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Everything posted by Milda

  1. So it's not Mika's fault. It's good to know. Thanks for telling the story, Christine But still it's kind of sad, that everyone now is quoting Perez and no one cares Mika won an award
  2. :roftl: To me the second pic looks like: "OMG, do I see Wonka there? :shocked:"
  3. Mika Underwhelms At The NRJ Awards Hmm, we're not sure about this performance, but he is fun to watch. Mika performed his song Elle Me Dit, which is a hit in France, for the crowd at the 2012 NRJ Awards in Cannes. Too bad his lip syncing is off! LOLz!
  4. What kind of technical problems it could be, for example? They couldn't find a working microphone or was it too hard to soften playback track? And I'm sure it wasn't his idea, but he agreed to do it. If there were some technical problems (which I find a lame excuse, because it was a biggest award show in France and not some second-class concert in a village), he should have not performed at all, because now it caused more damage than good.
  5. Sorry for returning to the "Mika's performance" topic, but I want to say something. Yes, it was pretty bad, I agree. But as a fan I can forgive him all that playback thing as long as he's not doing it at his own concerts. But if I were a casual NRJ awards viewer, I would get a really bad impression about Mika and would never consider a possibility about going to one of his gigs, because that night Mika performed in the same level as Britney, or even worse, since Britney at least can lip sync, while Mika really can't do it (I see that as a good thing, actually ). And what Perez wrote (and later deleted, but others bloggers were fast enough to copy it) isn't really helping So I have one question for Mika: what were you thinking, boy??
  6. I'm already in my bed without a laptop, just with my phone. I'm sure there are people, who will upload it, but if not, I'll put the video tomorrow
  7. And if anyone still can't see it, I've uploaded it on youtube [YOUTUBE]QPLdUao199I&feature=youtu.be[/YOUTUBE]
  8. I was about to go to sleep (it's 4:15AM here ), but decided to check that site one more time
  9. It's here, it's here!! Elle Me Dit is here!! http://cache1-kernnrjv1.integra.fr/nrj-tv-528/clips-565/media/video/496909-nrj-music-awards-2012.html
  10. Which Spring? No, sorry, if he says so, I should believe him So it must be March-April-May then?
  11. I'm not saying I don't like it it just looks unusual on him, I am more used to see him with white t-shirts Yes OMG, just noticed he's wearing Mikaraja :roftl:
  12. Is it just me, or he looks strange with a black t-shirt?
  13. I can't see it could someone upload it on youtube, please?
  14. A little bit sad he won only one award, but it was so good to see him again I hope with TOOL he will win a lot more awards
  15. How many awards left? When it's going to end?
  16. No But there are two players and I'm watching the second one. Maybe you're watching the first one? Or maybe it's because I'm from a poor European country and they know I can't afford premium OMG, did Mika just did something with a choreography?
  17. I can live with that, as long as I can see Mika So after commercials Mika's going to perform? Or I got that wrong since I can't understand French a bit?
  18. http://www.uplaytv.com/direct-streaming-tf1.php This one works fine for me Don't know who posted it firstly, sorry And it has to work fine for others too, because I can see that around 2500 people are watching there
  19. I am dancing on my seat now I wonder what Bieber's fans have to say now
  20. I haven't refreshed it once, it works fine to me I guess I will concentrate on watching the awards
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