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Everything posted by Milda

  1. :roftl: That was scary! :roftl: And this pic clearly belongs to wonkaland EDIT: But I believe he (or she?) is a good kitty, s/he just wasn't in a good mood that day Not like mine
  2. What's your address? No, really, she's more than evil Just look at her, even in this pic she's like saying "get the f**k out of my face :sneaky2:"
  3. She looks a lot like my evil cat Watch out, Wonkita, she can be dangerous
  4. Not mine She is an evil And she was like that ever since we got her
  5. If this story is true, then WOW! I never thought we could ever get any real info about such an early Mika's career Do you remember any words of that song you wrote with him? Oh, and if it's not true, it still was very interesting to read
  6. Ask Wonka, she knows the truth that Mika has no butt It's not an excuse He was an adult back then, when he wore those trousers
  7. Yes, please especially those green tight jeans Shame Mika is not wearing them anymore
  8. Yeah, I thought it was clear he has no butt
  9. Big Girl video is one of my favorites And it's the only video that I like more than the song itself Anyway, it's a good thing there's only one Mika's video, and only at 27th place
  10. I just read Ask The Mod thread Poor you No really, what can I say, I always knew MFC has some entertaining threads, but I never thought Ask The Mod thread could be one of them it was too funny to read :roftl:
  11. Of course Here is one of the examples how Mika's real curls looks like...
  12. I didn't knew MFC had so many believers in Mika's fake curls And look at the pic once more, he's getting ready for the makeup too I think we should close threads about curls and skin pores, their beauty is fake
  13. You mean this one? Poor Mika, because of this pic, everyone knows his dark secret
  14. I know, that's why I said it's my theory and not how it is for real. I have no idea how Mika's brains works when he writes songs I know I said he will end recording in May, because after Christmas he will need 5 more months to finish it (not really, just mathematically). That's why I said May, not beacuse of the article
  15. And the worst part is that there will be no such thing as 2013 Don't worry, as I said, don't take this too seriously, it's just my theory
  16. I can tell you why I think it's too early actually few days ago I was thinking about this album and that's how I see it.. If I remember corectly, he said somewhere that he had nothing until last February. Between February and Christmas there is 11 months. He said that around Christmas he will finish about 70% of the new album, which means he will need about 5 more months to finish this album. So that would be about May. But.... If we will look at the date, when Mika finished recording TBWKTM (which I believe was in April) and the date when it was released (September), there is another 5 months. So that means we will have new album in October That's why I think February is too early Ok, don't take this too seriously, it's just my theory
  17. I really doubt it's February. It looks imposible to release an album so early April was ok for me (not because of my birthday ) but now it's May, so what's tomorrow? June? July? Maybe I should be happy if he releases it before world ends
  18. Don't know if this was posted or not? I thought there was nothing new, until the line "Dans un premier temps programmé pour une parution au mois de février, il ne devrait pas pointer avant le mois de mai." Please, don't say it means no album until MAY!!!??? :aah: at least that's what Google translator said and I hope it's wrong!!! :aah: http://www.chartsinfrance.net/MIKA/news-76765.html
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