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Everything posted by Jojotje

  1. Gig Amsterdam, Paradiso, Oktober 27th I know someone who has two spare tickets for this gig. Can I get anyone interested? Please contact me.
  2. love it love it love it!
  3. it's getting difficult to think up something original! So many things have been done allready! I do know Mika likes the bubbles. He said so at the showcase in Amsterdam!
  4. Aaaaw, know the feeling of finaly having a picture together with Mika! Congrats!
  5. don't think noise making things will be accepted in the vanue, do you? And I don't like the idea, because there are always people who can't control themselves and blow the damn thing on the wrong moment!
  6. Can't spent money on anything extra right now, so I go for the home made pompons! And the more the merrier! And I think I got some unused christmas deco lying around somewhere. Could use these too!
  7. Hey, we are on MFC right? What do you think? The Origin of Love of course!
  8. Congratulations ladies, I admire your devotion, was thinking of entering my name too, but didn't because of lack of time. See you around!
  9. Yep, prefer the BakerRoss crosses too! And was wondering the same thing about distribution.
  10. Just got a call from Germany. A lady, an editorial assistant, she asked me if I wanted to be in the show via Skype or something. They want to have contact during the show with viewers from abroad. Had to admit I did not know the program. My only reason for entering is a change to meet Mika. The lady thanked me and said, my name will be on the list, and maby I get another call.....
  11. I'll enter the compatition, I speak German very well, and Berlin is not too far away for me!
  12. Wow, Rian, good report! Only I can add is the little story of Joy coming out before Mika. Gave her some stroopwafels too, and got two kisses from her! So sweet!
  13. Ja wij hebben al onze connecties geprobeerd, en gebeld met de redactie van het programma. Maarrrrrr, er zijn geen plaatsen meer vrij. Voor het programma kun je van te voren opgeven, en dan krijg je kaarten toegewezen. Ze hebben voor zondag 120 kaarten uitgegeven, terwijl er maar 114 plaatsen zijn. Die extra 6 zijn om uitvallers aan te vullen. Dus helaas. Gaan wel ri studio, zien dat we Mika voor of na het programma treffen. Het is voor ons maar 15 minuten met de auto.
  14. Ik doe ook mee met de ponpons. Ga er binnenkort aan beginnen. Verder qua kleding: ik denk dat ik met Mika mee doe met het bretons streepje in wit/zwart.
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