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Everything posted by Milda

  1. I've heard a sample yesterday, but was too lazy to look for the whole song. A big thanks for finding it! I actually love it Even if he would have said that, it still wouldn't be reliable source
  2. He tried to impress Lithuanian people
  3. Tyson Ritter from AAR is the same height But... I think I've read somewhere that AAR already finished their album This is a little off topic, but I have a favor to ask and don't know where else to do so. Do we have people in here, who can edit semi-protected pages on Wikipedia? Because I've read so many tweets/blogs/news about how Mika said he is going to release new album in March and I am sure their source is nothing else, but Wikipedia. And it's really bugging me If someone is able to delete that sentence from Wiki, I would be very grateful. I just can't stand disinformation and how fast it's spreading
  4. It's a good thing Mika gets them for free
  5. From this site: http://www.spotandweb.it/news/12174/la-pop-star-mika-nuovo-testimonial-per-gli-occhiali-lozza.html
  6. Thank you! Could someone translate it? We can see his eyes here
  7. Dues it mean he's going to wear sunglasses at the gigs? I only can tolerate something like these.. ..or these while he's on stage
  8. Sounds interesting But I hope it won't be Lozza-Mika sunglasses in the MikaShop
  9. And I will join you in a few weeks :aah:

  10. That's exactly what I think too, but it looks impossible.. :aah: If I will fail, I will blame it all on Mika :shun: you should do the same :mf_rosetinted:

  11. Really? Why? I'm the most boring person in the world :aah:

    I hate my studies, so I can't tell I'm doing too well :aah: and I spend too much time on MFC, but I can't help it :naughty:

    How is your life going, blondie? :pinkbow::naughty:

  12. You miss me or cremefine? :mf_rosetinted:

  13. There is a video, actually [YOUTUBE]QbMZyjZ2W08[/YOUTUBE]
  14. I got a job! Thank you so much! Oh yes! His jacket was kind of blue-ish (is there a word like that? ) there, so I'm sure the blue ones would fit him better
  15. Ir kaip man dabar pasiteisinti, kur dingau.. Matyt kitas temas per daug užsiskaičiau, nes kažkaip nepastebėjau, kad mūsų, lietuvaičių, temoj kažkas naujo įvyko. Keista, kaip dabar nepražiopsojau Kas dėl dainos, tai man ji kol kas lyderė tarp jau girdėtų Ji tokia... ahh, net nežinau kaip apibūdinti Labas! Jei kas neaišku, gali klausti Ir ne tik manęs, čia labai draugiškas forumas Be to MFC garsėja savo noru padėti naujokams, kad galėtų juos greičiau užverbuoti
  16. Sveika atvykus į MFC :biggrin2:

  17. February 18, next year P.S I checked what that site wrote about some other artists and I noticed there are a lot of questionable release dates. So now I'm pretty sure they know nothing and made up TOOL's release date A question is why they're doing this? Do they want to kill some fans (not only Mika's)?
  18. I wrote them too! And got the answer But we already knew that... "Hello Milda, For the moment the release date is not official!. Regards!" I also asked where they got that info from, but they decided to ignore that question
  19. I have a brilliant idea! Maybe they don't know the release date and this was just their interpretation of "top of the year" If that's the case, they're not the only ones who thinks similar : And two days before my birthday
  20. I hope so too Oh my, I must go to sleep now, but I guess I will think about that answer all night long It's unbearable
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