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laymay kang

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About laymay kang

  • Birthday 05/30/1980


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    Ultimate Mika Guru

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  1. Sorrryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! :sad: sorryyyyyyyyy!!!!! :crybaby:

    I read your message but I forgot to answer you... sorry....:sorry:

    Are you still in holidays??? How is your eatings in your friends' house?? =)

    Yes!!!!! :D Bravo our fathers!!!! They are the best!!! :wub2:

    My ID? You mean my twitter or my email??? I don't know anything... :teehee:

    Ohhhhh!!!!! ^^ I'm also a lucky girl cause I know you!!! :huglove:

    Are you going to make to me a massage????I'm going running:dog: Or in a :boat: or in a :plane: or even in a :wheelchair: hahahaha

    Yes... 25 hotels!!! And noone answered yet... :sad: But thank's for the good luck!! I need it!! Heehee


    Today I was in hospital visiting my friend's sister cause her appendix was removed, and this evening my friend Eva for the same thing but everything is ok!!! ^_^

    How are you??? *^*

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