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Everything posted by Milda

  1. Hi! I'm looking for picture, where Mika is wearing this jacket anyone have it?
  2. I wasn't sent here, just wanted to say that Mika really needs to change that title. Too many MFCers are sent here because of this
  3. I'm not gonna say anything Just one thing... Go to the Naughty Corner, Miss QueenElisaII
  4. I think TOOL is enough for now MHP would be too much to handle
  5. I was asking are we gonna name it like that But it was obvious we will, since every song and album are like that in MFC Strange how Mika is not called MHP
  6. Not gonna say that you are genius since you already know that But OMG!! :floor: :roftl:
  7. I guess my favorite singles will be "Thank you Magic Mondays for My Gold Credit Card" and "No Tweet No Vlog No Glory"
  8. No, it's not that, Mika already explained that he was so sweaty because of sparkle-tastic Swarovski encrusted shirt
  9. I don't think it was posted, thank you And OMG! That excuse is priceless :roftl:
  10. Since this thread wasn't exactly a report thread () I may have missed something Is that sentence for real () or you made up it?
  11. Only 25 minutes? but he looks so sweaty and tired in video and he's not jumping too much... Is Mika getting old?
  12. It's never gonna be too much Mika
  13. Yes, there is Here you are I love this interview [YOUTUBE]G_NhrdtRzdY[/YOUTUBE]
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