tiempo e informar al resto de mfc lo que va pasando durante el porgrama ;)

  10. I'm off now. Need some sleep. Night :)

  11. Entonces vas al hormiguero también? que envidia!!!

  12. Hola! acabo de leer tu post en el thread del Hormiguero. Saludos de aquí otra española! ;P

    Yo también voy a ir al concierto de Madrid, así que supongo nos veremos en la cola! ya tengo unas ganas de ver a Mika!! Un saludo!!

  13. Holaaa! acabo de entrar en el Profile de Asun. Que si que va Mika al hormiguero! sale en el blog de Cuatro y lo han dicho hoy en el programa. A ver si ella puede ir! yo estaré pegada a la tele ;)

  14. Holaaa Vas a ir al Hormiguero el lunes? ya está la noticia en el blog the Cuatro. Ojalá viviese yo en Madrid!!! hugs

  15. Hey :)

    My idea of Blue Eyes song:

    It always make me think about a woman who's devoted to his husban/boyfriend in a slavely way. And when the song says "so blind" it makes me think she's so blind that she forgets about her freedom.

  16. Hi! I can't believe it is only 12 days left for the gig! I'll let u know if i def go for it ;) Suppose I will decide on the last moment ;p

  17. Hi Jazzy! I'm so glad u and the other girls had fun! I read yours and the other Vienna's reports and reading that felt a bit like being there!! It must have be so nice to talk with Mika! and funny when he recognized u where a Londoner ;P I haven't seen Mika since Hammersmith :( But I'm going to Barcelona an Madrid concerts :))))) and who knows, maybe I dare and be a BG/Lollipop ;P

  18. Hi! Just saw Vienna's pics. Congrats 4 being a BG! U and the rest of girls look amazing at this pic with Mika!!! Glad u had fan ;)

  19. Hi! don't say that! u didn't look like a monster! And Robertina was there too? I can't speak Italian but understand and can read it a bit, so I jumped when the tv hostess mentioned MFC and then Roberta, and not to ask Mika about Freddy Mercury again ;))) But didn't find the joke about that man in heels appropiate :(

    Anyway, You're lucky to have seen the registration process!! I'm envious ;P

  20. I'll be on twitter this evening too. see u

  21. Hi! I'm so glad u could finally see Mika in Rome! I recognized u in the RAI TV vid! I remember u were worried in case he wasn't going to go to Rome, but then he tweeted he would go.

  22. Hi! then u and ur friend are working toguether? I don't know if prefer the murderer or the prost**** then ;)

  23. Hi! glad u already planned what to write about! Your free to choose the theme u like the most. Though, to tell u the truth, i had a completely diferent idea of this song.

  24. Ok thanks! we Keep in touch then :wink2:

  25. Hi! Since we both are at the same group at the bday present, i thought i would ask the W & P if they've already started to work on it. If u have, it would be great u told me what is your writing going to be about etc, so I can start thinking about my drawing. Thanks a lot! Hugs xx

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