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laymay kang

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About laymay kang

  • Birthday 05/30/1980


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    Ultimate Mika Guru

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  1. Anyeong hasseyo!!!!! :bye: I think it's correct written, if not sorry for the mistakes, I'm not a real korean... :teehee:

    Umm... well... where I live there is not snow... it hadn't snowed yet... :sad: I want snow!!! I love snow!!!!

    Ohhhh are you going to start "Lunar New Year"??? And what special things do you do?? ^_^

    Tomorrow I'm going to the supermarket and I'm going to look for ramen in foreign food, maybe there is!!! :D

    You mean the gig with Claire??? Yes I saw it... ¬¬ But... I have no words... hahaha.

    Well Full House is on Internet with subtitles in spanish so I'm following by that :wink2: And it's soooooooooooooooo great!!! I love them!!! :wub2: they are so cute and funny!!! Hahaha.

    But nooooooo don't tell me the end.... don't be bad!!! =P

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