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Everything posted by Jojotje

  1. Yes, I was right! I know who made it! It's a friend that came along with Sylvana! I do hope he made some more vids! But there is a good change that this is the only one!
  2. Haven't got a clue who filmed it! Geomanfotografie? no idea????? Now I come to think of it......I maybe know who made this........
  3. Hahahaha! Well, it's no secret! It's just a simple eau de parfum of Yves Rocher, called "Moment de Bonheur"! http://www.yves-rocher.com/
  4. there were a lot of people invited by Universal. Not real Mika fans.....And obviously they found it difficult to shut up! But I hadn't noticed it during the gig. We just heard Mika!
  5. It is beautiful, but if you ever go there, be sure to go as early in the morning as is possible for you! Long waitinglines!
  6. True! And he used my fan to cool down a bit during the gig. I'll never throw that one away, allthough it was a cheap soufenire from our visit to the castle of Neuschwanstein in Germany.
  7. I just remember! After the gig, when Mika was sighning our stuff , he noticed a nice smell, fresh, clean.... (I had refreshed myself with deo and eau de toilette minutes before, so it was me he was smelling! )
  8. haha what do you mean very basic? There were bubbles (blown by Maaikie and me, and some others), and nice white and grey balloons (which I helped to blow them up) and he jumped up and down on a tiny chair!
  9. I remember last album. Knew a few songs at forehand, but was pleasantly surprised by the studioversions of them. Guess that will happen again! But I do trust it will be a wunderful album. The potential is awesome!
  10. Even worse: in bed at 2 and up at 5.45! But must be honest, after getting back from bringing Biekje to the trainstation, I managed to get 1 more hour of sleep!
  11. Maaikie! Don't you ever do this again! It makes this page almost unreadable! (love the pictures though!)
  12. Maybe this one is a better version? http://www.youtube.com/user/stvofficial
  13. Before he came on stage we could see him in the room beside the stage. His manager tried to hide him but he was allready spotted!
  14. More of my pictures are here: http://s563.photobucket.com/albums/ss74/Jojotje61/Mika%20showcase%20L%20Oreal/
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